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Veteran layer frustrated with the game - Suggestion to balance condition


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I have pvped on gw2 since vanila, I have 6k games played and I've been here througout all the metas we had.

Currently a Plat 2 player (didn't play too much could probably push higher), multiclasser with hundreds of games in every class.


I came back to gw2 after a long break, 3 weeks ago, bought the PoF expansion and went back to PvP.

I tried to tell myself it is a l2p issue and the game is balanced but... Now I understand why like 18 out of 20 pvpers from my friends list are not playing this game anymore, it's actually not about l2p.


The whole thing with scourge.. This is a point control game mode, where if you control the area you are scoring points and winning the game. When you have a class spamming insane condi pressure that covers literally all of that point's area, they are winning by default, specially when youre facing double scourge then it's insane.

You pair that with a firebrand that is almost unkillable to 70% of the damage builds in this game and if they are just as skilled and good with rotations as you, you CAN'T win.

Now, not only the insane condi pressure for literally ZERO effort, skill, brain, drop that shit on the floor and auto attack and you are dealing ridiculous damage. To add on top of that i've had 15+ seconds of weakness on me from a necro, which makes it impossible to even kill it.

(add firebrand on top of that)


**My idea/suggestion:**

I understand that PVE players have nothing to do with that and they don't want their classes nerfed. Why not create a new condition that works in a similar way to weakness, but to condition damage and not power?

That would make things soooo much more balanced, why do I have to go through thoughness, protection, weakness, to deal power damage... Then a condi build just doesn't give a damn about anything?


Make a Weakness stats for condition damage.

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I agree with everything you said. I even saw players who main other classes giving in to the scourge game. it is very noob friendly, and in the hands of a skilled player it is super strong. It is a lot strong in conquest because if you play a meele class you h ave to wait some of their cooldowns to be able to go on the point, and then they still can hurt you, apply weakness, and rekt you.

I personally think it is stupid how POWER damage is affected by so many different damage mitigation like (protection, weakness, toughness), etc, but condis are only affected by resistance that, guess what, necros corrupt it very often. so resistance is pretty much meaningless now.


I like the idea of giving another condition that decreases condis effectiveness. this wouldn't affect the PvE gameplay of scourge players but would make the game a little more balanced in PvP. perhaps also we need a rework in resistance, isntead of a boon perhaps it should be a innate/base stats that can be added through traits or also amulets? not sure.


I think arenanet is a good company and there are many ways to fix this issue without render the scource class weak.

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