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Shattered Observatory - Invisible/Missing Characters

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I don't have much information for you but on the level 25 shattered observatory, Yokko was invisible throughout the fractal, and wasn't interactable for a long time before the final boss to skip Arkk's dialogue.

The second boss disappeared once during the ball bouncing phase and didn't return until we reset.

The final boss and all its adds were invisible for the entirety of the fight. They were visible to some of our party, but at least 2 of us never saw them.

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  • 1 month later...

It is not only Shattered Observatory but also Twilight Oasis. The final boss of the fractal would vanish or sometimes freeze in place. At those times, player models would also disappear if changed into a Moa and transform back. The Moa model will remain, standing in place while the player would be invisible. This would remain until the party either reset the game or exit the fractal and return.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

Bumping this thread because this still happens to me way too frequently on Shattered Observatory. It seems to happen once out of every three or four times I do the fractal. The first two bosses are usually okay, but Arkk is invisible during the entire fight and all of the mobs he spawns are also invisible.


If a teammate targets the mob, it will put the target icon in the place where the mob spawned but it won't move it around, so if the mob wanders away from its spawn point the targeting icon cannot be used to identify where the mob is. It's not so bad with Arkk because he stays in the same place and a lot of his attacks have visual cues outside of his model animations, but trying to damage the Archdiviner and breaking the Gladiator's defiance bar when he's about to do his AOE are difficult when you can't see them.

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