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New stat combinations


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Hi guys, just wanted to ask this question to the community to hear what you have to say and hopefully give something for the developers to work with and kind of just to post your ideas and put your wishlist out there too.


What new stat combos would you like to see come into the game with upcoming LW releases?

What would it be good for?

Why would it be good for it?

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I would personally love to see some Power/Ferocity Major gear. It would be really great to see this in game, I imagine some potential sets would look like:


M: Power

M: Ferocity

m: Precision

m: Concentration


I Believe this sort of stat combination would be particularly good for classes like Herald and Chronomancer and to a significant extent power reaper, all of who are lacking for a good DPS spec. These classes are very capable of easily overstacking precision with just berserker's stats. Since there is no such thing as a stat combination with only 3 stats and 2 major stats I believe that a 4 stat set would be most appropriate. The added concentration is also a very useful stat to both Herald and Chronomancer as they are both thematically very boon dependant, it is also very nice QoL on Reaper because it is very might dependant.


This might perhaps be an unnecessary buff to the meta Chronomancer build, but I believe that aside for a few outliers, most of the community would not be opposed to this.


Another stat combination I realized recently is this one:


M: Condi Damage

M: Healing Power

m: Expertise

m: Precision


I believe this stat set would be amazing for a number of classes including Condition Druid, Condition Scourge and Condition Renegade and Condition FB. The new specs introduced in PoF, especially Scourge, they benefit very little from power DPS stats. There are some condition builds that are not actually very hybrid, but they are mostly condition based. However, like the example of condition scourge, they also have a very good set of tools for group support which would benefit a lot from healing power and lose very little from power.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> Just for fun out in OW events, I would like a condition/healing set.

> M: condition

> M: healing

> m: expertise

> m: concentration

> Not sure if this actually exists atm, but I would love to mess around with it.


Oh you could have a might stacking scourge with that. There is something similar, it's called seraph which can be acquired in Lake Doric, if I can remember it has precision instead of expertise.

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Major power, minor toughness and ferocity: Would let DH (maybe power necro) tank since it has 60% bonus crit and 13% toughness to power scaling in radiance/zeal. Bonus retaliation damage. Crusader and cavalier come close but not optimal.


Major power, healing and minor precision, ferocity for better dps heal option than zealots.


I don't think either would break wvw balance since conditions are too strong and neither has vitality.




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  • 7 months later...

Variations on **Harrier** (such as a Condition Version) would be interesting to fully min-max support:


* M: Healing Power / Concentration

* m: Concentration / Healing Power

* m: Power / Condition Damage


And even more support focused **Minstrel** variants:


* M: Healing Power

* M: Concentration

* m: Toughness

* m: Vitality

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