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Upcoming (but not really) Death Magic Changes


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Putrid Defense: This trait now inflicts your attackers with 1 stack of poison for 4 seconds while you are in Death Shroud, in addition to its previous functionality. The same attacker cannot be affected by this more than once every 10 seconds.


Soul Comprehension: This trait has been reworked: Gain life force equal to 10% of your maximum life force pool when you are downed. Gain life force equal to 15% of your maximum life force pool when you rally.


Reaper's Protection: This trait has been reworked: When stunned, dazed, knocked back, pulled, knocked down, sunk, floated, inflicted with fear, taunted, or launched, recharge Shroud. No effect while in Shroud.


Unholy Sanctuary: No longer regenerates health while in Shroud but a percentage of life force lost while in Shroud is converted to health. Percentage: 20%


Death Nova: No longer summons a jagged horror when you kill a foe. Instead, whenever an ally is defeated, summon an Unstable Horror, in addition to its previous poison field functionality. Unstable Horrors have a low health pool and will explode after 6 seconds if they are not killed, dealing damage in a 180 radius around them. This effect has a recharge of 7 seconds.


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> @Glott.7239 said:

> Sorry, but Death Nova one sounds even worse then it is now and how is that Unholy Sanctuary supposed to work with Scourge? just like a flat heal based on the lifeforce cost of you F5?


No, you'd gain health equal to all the life force you spent while desert shroud is active.

You can use all your shade skills once while desert shroud is active, this gives you 2432 health, as opposed to 910 health with the current Unholy Sanctuary (no healing power).


On shroud, you can get roughly 4290 health with the current Unholy Sanctuary (no healing power). With the above Unholy Sanctuary, if you have vitality as a major stat you will gain roughly 5516 health. If you have no vitality at all, you will gain roughly 2651 health. The benefit to all this is you take healing power out of the equation, on a specialization that has no other use for healing power at all.



There's a much higher chance to summon a horror when one of your minions die compared to when you kill an enemy, in PvP or WvW anyways, IMO.

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I want to see hundreds Death Magic posts. Let's see if we can make any difference and actually get DM overhaul!

I like your Putrid Defense, but why not pulse 4s Poison every 3s. /240 radius/ Pulse 3 times. That way it will be more consistent. There are to many condi removals.

Soul Comprehension: Your passive life-force generation from nearby deaths is increased by 20%. Gain 25% LF when you rally.

Reaper's Protection: Remains the same, but break stun to 5 allies. 40s cd. (On par with Gale Song!!!)

Unholy Sanctuary: Good idea, but also the activation cost should be lower.

Death Nova: About the unstable minions, haven't tested them. Do they survive to explode? How effective are they?

I'll add:

Shrouded Removal: Remove 2 conditions every 3sec.. Pulse 3 times.

Beyond the Veil: Whenever you leave shroud, you and your minions gain protection and Regeneration 5s or Retaliation 3s.

The 3 time pulse fits perfectly for Scourge. Activates exactly 3 times with Desert Shroud and doesn't make the other Shrouds to good.


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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> I've said it before and I will say it again. Any changes to Soul Comprehension need to help prevent you from going down in the first place, not give you a bit of help when you do.


> Is your suggestion _better_ than what we have now? Yes. It's still terrible, however.


Yeah, but personally I don't agree. I think its ok to have some flavor for a minor that's different to other classes. I'd take anything better than what we have now to be honest. And the times you do get to rally, it will rock (along with the other updated traits and all)

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