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Harrier stats viable in high level fractals?


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Few weeks ago me and some guildies/friends decided to give raids a go again and we all picked a role/class. Mine happened to be a healdrood and i actually love it, gone for full harrier stats. However i would like to bring this toon to fractals aswell to heal but i dont even have the slightest clue if this would be a good thing to try or not. Anyone around to confirm this for me so i won't have to "waste" golds to see?

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Versatility is the name of the game as far as picking your starting set is concerned. Great burst healing, good overall healing, max might, regen, protection, vigor, fury, lots of CC or other utility through pets, Glyth of Empowerment and some personal burst if needed (even if not too impressive). There are no wasted stats unlike with Magi or Minstrel. Toughness and vitality only affect yourself while concentration and healing benefit your entire party if done right.

The only case you can make against Harrier is that cDruid has higher personal DPS. Which is true but also far less relevant in Fractals as it might seem at first glance.

The need to have burst over sustained DPS, the design direction towards more healing intensive fights in the new map additions, balance changes such as the distort change, the matter of party scholar uptime, the fact that you have to sacrafice more and more of that personal DPS to have access to most of the versatility I mentioned makes Harrier the far better choice in most cases.


**Or to make it short: You can not go wrong with Harrier gear as far as druid is concerned.**

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Harrier gear is a very good introductory set for raiding and fractals. Once you get better at burst healing, cc and maintaining good boon uptime, it would be much better to use condi druid. Remember that the loss in might uptime from losing a second druid in a raid is substituted by the tonnes of free concentration given to you by the mist mobility potion.

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