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This game needs more damage immunities!

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So let's see what all we've got now:


Warriors with giant ranged shield bubbles

Druids with ranged blocking walls

Engi with ranged blocking walls

Guardians with nearly unlimited ranged REFLECT walls

Warriors going immune to damage

Guarians going invulnerable to all damage

Rangers going invulnerable to all damage

Mesmers going invulnerable to all damage

Engi shrinking going immune to all damage

Warriros blocking going immune to damage

Warriors reflecting going immune to all ranged damage AND reflecting damage back

Engi blocking going immune to damage

Engi reflecting ranged going immune to ranged damage AND reflecting damage back

Rev blocking all damage, and healing.

Guardian blocking all damage

Guardian AOE knockback and bubble.



Hrm yah that's just not enough. Did I miss a few too?





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> @"Funkyshit.9126" said:

> this game needs condi defense stat


What if conditions were just triggers for other effects? What if there was some sort of opportunity cost and diminishing returns to stacking a bar full of conditions? What if conditions weren't a source of real damage, but rather just a harassment mechanic in the form of steady, non-scaling health degeneration? What if actively applied, direct damage was the only way to effectively bring down a target? Has a game with these principles ever existed before???

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YEs we need more barriers!!! You are spot on. Everyone should feel special and they wont feel special unless they have magic protection!!!!!!. Think about it! Some crazy guy does two perfect dodges lays traps or stuns at the perfect time. does double back flips.... Thats just not fair.!!!!! we have to reduce the impact of those ninja skills. We NEED the BARRIERS AND MORE OF THEM. That way we all feel special.... We all feel safe from those no good ninjas with all there fancy schmancy real time skills..

I came to GW2 to play a card game dang it and I wont let those ninjas stop me from enjoying the game.


Let me hold "a" down while I check my cat behind me


(30 seconds later)


Ok everything is fine now. Oh man so the other day I went by this arcade and saw people playing street fighter... HOW TERRIBLE people actually can get past blocks!! they can throw people.... IMAGINE BLOCK HAVING SUCH A WEAKNESS!!!!!! Its simply not Marxist enough... WE NEED EQUALITY FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!! I DEMAND THAT EVEN THE WEAKEST PLAYER FEEL SPECIAL!!!!!

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Well invulnerability is only as good as the damage in current meta.

They’re annoying, yes, but removing them without addressing current damage levels will make fights last 10 seconds at the max.

Also I don’t see your issue with blocks aside from aegis spam firebrands.

Immunities are pretty low on my list to be fair, far below things like scourge or mirage melting people by face smashing down on kb with no animations to offer counterplay.

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