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Commander Functions in Raids

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I think a great QoL for raiding would be to add access to commander tag functions( placing markers , moving players to sub squads) for the raid instance. I tend to pug after my statics during the week on my alts and can't reliably start up a group without one. No way I am going to pay 300g for my alts and new players to raids might not even have that kinda of gold. The raid pug scene is dying from what I've noticed and this would help newer raiders and exp alts make groups.

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> @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> Pointless if you ask me.

> What use does it have for new players who don’t know the fights well enough to command them? Why would adding markers make more people raid?


Markers help a lot, in every kind of scenario you can imagine. People don't need to "know the fight well enough" in order to follow a marker through the mini map at certain times. With that said, I do agree with you on the suspicion that it's not gonna increase population all that much. If Anet knew a surefire way to increase population I think they'd have done so by now, given finding 10 people is somewhat of a problem (one of the only actual problems) with raids.

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Raid pug is dying.

Nobody wants to teach nobody except vg or escort. Even that, you rarely see.

Old raiders moved out while we don't have new raiders replacing them.

This is a problem that needs to be solved otherwise we won't have anyone to Raid with except few easy bosses.

Now, I am saying this for raids good health. Definitely, not trying to be against raid.

If you like raiding, take couple of hours to teach new commerce.

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> @"Kal Bhairav.6589" said:

> Raid pug is dying.

> Nobody wants to teach nobody except vg or escort. Even that, you rarely see.

> Old raiders moved out while we don't have new raiders replacing them.

> This is a problem that needs to be solved otherwise we won't have anyone to Raid with except few easy bosses.

> Now, I am saying this for raids good health. Definitely, not trying to be against raid.

> If you like raiding, take couple of hours to teach new commerce.


In the end this is partly about incentive. There is no incentive to play besides your first weekly clear, specially if you play with a static team on a set time. Experienced players can claim all they want that they only play for the challenge or because the encounters are fun, but how would raids actually do if they had no exclusive rewards whatsoever and only prestige titles? There are very good commanders around that do training but they eventually get tired (not their fault and well justified), and as you said no one is up for "replacement". There should be no need for experienced players to command however: in theory there would be plenty of incentives for exp players to repeat runs like they do with daily CM and also plenty of incentive to new players to push through and engage in content even if they cannot immediately complete the raid. How to give such incentive though, I have no idea. But if it's not given, it's more than expected that player numbers will slowly diminish (slowly! I'm not claiming there are no players in this exact moment, only that population doesn't seem to be increasing at any reasonable pace).

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> > Pointless if you ask me.

> > What use does it have for new players who don’t know the fights well enough to command them? Why would adding markers make more people raid?


> Markers help a lot, in every kind of scenario you can imagine. People don't need to "know the fight well enough" in order to follow a marker through the mini map at certain times. With that said, I do agree with you on the suspicion that it's not gonna increase population all that much. If Anet knew a surefire way to increase population I think they'd have done so by now, given finding 10 people is somewhat of a problem (one of the only actual problems) with raids.


Oh I’m well aware that markers are useful in raids, I’m just saying that there won’t be a sudden influx of players in the event it’s possible to place markers without a tag.


> @"Kal Bhairav.6589" said:

> Raid pug is dying.

> Nobody wants to teach nobody except vg or escort. Even that, you rarely see.

> Old raiders moved out while we don't have new raiders replacing them.

> This is a problem that needs to be solved otherwise we won't have anyone to Raid with except few easy bosses.

> Now, I am saying this for raids good health. Definitely, not trying to be against raid.

> If you like raiding, take couple of hours to teach new commerce.


There are large communities(usually on discord) dedicated to teaching all bosses, not to mention the multitude of guilds that do the same or are willing to take on someone new. Just because it’s organised instead of a random lfg doesn’t mean it’s dead or not happening :)


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Not sure weekly CM will do anything other than line the pockets of already skilled static groups. That isn't really the goal I'm just stating the obvious which is if anyone who pugs sees a group in LFG with "Need com tag" in the lfg we are way less likely to even bother joining the group if we don't have a tag. I know i don't because trying to get ppl to just move to correct sub groups without a tag is a needless headache. Idk if it would have a huge impact on pugs it would be just a good QoL that would just make raids more accessible.

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> @"Kal Bhairav.6589" said:

> Raid pug is dying.

> Nobody wants to teach nobody except vg or escort. Even that, you rarely see.

> Old raiders moved out while we don't have new raiders replacing them.

> This is a problem that needs to be solved otherwise we won't have anyone to Raid with except few easy bosses.

> Now, I am saying this for raids good health. Definitely, not trying to be against raid.

> If you like raiding, take couple of hours to teach new commerce.


I gave up on trying to teach people raiding, the amount of entitlement in training groups is insane. People join, get mad after 2 wipes, rage quit or start cursing. I'm sorry but you are here to learn the mechanics of the fight, not to get carried through kills. On top of that most of the people that join are incapable of learning, you can be 20-30 wipes in, and they will still be failing same basic mechanics., and then get mad that no progress is being made. Another amusing thing is, they bring random pieces of gear, and just hammer they keyboard at random.


More people would try to teach raids if people that want to learn them actually bothered to put in any effort. You either improve or accept the fact that raids are not for you, and don't do them. I pug raids weekly since my static group died, and let me tell you. People joining training runs are usually more toxic than pugs on my weekly clears.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"Kal Bhairav.6589" said:

> > Raid pug is dying.

> > Nobody wants to teach nobody except vg or escort. Even that, you rarely see.

> > Old raiders moved out while we don't have new raiders replacing them.

> > This is a problem that needs to be solved otherwise we won't have anyone to Raid with except few easy bosses.

> > Now, I am saying this for raids good health. Definitely, not trying to be against raid.

> > If you like raiding, take couple of hours to teach new commerce.


> I gave up on trying to teach people raiding, the amount of entitlement in training groups is insane. People join, get mad after 2 wipes, rage quit or start cursing. I'm sorry but you are here to learn the mechanics of the fight, not to get carried through kills. On top of that most of the people that join are incapable of learning, you can be 20-30 wipes in, and they will still be failing same basic mechanics., and then get mad that no progress is being made. Another amusing thing is, they bring random pieces of gear, and just hammer they keyboard at random.


> More people would try to teach raids if people that want to learn them actually bothered to put in any effort. You either improve or accept the fact that raids are not for you, and don't do them. I pug raids weekly since my static group died, and let me tell you. People joining training runs are usually more toxic than pugs on my weekly clears.


I started raiding some weeks ago and had fun doing it

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> @"Kal Bhairav.6589" said:

> Raid pug is dying.

> Nobody wants to teach nobody except vg or escort. Even that, you rarely see.

> Old raiders moved out while we don't have new raiders replacing them.

> This is a problem that needs to be solved otherwise we won't have anyone to Raid with except few easy bosses.

> Now, I am saying this for raids good health. Definitely, not trying to be against raid.

> If you like raiding, take couple of hours to teach new commerce.


You must play on EU, cuz I see raid trainings and pug groups going on every day on NA...


If you are specifically looking for training or PUGGers to play with and LFG is letting you down for whatever reason, you should join some of those massive LFG Raid Guilds... I'm in two, and there's always tons of people looking for more/groups in both of their chats. It's literally no effort at all to find people to pug a full clear with every week. :scream:

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I am in EU and was in NA for a week to get wing 4 CM done. I can say EU pug works slightly different to NA. with NA, you advertise in Raid LFG and you get picked up by semi static group and they are usually friendly. in EU, you fight your way to join LFM, you have limited time to spam your kp or li and you need to spam it fast before you get kicked, sometimes on rare occasion they will ask you to split your kp and spam ping it consecutively to prove that it is real.. :p when I was in NA, I joined a pug group ..immediately joining I spam ping my li, and the people were completely shocked asking me what was that about. I was like.... oh, I just did what i have to do normally? :P it is what they do in EU.

I feel raid population for pug are moving faster in EU than NA and it is growing too, theres more in LFM even during EU daytime and populated during night time. I feel that there are higher raid population in EU than in NA especially for pug.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> I am in EU and was in NA for a week to get wing 4 CM done. I can say EU pug works slightly different to NA. with NA, you advertise in Raid LFG and you get picked up by semi static group and they are usually friendly. in EU, you fight your way to join LFM, you have limited time to spam your kp or li and you need to spam it fast before you get kicked, sometimes on rare occasion they will ask you to split your kp and spam ping it consecutively to prove that it is real.. :p when I was in NA, I joined a pug group ..immediately joining I spam ping my li, and the people were completely shocked asking me what was that about. I was like.... oh, I just did what i have to do normally? :P it is what they do in EU.

> I feel raid population for pug are moving faster in EU than NA and it is growing too, theres more in LFM even during EU daytime and populated during night time. I feel that there are higher raid population in EU than in NA especially for pug.


This. Raiding population is very low on NA currently as far as pugs go, but a lot of guild groups and statics fill up during prime time. Outside of the weekly reset sweet spot and some of the night every day, it's dead as dead can be though. People seeing a lot of groups gathering are being heavily skewed by the fact that they are in one of the LFG guilds, but these are mostly the same dozen people which should be a red herring (in Fractals you will play with up to thousands of different players across weeks rather than a hundred at most like raids).


The thing here is not that there are no raiders either, but everyone has kind of self organized into using external tools or other means that Anet did not provide properly for organization such as discord groups and chat LFG inside guilds (for some reason...). So on top of having a low population (but not anywhere close to zero), people are more or less spread out among their statics, friend lists and guilds. Really hard to raid on NA "as is", even if you have trained a lot/know a fight, because by then you absolutely must have already found your social niche for raiding. I abhor that behavior due to the time commitment involved but on the other hand I don't know how not to do it like this unless Anet provides better organization tools or completely butcher the group aspect with a reiteration of LFR. At least there are more doable encounters to get weekly LIs without playing the waiting game in every new raid.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > I don't think 300g for a com tag is expensive

> > > But I agree that we shouldn't need a com tag to enter raid. xD

> >

> > You don't need a commander tag to enter any raid.


> I mean raid squad sorry. W/o raid squad you can't enter


You can enter without any commander in the group/squad.

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> @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > > I don't think 300g for a com tag is expensive

> > > > But I agree that we shouldn't need a com tag to enter raid. xD

> > >

> > > You don't need a commander tag to enter any raid.

> >

> > I mean raid squad sorry. W/o raid squad you can't enter


> You can enter without any commander in the group/squad.


As far as I know you can't without making a raid squad .. can you show how ?


And maxwelgm. Come to EU if you don't hv any significant attachment in NA :)


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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Lunarlife.5128" said:

> > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > > > I don't think 300g for a com tag is expensive

> > > > > But I agree that we shouldn't need a com tag to enter raid. xD

> > > >

> > > > You don't need a commander tag to enter any raid.

> > >

> > > I mean raid squad sorry. W/o raid squad you can't enter

> >

> > You can enter without any commander in the group/squad.


> As far as I know you can't without making a raid squad .. can you show how ?


> And maxwelgm. Come to EU if you don't hv any significant attachment in NA :)



You can create a raidsquad (10 people) with no tag, just check the Raid mode option on the panel that pops. You never needed a tag.

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