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Raid Heal or Raid Tank?


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I want to finally really get into Raiding, I haven't ventured into a Raid ever, but have done a lot of other equatable things, and want to experience more.


As I know a lot of the time, when pugging or heck even in, "Raiding guilds", you're going to have a lot of DPS players, and very few Tank/Heals spec'd players willing to not do, "Them mad DPS", lol.


So which is more widely needed, and which one is typically, "Easier", in terms of rotation, ect.?


Reason I want to Tank/Heal is simply because I enjoy both roles, and want to stand a better chance of getting into pug groups, ect.


Thanks in advance to those who post.

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I'd recommend DPS first, then healing, then tanking.


You need exp, LI, and gear over roles to get into a group. A lot of deaths are to the tank or healers not knowing what to do.


Tanks aka Chronos in VG, Gors (To an extent), Sabetha (You're dps there but will probably be bomb duty), Sloth, Bandit is easy, Matthias, Escort, Construct, X something, Mursaat, Samarog, etc all have more mechanics and rotations then everyone else usually.


Healing is pretty fun and easy to gear.


This is a basic, nonelitist (hopefully) view.


Chrono tank: Toughness over 1750 is very nice for beginners through minstrels and commanders gear. Initially if it doesn't have concentration it's lacking. Anything with Toughness works but concentration is wanted.


Druid: Full exotic magi gear working towards full harriers works fine. Gear is not an issue like chronos.


Dps: Enrage timers are unrealistic, aka easy, so you'll be fine.


Boss order: VG or Trio or Escort, if you can bear being confused first boss wing 4, then Mursaat Overseer.

Aka W1 boss 1, W2 boss 2, Wing 3 boss 1, wing 4 boss 1, wing 4 boss 2.


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I agree with the others here, dps is a lot better to start with until you know the fights. Tanking (i.e. chronomancer) is the hardest role to get into, requiring the most expensive gear and the most knowledge of the encounters. Healing is slightly easier but requires good awareness and positioning since there are no targetted healing spells in the game. It's all aoe based healing meaning if you are out of position your heals will be no good.

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I hate to give this as an answer, but It really depends on the fight... Some fights are insanely easy to tank and some are insanely easy to heal. Some fights require a lot of situational awareness to heal and others a lot of mechanical/boss knowledge to tank. DPS is seen as a good starting spot because your individual failure doesn't cause a wipe in the same way as it does for a tank or healer, but DPS can draw a LOT of shade if you underperform number wise.


I think a "safe" option would be to gear up a Bannerslave (Warrior). While your dps matters and you can reach high numbers, nobody really hates on the BS for missing benchmarks--you really only ever get highfives for "beating the dps." Also, you're never really put on any mechanics like Sabetha cannons, Sloth mushrooms, etc, so you'd get to learn those over time from seeing other people do them... You do need to know how to cc break bars tho, but like, that goes for every class.


If all you care about is being able to find groups, maybe go chrono... Groups are more likely to let in a chrono that doesn't meet their LI requirements than other classes--especially if they're sick of sitting in LFG trolling for one. If you go Off-Chrono, it's relatively cheap since you use a mix of Harrier/Zerker gear and can make it work with cheap Firebrand Runes instead of Leadership. And then once you get comfortable, you can work on a tank set with your raid drops and be able to do that role as well.

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I agree with the others, DPS is the best way to get introduced to raiding. Occasionally you will meet very impressive chronos' and druids', and there is one characteristic that all of the best support players have in common. It is that regardless of their handicap and their other responsibilities, they are still competitive for DPS, so much so, that it is not strange to occasionally see them even outpacing many new raiders who are playing a dedicated DPS role.


If you want to be a very impressive Chrono or Druid, you need to thoroughly understand the importance of good dps and you want to understand the intricacies of the meta comp. You will definitely not allow your role to become an excuse to disregard your responsibility to contribute to the overall dps, even if you don't need to be accountable to the group, you should still learn to be accountable to yourself. You will only get this conviction by first playing a DPS.

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