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Now what to nerf before next season ALL classes


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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> > @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:

> > > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> >

> > > Spellbreaker: damage is still a little too high and sustain needs a nerf.

> >

> > >

> >

> > lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl


> Hitting like a truck with a dozen of passive and active invulns is fine.


> lol lol rofl xd haHAA


If SB needs a nerf, then why does it lose to everything including weaver. Hell prob even deadeye.


Any good deadeyes out there? do you have problems with SB?

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> @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:

> > > > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > >

> > > > Spellbreaker: damage is still a little too high and sustain needs a nerf.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl

> >

> > Hitting like a truck with a dozen of passive and active invulns is fine.

> >

> > lol lol rofl xd haHAA


> If SB needs a nerf, then why does it lose to everything including weaver. Hell prob even deadeye.


> Any good deadeyes out there? do you have problems with SB?





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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"Xtrverz.4069" said:

> > I'm surprised no one has said anything about how dumb muddy terrain on heal is.


> Wot. Did someone just complain about muddy terrain?

> Five and a half years, I've never seen anyone kitten about muddy terrain.


> ~ Kovu


They changed it in August so it pulses cripple and slow its pretty strong in pvp if you didn't know.

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People are having trouble with Druid in 2018?

Its not that hard; CC them to death (poor Stab access with SotP being their only reliable source for a few seconds.), or bomb them with condis when they enter Avatar.

They are slippery when it comes to Stealth, yeah, but at the same time, they give up point capture contribution in using that, or lose the point entirely if they're forced to turn tail after doing the above.


They're strong sidenode players, but its not anywhere near as centralizing as Scourge/Firebrand and feels more on par with Spellberaker, which does the same job fairly well too.


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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"XgamerXgodX.9617" said:

> > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > It's like a sniper in any fps; if you have bad positioning and/or are not aware of it, you're gonna get headshot and die.

> > This is not an FPS game.


> It may not be an fps, but it's the same archetype.


"Archtype" doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. FPS literally is an archtype and fantasy MMO literally is an archtype. In case you missed it, they are completely different and entirely unrelated "archtype"

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> @"coglin.1496" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > @"XgamerXgodX.9617" said:

> > > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > > It's like a sniper in any fps; if you have bad positioning and/or are not aware of it, you're gonna get headshot and die.

> > > This is not an FPS game.

> >

> > It may not be an fps, but it's the same archetype.


> "Archtype" doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. FPS literally is an archtype and fantasy MMO literally is an archtype. In case you missed it, they are completely different and entirely unrelated "archtype"


same archetype as in sniper archetype not fps to mmo fantasy lmao

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> @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:

> > > > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > >

> > > > Spellbreaker: damage is still a little too high and sustain needs a nerf.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl

> >

> > Hitting like a truck with a dozen of passive and active invulns is fine.

> >

> > lol lol rofl xd haHAA


> If SB needs a nerf, then why does it lose to everything including weaver. Hell prob even deadeye.


> Any good deadeyes out there? do you have problems with SB?


Just NOPE, spellbreaker can't loose to weaver, if the weaver is extremelly skilled, he will be able to make it infinite fight, but no way weaver can get the kill. Look Vaans VS Cellofrag

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> Mirage.

> Not only does it have some of the best mobility in the game, rivaled only by thief, but also it has the strongest condition burst in the game and is _by far_ the hardest class to even land a hit on. If it didn't have all three of these things simultaneously it would be fine. I say _greatly_ reduce confusion duration--make avoiding skill use an actual option (punishing skill use over a 7(!) second window doesn't make sense)--and maybe give Elusive Mind some kind of nerf.




Also the amount of macro mirages out there is stupid (particularly in WvW). Put a 0.25 second cooldown between shatters.


Besides that, I think Scourge needs a couple things:


1) please do to their shades what was done to Winds of Disenchantment on SB. I want to be able to tell apart my ally's shades from my foes.This shouldnt be particularly hard to fix.

2.) The boon corruption needs to be addressed. Please consider that resistance and stab are the first things stripped and scourge basically destroys anything standing in its shades in under 3 seconds. Also perhaps a small telegraph on shade skills would be useful; the shades stay up for too long for you not to stand on them, but it would help if you could see when you're about to get bombed by every kind of cancer in the game




The sustain and suppor capabilites on this thing are ridiculous. I'm not versed in FB enough to suggest any sort of action, but I think its definitely clear that something needs to be done with it.





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> @"Strages.2950" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > Mirage.

> > Not only does it have some of the best mobility in the game, rivaled only by thief, but also it has the strongest condition burst in the game and is _by far_ the hardest class to even land a hit on. If it didn't have all three of these things simultaneously it would be fine. I say _greatly_ reduce confusion duration--make avoiding skill use an actual option (punishing skill use over a 7(!) second window doesn't make sense)--and maybe give Elusive Mind some kind of nerf.


> This!


> Also the amount of macro mirages out there is stupid (particularly in WvW). Put a 0.25 second cooldown between shatters.


> Besides that, I think Scourge needs a couple things:


> 1) please do to their shades what was done to Winds of Disenchantment on SB. I want to be able to tell apart my ally's shades from my foes.This shouldnt be particularly hard to fix.

> 2.) The boon corruption needs to be addressed. Please consider that resistance and stab are the first things stripped and scourge basically destroys anything standing in its shades in under 3 seconds. Also perhaps a small telegraph on shade skills would be useful; the shades stay up for too long for you not to stand on them, but it would help if you could see when you're about to get bombed by every kind of cancer in the game


> Firebrand:


> The sustain and suppor capabilites on this thing are ridiculous. I'm not versed in FB enough to suggest any sort of action, but I think its definitely clear that something needs to be done with it.







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> @"coglin.1496" said:

> You appear to mistake a name with an archtype or genre. Simply being titled 'sniper' as the professions elite spec does not mean they are in either the same genre or archtype as a sniper in FPS. They do not have the same purpose, function, or abilities.




Except they do.


Namely, precise long range single-target damage, with little armour/defence and weak if caught up close, compensated for by the use of camouflage, stealth or deception, that can lock-down a particular avenue or line-of-sight and must either be flanked, rushed, or tanked through.


Doesn't matter if its Deadeye in GW2, a sniper in CoD, a sniper in Red Alert 2, a character in a film, a character in a book, or a piece in a tabletop game. Simply say the word "sniper" in any of those contexts, and everyone already has a common understanding of the role and characteristics; hence "archetype".


Similarly, a [Paladin ](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThePaladin "Paladin ")in Warcraft 3, is the same archetype as a Guardian in GW2, namely a heavy 'knight' with an emphasis on "holy" magic, healing and team-support. Doesn't matter that Warcraft 3 is an RTS not an MMO, the archetype is consistent. Nothing to do with the name, everything to do with common understanding of shared traits.


See this description of "Archer Archetype": http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ArcherArchetype

It is given in the context of movies/TV, but is also a good description of the Archer archetype in MMOs (GW2's Ranger). The type of media is irrelevant to the understanding of an archetype.




An archetype is an ideal example or model after which other things are patterned. It is what is considered a typical example of a thing or person. In literature, there are situation archetypes, setting archetypes, symbolic archetypes and character archetypes.


Character Archetypes


The Bully - Intimidates others

The Creature of Nightmare - Threatens the hero’s life

The Damsel in Distress - The hero rescues her

The Devil Figure - Tempts the hero

Dreamer - Wants to be something else

The Evil Genius - Seeks revenge and hates all

Friendly Beast - Assists the hero

The Hero - Main character who may fulfill a task or bring justice

The Initiates - Need training to become heroes

Martyr - Willing to die for a cause

Mentors - Train and counsel the initiates

The Outcast - Exiled for a crime and becomes a wanderer

The Star-Crossed Lovers - The pair usually meet tragedy

Survivor - Never gives up and always pulls through

The Temptress - A beautiful woman who seduces the hero

Tyrant - Wants to be in charge

Wizard - Has special powers


There are many different kinds of archetypes; but, they all have one thing in common. They are all models after which other things are patterned. Your narrow definition of it as only being a "game mode" is incorrect. That is only a "game archetype". The word archetype can equally be applied to characters, scenarios, or any concepts. Hence, you calling out above that "sniper" is not an archetype, is incorrect.



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> @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > @"Razor.6392" said:

> > > @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > > fray at mele, condi bomb them, stun lock 'em and they're dead meat, classes like spellbreaker, holosmith, hawkeye, dragonhunter, core thief, daredevil, other druids, soulbeasts, (good) weavers, and scourge can easily one-shot them after a good stun.

> >

> > Didn't read the rest, but no. Talk for yourself. A full team coordinated focus fire can kill them in 2 seconds if the druid doesn't react, but not one person lmao wat da f?

> >

> >


> yet I easily beat most lb druids on 1vs1 basis, even with core ele and I'm not really a good player, so I wonder where the problem lies at...


Perhaps you are also facing bad players? :thinking:

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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> just because it doesn't kill you itself and is possible to beat doesn't mean it isn't overpowered

> case in point: tempest when esports was a thing was all but mandatory on every team and was _way_ easier to beat, while still having the same weaknesses of poor mobility and no damage


> point is, just because it is support doesn't mean it doesn't need a nerf

> also if you think firebrand can't kill things, then you apparently didn't see what NA's # 1 firebrand was running. he carried games in large part by winning 1v1s. damage/support hybrid. There's so much defense and support that you don't even need to go full bunker to be effective


Exactly, and there's even a better example for the current Bunker FB's...


Ventari bunker Rev, remember?


When they rised, they where bunker overlords that even when engaged into a 2v1, they lasted alive and well easily 3 mins, 3 mins wasted in taking a bunker that will come and do the same thing in a matter of 30 secs.


You say FB is weak, and it's justified with the nasty burst of this meta, bbut once Mirage and Scourge are nerfed, who will be able to contest a FB my friend? same thing goes to Druid.

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