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Stuck in loading screen

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Since yesterday the game simply get stuck in loading screen, here a screen:


and after something like 4 mintes i get an error code:

The game client lost its connection to the server.

Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and try again. (Code=7:0:0:1026:101)

i noticed that other games like ow and diablo get stuck too in loading screen.

By now i don't know what i can do, the exp is coming in two days and im pretty scared to lose the launch event :(

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It sounds like you have a bad connection with high packet loss, which can cause an infinite loading screen. Another one is attempting to load into an invalid instance, which usually moves you somewhere else, but sometimes it doesn't. That one will be character specific however and guesting to a different server will sometimes fix it.


Assuming packet loss, try running the game on port 80 or 443 and enable loading info to see what's happening:

Gw2.exe -maploadinfo -clientport 80


Try deleting the file %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat, which can become bloated and affect loading. It's where your hardware-related settings are stored.


You can use PingPlotter to constantly ping the server in an attempt to catch where it's dropping, but you'll need to use a VPN to reroute around the problem.

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I was playing without any problems yesterday and earlier today. Now, hardly 2 hours later, I can't enter the game anymore. I can login, type auth. code, the interface window (for toons selection) appears, but it remains white and it never goes further. I don't even get an error code. I just remains white. Anyone else?


Edited for update: Issue is over for me. I waited about one hour, tried again, and everything is back to normal.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there.


I've been fighting with Loading Screens since 2016 and it is definetly related to the internet conection. From my point of view it's like the game failes to connect on the 1st try and then just gives up. It's strange since once I am in the map instance my connecton is flawless (30 ping or lower). So far I know only about 2 games who has this issue for me and they are GW2 and Neverwinter.


Only thing for me to do is to force it to give it another shot with restarting the game (Alt + F4 or F12). This I repeat until it works. I also tried to contact support about this. Reply came 3-4 weeks later with sending me package of their diagnosing tool which looked like those programs for gathering informations about your machine. Even though it was from Anet, it looked suspicious as hell. I was annoyed by this issue then and took a break a week after anyway.


The workaround could be simple. Instead of shutting the whole game there could be a choice to get to your Character select from loading screen and posibility to load right into the insatnce/map you want to. It gets realy frustrating having to load 3 times in a row when you can barely can get past 1 loading screen.


The biggest question is, why is this connection issue only related to loading screen and not to the ping/stability afterwards?

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I am having this problem as well. did reinstall of game but that didn't seem to fix it. I now play on a gigabit connection with very low ping. My computer plays Tera and Warframe with no internet issues. Not sure what else to do. Only one character will load into the game because they are in the mistlock sanctuary. Whenever I do map change with that char, its infinite loading screen. Other chars in PoF maps, its also infinite loading screen. I can hear the map music and my char doing stuff. People report they can see my char. But all I see is stuck loading wheel and loading screen picture.

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  • 4 weeks later...

this issue Started Since last update on September 2017. I assume it is from server problems. for example i can't join lion arch but when i change temporary visit to Fortranik server i can join easily. when i return to ring of fire it start not work. i could join Eternal Battleground for 1 week until the map changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same issue and annoying as hell, switch maps and bang the load circle stops, the map can be heard behind with all the interactions going on, people say they can see you.. that if you hit wsad etc they can see you moving around, but client wise you have the annoying as hell loading screen over the top.


Its like the code to remove the load in splash screen never triggers.. Anet need to do something about it.

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