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Tempest (PvP)


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Tempest was inferior design in every way, completely against core ele mechanics - staying in one attunement. Weak overloads that could be interrupted by sneeze (so yea no elite spec mechanics in every 1v1 or in teamfight against people with eyes), super duper dependant on healing power to work at all ( everything that doesn't heal sucks on tempest - traits, skills, warhorn ect.) so whatever you like it or not you need to run magi, mender, sage to play it....so no no dmg ever ever at all.


Even return of cele couldn't save it - everything that made cele work on tempest was nerfed - obsidian flesh, protection uptime, diamond skin ect. On other hand everything that tempest do is instantly corrupted, removed or ignored.


So in short: after devs constant nerfs and neglecting tempest is complety dead. Literality devs buried expansion class.


So about your question : my answer is no as making tempest viable it would mean deleting every other class in pvp - it's just so bad.


Good job Karl by the way.

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> @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > Tempest was inferior design in every way, completely against core ele mechanics - staying in one attunement. Weak overloads that could be interrupted by sneeze (so yea no elite spec mechanics in every 1v1 or in teamfight against people with eyes), super duper dependant on healing power to work at all ( everything that doesn't heal sucks on tempest - traits, skills, warhorn ect.) so whatever you like it or not you need to run magi, mender, sage to play it....so no no dmg ever ever at all.

> >

> > Even return of cele couldn't save it - everything that made cele work on tempest was nerfed - obsidian flesh, protection uptime, diamond skin ect. On other hand everything that tempest do is instantly corrupted, removed or ignored.

> >

> > So in short: after devs constant nerfs and neglecting tempest is complety dead. Literality devs buried expansion class.

> >

> > So about your question : my answer is no as making tempest viable it would mean deleting every other class in pvp - it's just so bad.

> >

> > Good job Karl by the way.


> you know, it´s for comments like this that I feel that aNET ignores all complains about classes.


> You sound exactly like the ones that used to complain about Tempest during it´s golden age back in the mid-HoT era, finding flaws just because they didn´t like the support role.


> I may be wrong though, maybe you actually don´t hate such role and truly understand tempest´s flaws, but you just give that impression on your comment.


> Even though I actually agree on some of your points, complaining about tempest´s damage (pvp) it´s like complaining about an AC for not having a heater. Despite ironically being the best DPS in instanced pve content during the HoT era, **Tempest wasn´t conceived as a DD**, sadly it seems people still fails to understand that.



> Tempest healing was (and still is) more than ok, (once you exclude the monster that firebrand has become that is...) can easily stack swiftness, regen, protection, even might (yep i know might in spvp... meh hello mr necro!) ,auras can arguably be considered the perfect buffs, especially shocking and earth, it´s sustain, AoE cleanse, soft and hard CCs are more than decent, has access to lots of blast finishers, almost acceptable mobility in the form of dagger off-hand and can apply pressure even while using a bunker build.


> **For me**, the problem with tempest doesn´t lie on it´s design, it´s the lack of immunities (ooh diamond skin...) and it´s easily interruptible overloads as you clearly stated.


> That on top of being the class with the lowest health pool in the game without the defensive toolset that even core guardian has access to, having to go from the mid-line to the middle of the zerg for overloads to be truly effective without that kind of defensive tools, makes it an easy prey not only for any form of competent hard focus, but even condi bombing and the sacrifice you must make if you want to have any decent form of mobility is actually pretty huge.


> Personally I feel that most of the hate Tempest has earned over the years has it´s roots on the mythic golden age of the D/D elementalist, being the ¨successor¨ of such legendary build, it´s easy to be disappointed.


> * Make overloads ininterruptible,

> * Give tempest CC immunity, 4s of Resistance, 2s of Retaliation and a 5k barrier while overloading,

> * Stun-break not only on overloads, but on element change (only when attuning to water or earth),

> * Give it access to dagger off-hand mobility without sacrificing WH healing or F CCs (2s of superspeed while overloading any element would make the deal)



> And we got a support that can compete with current meta-bunkers (but firebrand) of course they would have to increase element attunement´s CD after overloading for at least 3s and nerf fresh air (after an overload) for that to work in a balanced way.





I want to make something more precise - 99% of my critic is made from perspective of 99% pvp'er.I am not wvw player. I like tempest in pve and when I do stuff I do it d/w FA build. But in pvp tempest is different story:


It was made ONLY 5 man premade during hot era. It had small niche in duo-ques with necro and rev (both had strong synergies with tempest and needed condi clear). But that's all. Only those classes need support cause almost anything else could easy 1v2, +1 of tempest could mess up only any carry attempts.


Playing tempest in solo-q is was like this: spam some heals (let's face it tempest mechanics are easy and boring) and hope that other players will carry. What is carry currently in ranked? Contesting 1v2, killing stuff, fast rotations...non of this could do tempest. So actually other people where playing the game, you just gamble who you would heal, who not...casue you can do NOTHING yourself to contribute. This is the stuff that even makes bunker firebrands complain.


And during that mystical ,,golden d/d era" I played marauder staff and other variations and I complained during that times on overreliance on water, earth traits and shallow build diversity.





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Tempest is in a sad state in all game modes,

- Firebrand and Ventari Rev support far better in PvP

- Literally ANYTHING out dps it in pve raids, qT and SC don't even bother putting it in benchmarks anymore.

- Druid Heals far better than it in raids, and gives far better buffs.

- In WvW a squad would only need 1 or 2 tempests at most for the good water fields that core staff ele places; and may as well take tempest so you can heal for more. But if you use water overload and swap out then say bye to your waters.


IMO the overloads should not have ever been nerfed. Air overload was nerfed for IDK what reason so many times; it's an obvious and easy to interrupt skill in PvP/WvW. It's DPS was good/satisfactory in PvE now turned to garbage.


The Traits are a lackluster for anything other than pure support. Stunbreak auto-proc trait was nerfed, but hey don't nerf more OP traits on other classes like auto-endure pain, balanced stance, Elixer S, etc. Might from shouts is completely useless and in the wrong spot, remove movement impairing condis on overload doesn't even work (tested it in bitterfrost, only removes up to 10 seconds of chill lol), they should make it give the user resistance on overloading now that would be nice, but hey anet won't ever think of that.


The spec was once upon a time enjoyable and balanced, but then they nerfed it over and over and over and over and over and over, and then as PoF released they kicked it into the ground and burried it. Can not tell if it was balanced for PvP, or for PvE raids, but they destroyed it in both anyway.

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