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[LF] [NA][PVE] Just hit lvl 80 looking for mature guild


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Hello, I am looking to join an active mature/christian/family type guild. Basically I am trying to stay away from the 3 P's (profanity,pornography,politics). I just want to enjoy the game, group up with other like minded individuals and have a great gaming experience. If your guild meets the requirements let me know.



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Hi Bigstink!


I am Squeeks, recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope. While we are not a "christian guild" we are a mature family friendly guild that stays away from the "3 P's"


You can find out official recruitment post ->[Here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1406/tc-na-pvx-rp-remnants-of-hope-hope/p1?new=1 "Here")<-


We are a multi game community that has been around since 2009.


In GW2 we are on TC server (which of course is only important for WvW) we have daily events in all areas of the same (PVE, PVP, RP)


We do have an application and trial process, its not as scary as it might sound its just how we make sure you will be a right fit for our guild.


I hope you will check us out!

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