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Fractal AR infusion.

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I feel like infusion are gold sink.

Not everyday, I want to play same toon.

I barely made it where I can have 2 set of profession with 150 ar.

Some days, I just want to play whatever profession instead of meta build.

But, because of AR, I am tied to play with only 2 toons.

I really like to see a net change regular AR is consumable account bound instead of infusion to armor.


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The Developers agree that the point of character-bound AR has probably passed. However, they don't have a good way to change it now to account bound gating, without a massive overhaul of rewards, the AR mechanic, and dealing with the economic fallout of making AR worthless. (I paraphrase the comments, of course.)


There's just too much existing overhead to make it a simple change.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The Developers agree that the point of character-bound AR has probably passed. However, they don't have a good way to change it now to account bound gating, without a massive overhaul of rewards, the AR mechanic, and dealing with the economic fallout of making AR worthless. (I paraphrase the comments, of course.)


> There's just too much existing overhead to make it a simple change.


One possible solution would be only allow Accountbound AR be accessible on Characters wearing Ascended Gear, with AR Amount directly proportionate to what Ascended items are equipped and how many Infusion slots.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The Developers agree that the point of character-bound AR has probably passed. However, they don't have a good way to change it now to account bound gating, without a massive overhaul of rewards, the AR mechanic, and dealing with the economic fallout of making AR worthless. (I paraphrase the comments, of course.)

> >

> > There's just too much existing overhead to make it a simple change.


> One possible solution would be only allow Accountbound AR be accessible on Characters wearing Ascended Gear, with AR Amount directly proportionate to what Ascended items are equipped and how many Infusion slots.


Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to address the economic issues of having enough sinks for AR+1.


Suppose they change the cost so that account-wide AR150 costs the same as outfitting 10 toons today with AR150 each (using AR+7 & AR+9, although obviously there are other ways). Then reaching AR150 becomes a burden for newer players. Suppose they make it more like outfitting 3 toons, then frequent fractalers suddenly find themselves with tons of excess AR+1, which has suddenly become worthless (because the supply increased overnight).


An alternative would be to introduce a huge sink for relics, pristines, and AR+1 to offer some account-wide AR, which is what they've done. I quibble with the details, e.g. they could have done 8 levels of [Agony Impedence](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account_Augmentation#Agony_Impedance), with lesser levels of relic sinks and greater levels of AR+1 sinks, but I suspect they wanted Mist Attunement to feel like the best option and aren't ready to offer AR150 account wide.


It's a good step that they have introduced some account-wide AR, even if it's only available for fractal frequenters.


tl;dr the point is that they can't swap easily to an account-wide AR150 system. They have demonstrated they are open to the possibility though and they are looking for mechanics that balance everything, including economic factors and rewards.

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But .. it's not expansive to boost each toon up to 150ar.. just the effort really. Some players just don't bother so that creates a boundary for other exp players to take them into t4 ..

I wanted to take people in to t4 to show them that t4 is worth doing atm.. but bcos of ar req ..I can not take them simply bcos they will not able to enjoy it without having properly equip with enough ar. Not sure how to eliminate this barrier .. I'm too lazy to run low level fractal bcos it isn't rewarding enough maybe


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> @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > @"thesilverdragoon.3078" said:

> > I feel like an account-bound AR would be cool. I have 13 alts and I don't like being limited to only one character.


> you can get account AR now through the new Deroir vendor rewards


You can get 40AR from these account wide attunements, 20 are rather cheap/obtainable, speaking as someone who regularly does dailies and has nothing else to spend the relics on mind you. The other 20AR, the ones that come with a title are, let's put it like this, a "far end goal" I'll get in a year maybe two if I keep playing fractals regularly.

You can get an additional 15 or so from potions and the mastery I guess.

Let's assume you played so many fractals on your one or two toons that you can afford the full 40AR from attunements, add the 15 from other accountwide sources. Tada! you can now play all the fractals between Lvls1 and 47 on all your accounts.

In short: the attunements, masteries and potions won't solve OPs problem ;)

If OP doesn't mind the grind, he/she could slot higher infusions into maybe a Berserkers, a Magis and/or a Vipers set of trinkets and move those around between alts...

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > > @"thesilverdragoon.3078" said:

> > > I feel like an account-bound AR would be cool. I have 13 alts and I don't like being limited to only one character.

> >

> > you can get account AR now through the new Deroir vendor rewards


> You can get 40AR from these account wide attunements, 20 are rather cheap/obtainable, speaking as someone who regularly does dailies and has nothing else to spend the relics on mind you. The other 20AR, the ones that come with a title are, let's put it like this, a "far end goal" I'll get in a year maybe two if I keep playing fractals regularly.

> You can get an additional 15 or so from potions and the mastery I guess.

> Let's assume you played so many fractals on your one or two toons that you can afford the full 40AR from attunements, add the 15 from other accountwide sources. Tada! you can now play all the fractals between Lvls1 and 47 on all your accounts.

> In short: the attunements, masteries and potions won't solve OPs problem ;)

> If OP doesn't mind the grind, he/she could slot higher infusions into maybe a Berserkers, a Magis and/or a Vipers set of trinkets and move those around between alts...


I have to disagree.


Nothing about the new account wide AR is cheap. The entire fractal relic sink is intentionally designed to drain fractal and pristine relics for people who are vastly overstocked.


If you have the resources to upgrade your account with the new account wide AR, I doubt you are in any way gold or AR infusions short of just equipping multiple extra characters. Unless you've spent hundreds of hours doing fractals and spent ALL the gold and loot (and ascended gear drops) you made.


The 55 total AR possible mean you can theoretically skip the entire ascended armor, which is already a huge step towards saving money. The question if this is feasible though and realistically attainable (for someone struggling with AR infusions and spare gear) is a different one.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> But .. it's not expansive to boost each toon up to 150ar.. just the effort really.


That depends. The minimum you can get away with is 15+9's for 135 AR and use the tear of alba for the extra 15. That is 120g if you buy the 15+9's. I mean I can make that gold in a day but 120g is a lot of gold for some people and that starts to add up if you are trying to get AR for several characters.


I honestly do not think it is that bad because I usually get enough +1's and gold from t4's/CM to make 2-3 +9's a day.



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6 slots for armor, 2 slots on weapon, 6 slots for rings (must upgrade ring for 6 slots because it is very very cheap and easy to do so), 2 slots for backpiece (or 1 slot only if it is not upgraded), 2 slots for accessories = 6+2+6+2+2or1 =18 or 17 agony infusion slots.


In Summary - say if you buy all the infusions from TP


6 x 9AR = 54AR (armor slots)

6 x 9AR = 54AR (rings slots)

2 x (8AR into 2 7AR) = 14AR (on weapon so u can use cheaper AR for different weapons)

2 x 9AR = 18AR (Accessories slots)

1x 10AR =10AR (backpiece slot or lower if your backpiece has two infusion slots)





1 of 8AR (turn into two 7), 14 of 9AR & 1 of 10 AR = approx. 135g in total of 150AR buy directly from TP.

don't forget if you are doing fractal daily.. you can purchase +9 AR from INFUZ-5959 for 3+gold instead of 8.14gold directly from TP.

it is a pain to get AR but at the end of the day it is worth it and you get around 6-10g liquid gold everyday from T4 .. fractal is a stepping stone so, by the time you get to t4 level, you have enough +1 agony to convert to +9AR from INFUZ-5959.. or if you have gold, 135g for full set isn't too expensive?? :p

There maybe better combination XD but this is what i would do..


NOTE: if you do t4 daily, you make this gold back in 1 or 2 weeks, depending on your rng loot.


**BTW not to hijack OP post ... i agree that if AR become account bound and free to all toons :p (who wouldn't disagree lol)**

btw.. if.... if....... dev really going to make it account bound.. pls pls... tell me first... so i will sell all my infusion for all my alt before the changes come.... arigatou gozaimasu!!!

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You are not meant to go into Fractals fully loaded when only starting out. This applies to alts as much as to new accounts. All though, they have already made multiple changes in favor of player accessability. Not sure if anyone still remembers the RNG nightmare that collecting ascended rings used to be years ago.

That said, If this (account AR) is what the playerbase wants, why not? Only hope they wouldn't forget those who already gathered multiple sets of +9/+5 infusions for the very reason of wanting to play multiple builds or even characters.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> You are not meant to go into Fractals fully loaded when only starting out. This applies to alts as much as to new accounts. All though, they have already made multiple changes in favor of player accessability. Not sure if anyone still remembers the RNG nightmare that collecting ascended rings used to be years ago.

> That said, If this (account AR) is what the playerbase wants, why not? Only hope they wouldn't forget those who already gathered multiple sets of +9/+5 infusions for the very reason of wanting to play multiple builds or even characters.


Dont forget that fractal levels was character bound before aswell now its account bound ^_^

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I'm drowning in thousands and thousands of +1 infusions from doing T4 Fracts for a year... But yeah, I see the point, you are confined to 1 set of gear. (Unless you have a legendary armour...)


The only reason I think there is no account bound AR (other than the new vendor) is that would crash the price of infusions on the TP. (I mean I made some gold when the price spiked when Twilight oasis came out)

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> Was fractal lvl char bound before? .. omg I don't remember that! ... Lol lots of changes since xD


Yes it was until the first revamp where the system was changed so fractals had a total of 50 levels and mistlock instabilities started at level 30. With that revamp they reworked the entire fractal level system and also how you progress. You did not have to have the exact fractal level to progress further but could simply do a higher level fractal. That's also when they reworked the daily system to unique fractals and not a set of 3 random ones plus boss fractal (or was this later, man it has been long).


Yes, fractals have come a long way.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> Was fractal lvl char bound before? .. omg I don't remember that! ... Lol lots of changes since xD

Yes. Not only that, originally the group was restricted to access only the fractal levels that _every_ group member could enter.


Back to the account-bound AR:

To preserve the value of infusions, the best way would be to "exchange" one for the other. So, leave the current system as it is, but create also an account-wide AR buff whose consecutive levels are bought with more and more of +ar infusions (in a way similar to luck and account-wide MF boost). Most people would then start with the old system, and, with time, "graduate" to the account-wide one.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> To preserve the value of infusions, the best way would be to "exchange" one for the other. So, leave the current system as it is, but create also an account-wide AR buff whose consecutive levels are bought with more and more of +ar infusions (in a way similar to luck and account-wide MF boost). Most people would then start with the old system, and, with time, "graduate" to the account-wide one.


Isn't that what we have now, but with a limit to 45 AR account wide?

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Since the release of fractals and the way AR was introduced I have been shaking my head at this bad game design that was clearly foreseeable especially from the game designs coming from GW1. Personally they should have separated AR from +5 bonus. Then made two slots in gears one for +5 and other for AR. AR in general is not the problem its not overly expensive to get. Its when adding in the +5's that make it burdensome.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > Was fractal lvl char bound before? .. omg I don't remember that! ... Lol lots of changes since xD

> Yes. Not only that, originally the group was restricted to access only the fractal levels that _every_ group member could enter.





Oh yeah I remember that lol

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> Yes.. I think this will be the best update to fractal -- acc bound AR

> Instead of binding it to item... like a permenant acc infusion eg magic find etc.


> Pros - more ppl will try to get it even they aren't fractal nerd.


> Con - not sure if it will help to get them started on fractal.


Con: Get less gold from selling all your Agony Drops. (Exponentially less over time too.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > To preserve the value of infusions, the best way would be to "exchange" one for the other. So, leave the current system as it is, but create also an account-wide AR buff whose consecutive levels are bought with more and more of +ar infusions (in a way similar to luck and account-wide MF boost). Most people would then start with the old system, and, with time, "graduate" to the account-wide one.


> Isn't that what we have now, but with a limit to 45 AR account wide?

Not exactly. The current implementation has some notable differences to what i was thinking about:

1. It has a relatively low limit

2. it requires a ton of other sinks, besides AR

3. it's pricing is intentionally set at unreasonable levels (you're expected to go for it to have something to aim for, it's not supposed to be a reasonable source of AR at all, and devs straight out said they don't expect many players (if any) to ever get all of those upgrades).



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