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Confusion and Torment Rework


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- First, split the function between PvE and PvP.

- Leave PvE in its current state.




- The damage component for not moving should be reduced 50% per stack.

- The damage while moving should remain the same.

- This adds counterplay, in the original spirit of torment.

- If you stop moving, even a big stack, actually does much reduced damage.

- If the enemy uses a movement skill, it should create one extra 'moving tick' of damage

- If the enemy has swiftness, increase damage 10%

- If the enemy is crippled, reduce damage 10%

- If the enemy has superspeed increase damage 20%

- Shadowstep skills don't count as moving if you are stationary when you cast them.




- remove the ticking damage per second.

- increase the damage from skill usage. (to pre-confustion-chage levels)

- reduce number of stacks across the board

- increase durations across the board.

- apply reduced damage 20% if the enemy uses a block or evade.

- apply increased damage 20% if the enemy uses an attack.

- does not apply damage on auto attacks.

- adds an extra, very small tick of damage per stack, per boon on the target. (something like 10 dmg base.)

- this way, it punishes the opponent for playing too aggressively.

- also, it has interaction with boons, making it quite scary against a boon-heavy target.

- it also rewards fast thinking and condi bombs, which seems to be the mesmer playstyle.





The confusion trait in thief becomes much more interesting.


The confusion on revenant becomes more significant.


The torment changes allow counterplay against scourge.

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Well, I had proposed the concept to help deal with the sheer burst power of builds that use the two condis.


Also, it wouldn't be a complete nerf. There are buffs hidden in there.



Though, I feel compelled to say, I was super-intoxicated when I wrote the OP.


A clear head disagrees with my earlier intoxicated self.

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> @"BrokenGlass.9356" said:

> Well, I had proposed the concept to help deal with the sheer burst power of builds that use the two condis.


> Also, it wouldn't be a complete nerf. There are buffs hidden in there.



> Though, I feel compelled to say, I was super-intoxicated when I wrote the OP.


> A clear head disagrees with my earlier intoxicated self.


Funny yo talking bout sheer burst power & condis. I mean coming from a thief...

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Hah! I picked the icon the day I had geared my thief.


I play mesmer, Rev, necro, and warrior seriously. I play everything else less seriously.


But really, I saw a lot of threads about mirage being OP in pvp, and was thinking on a fix. As a mirage player in pvp.... It's a bit OP. I'm not that great at pvp, and when I play mirage, I can stop paying attention to silly things like, enemy health bars, what class I'm facing.... Etc.

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I think we can all agree that condi spam is too much, but making the conditions more complex is not the way to go.

The main issue with condi builds is that they can apply too many different conditions in a very quick succession, mostly thanks to passive traits and sigills. Thanks to this, it's really hard to have effective condi removal, as you can never be sure to remove the correct condition.


So here's my simple short-term solution:

Condi cleanses should always target the condition with the highest stack instead of the one last applied.

Then some of the more accessible "passive" condi cleanses should be nerfed. The ones I can think from the top of my head are EM, Brawler's Recovery, Escapist's Absolution, Diamond Skin, Cleansing Water, Prismatic Converter, Abrasive Grit.


Also just for reference:

Let's say you have 1500 condi damage and apply 10 stacks of confusion on an enemy player. These will tick for 625 damage per second, which is not that much. Each skill activation will deal 1430 damage and this is the one that kills you considering it also triggers on a lot of passives, that the game sees as a skill activation.

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