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Holosmith damage is too crazy

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> @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

> > @"Bish.8627" said:

> > Did you get beat by a decent Holosmith and come here? They must be OP, just look at their percentage in pvp.

> No,I am clear to know their damage and try to avoid them as much as possible



You are in another thread asking for mirage not to be nerfed but buffing all other classes. So can holo get a buff then?

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> @"Bish.8627" said:

> > @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

> > > @"Bish.8627" said:

> > > Did you get beat by a decent Holosmith and come here? They must be OP, just look at their percentage in pvp.

> > No,I am clear to know their damage and try to avoid them as much as possible

> >


> You are in another thread asking for mirage not to be nerfed but buffing all other classes. So can holo get a buff then?


Both them i play,But i found out no melee can bear my damage,i can kill fb in myself

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> I was tempted to roll holo this season. I'm sure it would have been easy top 10. I might start playing it if they don't buff rev.


Might as well start playing it then. I switched and it's like a whole new game, having access to so much damage all the time, having invisibility, wall of reflection, 2 3 second invulns...

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People keep saying holo is a glass cannon.




FA weaver = glass cannon.


1 trick staff thief = glass cannon.


Anything deadeye = glass cannon.


Staff zerk ele = glass cannon.


To a lesser extent, power shatter mantra mesmer = glass cannon.


Glass cannon are those specs that are feast or famine, kill or be killed. No defenses, extremely weak to pressure, and pretty much dead if their main burst doesn't land.


Holo is not that.

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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> People keep saying holo is a glass cannon.


> No.


> FA weaver = glass cannon.


> 1 trick staff thief = glass cannon.


> Anything deadeye = glass cannon.


> Staff zerk ele = glass cannon.


> To a lesser extent, power shatter mantra mesmer = glass cannon.


> Glass cannon are those specs that are feast or famine, kill or be killed. No defenses, extremely weak to pressure, and pretty much dead if their main burst doesn't land.


> Holo is not that.


I have to agree that Holo smith is not fucking glass canon, the good ol days of testing PoF specs are gone. but somehow the glass canon argument persists. but then again when the meta changes in such a way that high damage builds now have to be build to also sustain themselves against power damage and conditions. so when a build like holosmith comes along that appears to be slightly not perfectly balanced in every way, it's ''glass canon''



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> @"Razor.6392" said:

> People keep saying holo is a glass cannon.


> No.


> FA weaver = glass cannon.


> 1 trick staff thief = glass cannon.


> Anything deadeye = glass cannon.


> Staff zerk ele = glass cannon.


> To a lesser extent, power shatter mantra mesmer = glass cannon.


> Glass cannon are those specs that are feast or famine, kill or be killed. No defenses, extremely weak to pressure, and pretty much dead if their main burst doesn't land.


> Holo is not that.

Holo is pretty much dead if their main burst does not land (from a Power Reaper's perspective). He bursts, I dodge, I burst, he shrinks for 3 seconds, I wait 3 seconds, I kill him while he tries to heal up with his turret. Pretty much like a fight against a glass cannon should look like.


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Holosmith has got some of the most obvious (and thus avoidable) animations in the game. If we were talking about toning down the overperforming PoF specs as a whole (but mirage doesn't need a nerf, does it OP?) I could agree, but asking for a holo damage nerf while Firebrands, Scourges and Mirages remain as they are right now? No thanks, holo is not one of the problems of pvp in this game.

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If you beg for Holosmith to be nerfed, it's gonna be just like scrapper. Garbage and no longer used, even though we desperately need scrapper back to mitigate or bunker off some of this high damage.


Can you not put Engie in a trashbin with Ele and Rev?


Do you want the game to consist of only wars, Scourges, teefs, mirages, Firebrands and..owait.


We are already at that point because all people can do is cry nerfs these days.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> If you beg for Holosmith to be nerfed, it's gonna be just like scrapper. Garbage and no longer used, even though we desperately need scrapper back to mitigate or bunker off some of this high damage.


> Can you not put Engie in a trashbin with Ele and Rev?


> Do you want the game to consist of only wars, Scourges, teefs, mirages, Firebrands and..owait.


> We are already at that point because all people can do is cry nerfs these days.


Ooo, Scrapper is "bad", because Holosmith is too "good".

Also, Quaggan believes if you nerf Scrouge, Mirage, Holo and Firebrand, Scrapper would be meta same as Revenant and Ele.

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > If you beg for Holosmith to be nerfed, it's gonna be just like scrapper. Garbage and no longer used, even though we desperately need scrapper back to mitigate or bunker off some of this high damage.

> >

> > Can you not put Engie in a trashbin with Ele and Rev?

> >

> > Do you want the game to consist of only wars, Scourges, teefs, mirages, Firebrands and..owait.

> >

> > We are already at that point because all people can do is cry nerfs these days.


> Ooo, Scrapper is "bad", because Holosmith is too "good".

> Also, Quaggan believes if you nerf Scrouge, Mirage, Holo and Firebrand, Scrapper would be meta same as Revenant and Ele.


But does Holosmith and Scrapper fill in two different roles?


On the off chance you somehow got a scrapper and Holosmith, would they not be at least somewhat successful because of the fact the Scrapper would be able to easily hold point, which allows the Holosmith to kite off point and then go in for the further CC lock and oncoming burst?


To touch upon your last bit, I pray to any gods that could hear me that is the case. I pray those classes are not that weak and it's just the PoF nonsense that has taken over. Because, I'm gonna be honest, Holosmith is the least of my worries.


At least if I get scraped up by a Holosmith, I can learn from their animations and learn how to time my skills more appropriately. That's healthy. All the 'blocks' and everything as people like to put it. Guys, you like almost three or four years late, Engie ALWAYS had that stuff.

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > If you beg for Holosmith to be nerfed, it's gonna be just like scrapper. Garbage and no longer used, even though we desperately need scrapper back to mitigate or bunker off some of this high damage.

> >

> > Can you not put Engie in a trashbin with Ele and Rev?

> >

> > Do you want the game to consist of only wars, Scourges, teefs, mirages, Firebrands and..owait.

> >

> > We are already at that point because all people can do is cry nerfs these days.


> Ooo, Scrapper is "bad", because Holosmith is too "good".

> Also, Quaggan believes if you nerf Scrouge, Mirage, Holo and Firebrand, Scrapper would be meta same as Revenant and Ele.


And which place ele will take as you said it will be meta? Current state of sword ele is worser druid. Fresh air is gimmick, thief will replace it or better said outclassing it. Tempest? While FB has access to everthing, tempest is outdated compared to it. Doesnt matter if you lower the numbers of heals an firebrand has, it still can handle situations far better because much more usefull skills. Tempest needs to dish out to cleanse condis everything he has, firebrand has alot more and different options. Firebrands idea was a decent supporter, tempest was something between the lines.


Rev has a chance, but i dont believe the scourge will be nerfed to ground. Rev and ele at the moment are not a part of meta, doesnt matter if you nerf something. It needs to be a huge nerf, we wont see it.

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It's almost like people are playing blindfolded. Holosmith has some of the most obvious tells of any of the PoF specs, and if you know what they are, are super easy to deal with. In the meantime, to everybody complaining about it's super-opness... go play it. Please. Please play it. Please play it and come back to tell me how good its sustain is.


Because if it wasn't for scourge, scrapper would whoop holosmith's ass pretty consistently.

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