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Fractal AR infusion.

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Any change would drastically change the gold return of doing Fractals, which would probably take away a lot of incentive for people to do their dailies there. And having less population to go around, specially out of prime time, is never a good thing (see US raid LFG). It's expensive I give you that, but gearing a new character in ascended is always expensive to begin with (I made it a point to only make chars when I managed to drop a whole set of asc armor to mystic forge stats I want, got like 5 chars now without crafting anything other than my very first set, and buying sets of trinkets from Laurels and now LS3).


Presumably, if you are playing fractals so much that you are bored with playing your one main, you probably already have dropped enough stuff to warrant gearing up another char without buying much. Not to say Anet shouldn't slowly make the transition, but Fractals are that much more worth to do precisely because of the small agony treadmill.

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