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@"Pathfinder.8561" Greetings and Happy New Year! I settled on GW2 as a trial with a friend, and I’ve been here ever since. This was one of my first guilds as well and the people really helped me (and continue to do so now still). We’re always willing to help each other out. If you’re wanting join the guild, please contact the two people listed at the end. If you have any questions in general, you can whisper me. Username is the same.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Snugbear.9742" said:

> I tried to contact by ig mail and whispers both a player and one of the two contacts listed up. No one ever replied. If the first guild rule is "respect" then you need to check it better. Thanks for your time


I must apologize to you and all the others that have been in this situation. We underestimated the number of requests and weren't able to keep track of them through the in-game mail.

Therefore we have restructured our application process and made it easier for both sides. All you have to do now is to fill sign up here: https://letsgrabbigtoys.wordpress.com/

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  • 3 months later...

I would NOT recommend this one. They get very aggressive if you role-play as a kitten and the officers in this guild have a clique who only caters to themselves and gets extremely rude to people who don't fall in with their clique.

There are some nice people, but they are sadly a minority.


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