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need help help with new pvp project


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let's call this Operation soulbeast lol. i only have the specializations picked out . i was hoping this could be some fun theorycrafting for us. since soulbeast doesn't have many builds yet. it looks like it could be a highly defensive point holder with what i picked out. however the rest i have no clue what to add. i am thinking someone that plays bunker druid might be best to help put the rest of the pieces together. depending on what we all come up with i am hoping this could be an alternative to a bunker druid. i will be testing things i come up with haswell. can't wait to see what you guys come up with. here it is so far http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQBYhTwaGW9tAQeqt1ebdCcDgDHA .

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> Why would you make an alternative that is going to turn out less effective than Druid in bunkering anyway? Soulbeast is better at other things than Druid.


i hardly ever interact with other rangers i thought this would be fun for all of us to do. it's not like the specializations i picked out are set in stone

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Ok, I will play along.

Good chance that the suggested build will suck.

The main goal of this build is to create Hybrid damage on point with support capabilities. Mostly useful in team fights.

Healing power is very good for soulbeast with "supportive" pet, its even better compared to the druid healing bonuses(cus it's working on yourself as well). with regen+protection+natural healing while in supportive, You will get over 1000 passive healing each sec.

Only thing I'm not sure about is rather A.net already fixed EB while in beastmode.



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i'd probably run something like this


although i don't think bunkers work anymore without a ton of passive defenses in spvp, the spike damage is just too high. a deadeye can down you before your lesser SoS can activate. it would need to activate at 75% instead of 50 and it's in an offensive traitline instead of a defensive one so it's rarely taken anyway.

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Sorry for no build link.


A sentiment mentioned by Frosty and that I agree with is that Core Ranger on it's own brings enough self sustain to the table now, between using the WS/NM lines with Troll Unguent, Rugged Growth, and Windborne Notes.


The reason why Druid is taken on top of this is because it adds more sources of the same function to that toolkit while simultaneously allowing it to perform with that toolkit as a support role while also maintaining its ability to duel.


So, following the same logic, we're looking to take what a core Ranger toolkit can use to in the metagame and then add functionality on top of it to make it compete with the metagame.


With Soulbeast, right out the gate I'd want to suggest a boon build. With Moa Stance and Stance Sharing and the potential with the trait and utility synergy, it wouldn't be weak by any means. But in the current climate where boon corruption is on every attack and having boons can get you melted by Scourges, it's probably better to not run this sort of setup in the metagame.


You'd probably want to go Leadership Runes + Entangle for a second strong condi clear on top of traited, WS empowered Troll Unguent. You're still pretty limited in pet choices, even with Soulbeast, so you're still looking at a Smokescale/Jacaranda/Rock Gazelle permutation.


You'll probably still want condi clears beyond Troll and Entangle, which means either more survival skills or Signet of Renewal.


You'll also probably want Dolyak Stance. It's the main reason to run Soulbeast right now. Whether or not to trait it or run Oppressive Superiority? Probably the damage option, unless you plan on spending a lot of time on point, in which case an extended Dolyak Stance would be helpful for kiting.


With the assumption being that the weaponsets are LB and Sw/Wh, while ferocity does add damage, it probably has less overall impact on every skill barring Worldly Impact, so you can probably get away with running Avatar Amulet to boost the staying potential you get from traited Warhorn and Rugged Growth.


Traits for Soulbeast? Probably 313.


You're probably going to want to stack damage modifiers.


Putting it altogether:

WS: 122

NM: 132

SB: 313

Sw/Wh: Energy/Cleansing

LB: Separation/Exploitation

Avatar Amulet

Leadership Runes





Troll Unguent

Dolyak Stance

Lightning Reflexes/Quickening Zephyr/Signet of Renewal

Signet of Stone



At the end of the day all this at a glance probably adds up to a generic looking build, but I'd wager it or something similar would be an effective build.


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I put here my super-fun FULL MELEE SOULBEAST build: Probably more difficult to play than a thief, but extremely rewarding if played right.

I use it only in unranked games, and just for fun, so don't expect something viable at higher levels.

Here is the link: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAR8YnEqAtsglsA2CCctglJB7JIUr2cNBgGwEIf3+bTulI95A-jpBHABDcQAE/CAodZAAeAANfEAMf/BA


You have a lot of cc's: Hilt Bash, Takedown, 3 taunts (F2 pet ability and soulbeast F3 have separate cooldowns, which means you can taunt your enemy with F2, then go into beastmode and taunt again with F3 - YOU WILL NOT GET 2 TAUNTS if you use your F3 first), pet's cc's, rune of Surging #6 bonus. If you want to win with this build, try to chain cc's your enemies till death.


You have plenty of evades with this build, but you are squishy and the sustain is pretty low, so your survivability is mainly based on your reflexes.

You can go with Paladin amulet if you feel too squishy, but Marauder is the best choice. You can drop 1 of your utilities for SoS/Dolyak stance/Moa stance/Sick'em.



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