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[Suggestions] Updated: 20 in-game improvements we will 'likely' never see. 10 in OP; 10 from players

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

>P.S. Notice others are starting to defend my idea now... Hummmm not so alone as you thought.


2 other people here other than yourself does _not_ account for the majority of the community. Like I said before in an earlier comment, I _never_ said some players (like you) would not like the idea at all (like you assume I said), just that the majority of players will not like the idea (big difference), notably because it is a waste of time and resources over something so niche, so why implement it?


And in an earlier comment on Page 1, I said, "An 'automatic clothes swap' system is not going to happen, **much less roughly 85% of the ideas listed throughout this thread**, **including my own**." And when I said "not going to happen" in response to your 'automatic clothes swap' system, I meant not even so much 'likely never' to happen, because the idea is more 'preferential' than it is actually 'beneficial' for nearly all players, like the idea I have for the Wallet. Why? Because it will be an improvement to the Inventory itself, the most-used Interface in the game players open.


**In the end**, you should thank me, because maybe Anet _will_ implement your 'automatic clothes swap' system just to prove me wrong (in the event a Dev comes across our disagreements), and in a way, I hope they do for your sake, even though I continue to argue it is a complete waste of time and resources, and even though I will never use the 'automatic clothes swap' system myself. So hey, if Anet has that much time on their hands to spare, then go for it. Implement an 'automatic clothes swap' system.


You and anyone else can think whatever they want about me at this point, but at least when I get a thread going, I get people talking. That is the whole idea here, despite any disagreements we have may have between each other along the way, so that the thread gets so blown up it gets the attention of the Devs (hopefully!)


Anet may like you guys' ideas and not like any of my ideas; Anet may like my ideas and not like any of you guys' ideas. It does not really matter which way it goes so long _something_ comes to life from our feedback.

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> @"fixit.7189" said:

> Better visual ques for mob attacks. Basically, what I mean is that some mobs show a floor based aoe, which gives a player time to react and if they step/stay in it, the fault is all on the them. But in GW2, it seems some mobs will display their attack cones/circles while others do not.


> ie. mobs in istan that drop posion circles but most of the time there is no graphic at all for it. Or regular mobs that do a cone hammer knock down smash which shows the telegraph, yet the veteran versions display none. It's inconsistant.


That would be nice, and I am sure through time (hopefully not too long) Anet will make visual cues for attacks more consistent throughout the game.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> >P.S. Notice others are starting to defend my idea now... Hummmm not so alone as you thought.


> 2 other people here other than yourself does _not_ account for the majority of the community. Like I said before in an earlier comment, I _never_ said some players (like you) would not like the idea at all (like you assume I said), just that the majority of players will not like the idea (big difference), notably because it is a waste of time and resources over something so niche, so why implement it?


Given that 300% more people are for it then against it.. I'd say your 'majority' is way off base.



> **In the end**, you should thank me, because maybe Anet _will_ implement your 'automatic clothes swap' system just to prove me wrong (in the event a Dev comes across our disagreements), and in a way, I hope they do for your sake, even though I continue to argue it is a complete waste of time and resources, and even though I will never use the 'automatic clothes swap' system myself. So hey, if Anet has that much time on their hands to spare, then go for it. Implement an 'automatic clothes swap' system.


I would rather they put something in because I wanted it.. not to prove anyone wrong. It's not like you would get hurt by this idea, so, quite frankly, I don't get why you are so flustered over it.



> You and anyone else can think whatever they want about me at this point, but at least when I get a thread going, I get people talking. That is the whole idea here, despite any disagreements we have may have between each other along the way, so that the thread gets so blown up it gets the attention of the Devs (hopefully!)


> Anet may like you guys' ideas and not like any of my ideas; Anet may like my ideas and not like any of you guys' ideas. It does not really matter which way it goes so long _something_ comes to life from our feedback.




Your Wallet Idea is bad because:

* Only Gold transcended all zones.

* All other Wallet Items are local to their zone/instance so there is no point in keeping track of Chalk Acid while you are in Verdant Brink for example.

* When you talk to vendors that take that item it lists how many you have of everything they trade.

* I have never in my life been in a situation where I needed to know how many of an item I had in my wallet.. and could not take the 10 seconds to open my wallet.

* In short, it would be a complete waste of dev time to put in that feature, and would not change the quality of life of people, as they would need to keep going into their wallet and changing what they were tracking every time the went into a new zone.


Sounds like a fun way to piss people off, rather then make their life easier.


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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Your Wallet Idea is bad because:

> * Only Gold transcended all zones.

> * All other Wallet Items are local to their zone/instance so there is no point in keeping track of Chalk Acid while you are in Verdant Brink for example.

> * When you talk to vendors that take that item it lists how many you have of everything they trade.

> * I have never in my life been in a situation where I needed to know how many of an item I had in my wallet.. and could not take the 10 seconds to open my wallet.

> * In short, it would be a complete waste of dev time to put in that feature, and would not change the quality of life of people, as they would need to keep going into their wallet and changing what they were tracking every time the went into a new zone.


I just want to make a counter-point here: the idea isn't bad - it may not appeal to some but this is something I've wanted for years. I would love to pick a few of my favorite currencies and see them always displayed along the bottom of the inventory screen. Their locality is irrelevant. I may want to see how much chak acid or karma I have to decide if I want to go to a zone where I can get more. This is especially true now that the keys which open the HOT chests in my home instance are in the wallet. I used to be able to open my inventory and see immediately if I have enough to open the chests. Scrolling through the wallet to find those currencies is tedious, as the list is sorted in order of descending quantity so the order changes. It would be an improvement to the quality of life for me and others who are interested in this, and it would not affect those who aren't. Whether it's cost-effective to implement is, as always, up to the devs.


(An alternative would be to just list the top ten currencies the player has most of along the bottom of the inventory screen. They're already sorted in order of descending quantity in the wallet. I'd be happy if that were summarised along the inventory screen bottom.)



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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > Your Wallet Idea is bad because:

> > * Only Gold transcended all zones.

> > * All other Wallet Items are local to their zone/instance so there is no point in keeping track of Chalk Acid while you are in Verdant Brink for example.

> > * When you talk to vendors that take that item it lists how many you have of everything they trade.

> > * I have never in my life been in a situation where I needed to know how many of an item I had in my wallet.. and could not take the 10 seconds to open my wallet.

> > * In short, it would be a complete waste of dev time to put in that feature, and would not change the quality of life of people, as they would need to keep going into their wallet and changing what they were tracking every time the went into a new zone.


> I just want to make a counter-point here: the idea isn't bad - it may not appeal to some but this is something I've wanted for years. I would love to pick a few of my favorite currencies and see them always displayed along the bottom of the inventory screen. Their locality is irrelevant. I may want to see how much chak acid or karma I have to decide if I want to go to a zone where I can get more. This is especially true now that the keys which open the HOT chests in my home instance are in the wallet. I used to be able to open my inventory and see immediately if I have enough to open the chests. Scrolling through the wallet to find those currencies is tedious, as the list is sorted in order of descending quantity so the order changes. It would be an improvement to the quality of life for me and others who are interested in this, and it would not affect those who aren't. Whether it's cost-effective to implement is, as always, up to the devs.


> (An alternative would be to just list the top ten currencies the player has most of along the bottom of the inventory screen. They're already sorted in order of descending quantity in the wallet. I'd be happy if that were summarised along the inventory screen bottom.)


> Ciao


Karma is already displayed when you are in any PvE zone

Badges of Honor when you enter WvW

And shards of Glory if you are in PvP.


Also, your wallet is not sorted by amount, it may feel that way, because we often have the most Karma, but even if you had Zero karma (like I did at the end of Wintrsday) it would still be at the top. (right below Gold and Gems)


Also, At the Very Top of the Wallet you have a drop down menu, where can sort what you want to see. IE: You can select to only look at keys, or map currencies, or competitive concurrence. Etc


Check it out, it's most likely the solution you are looking for.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > >P.S. Notice others are starting to defend my idea now... Hummmm not so alone as you thought.

> >

> > 2 other people here other than yourself does _not_ account for the majority of the community. Like I said before in an earlier comment, I _never_ said some players (like you) would not like the idea at all (like you assume I said), just that the majority of players will not like the idea (big difference), notably because it is a waste of time and resources over something so niche, so why implement it?


> Given that 300% more people are for it then against it.. I'd say your 'majority' is way off base.



> > **In the end**, you should thank me, because maybe Anet _will_ implement your 'automatic clothes swap' system just to prove me wrong (in the event a Dev comes across our disagreements), and in a way, I hope they do for your sake, even though I continue to argue it is a complete waste of time and resources, and even though I will never use the 'automatic clothes swap' system myself. So hey, if Anet has that much time on their hands to spare, then go for it. Implement an 'automatic clothes swap' system.


> I would rather they put something in because I wanted it.. not to prove anyone wrong. It's not like you would get hurt by this idea, so, quite frankly, I don't get why you are so flustered over it.


> >

> > You and anyone else can think whatever they want about me at this point, but at least when I get a thread going, I get people talking. That is the whole idea here, despite any disagreements we have may have between each other along the way, so that the thread gets so blown up it gets the attention of the Devs (hopefully!)

> >

> > Anet may like you guys' ideas and not like any of my ideas; Anet may like my ideas and not like any of you guys' ideas. It does not really matter which way it goes so long _something_ comes to life from our feedback.


> Also.


> Your Wallet Idea is bad because:

> * Only Gold transcended all zones.

> * All other Wallet Items are local to their zone/instance so there is no point in keeping track of Chalk Acid while you are in Verdant Brink for example.

> * When you talk to vendors that take that item it lists how many you have of everything they trade.

> * I have never in my life been in a situation where I needed to know how many of an item I had in my wallet.. and could not take the 10 seconds to open my wallet.

> * In short, it would be a complete waste of dev time to put in that feature, and would not change the quality of life of people, as they would need to keep going into their wallet and changing what they were tracking every time the went into a new zone.


> Sounds like a fun way to kitten people off, rather then make their life easier.



You are getting really ridiculous. You just can't give it up, can you?


To reiterate the point I made in my previous comment(s), at least my Wallet idea would become part of the most-used User Interface in the game being the Inventory; your idea is not even close to being a part of such a User Interface used continuously. And if you want to go with the 'I have never been in a situation' argument, I can say the same thing that I _especially_ never been in a situation where I even so much thought of needing to and/or wanting to have my clothes/gear automatically swapped out upon every new zone I join. Going by that argument you bring to the table, your idea is not good, either, so you just shot yourself in the foot.


> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Karma is already displayed when you are in any PvE zone


Then you do not own any of the Xpacs (HoT+) with all the new maps. Karma is _not_ displayed in any of the new maps, so the remark you made alone in the above stated from you proves you read only what you wanted to read in my OP. Karma is only displayed at all times in maps within the Heart of Tyria, and the point I made in my OP that you did not read is since Karma is a globally-acquired Currency in _all_ maps, it should be displayed at all times. Other than Gold, Karma is the second-most acquired Currency in the game.


> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Badges of Honor when you enter WvW, and shards of Glory if you are in PvP.


How do you know some players would not like to see those Currency values you exampled at all times? Maybe _you_ would not like to see those particular Currencies at all times, but other players may, and since my idea _is_ flexible, any player can toggle any Currency On or Off they want to have displayed or hidden _from_ the Wallet window.


> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Also, your wallet is not sorted by amount, it may feel that way, because we often have the most Karma, but even if you had Zero karma (like I did at the end of Wintrsday) it would still be at the top. (right below Gold and Gems)


You are going off the misplayed assumption that my Wallet idea takes place within the 'Wallet window' instead of the 'Inventory window'. They are two separate windows! My Wallet idea takes effect at the bottom of the Inventory window itself. Therefore, the 'Sort Currencies by amount' idea you came up with is an entirely different idea altogether in an entirely separate window, to 'Sort' Currencies by 'amount', and that option does not exist (although it would be helpful). See, I can admit a good idea when I see one, yet you cannot also do the same thing.


> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Also, At the Very Top of the Wallet you have a drop down menu, where can sort what you want to see. IE: You can select to only look at keys, or map Currencies, or competitive concurrence. Etc. > Check it out, it's most likely the solution you are looking for.


You have _no_ idea what you are you talking about. The current 'Sort' option in the Wallet window itself is only for _that_ particular window. The Inventory has two windows, or did you forget that? My Wallet idea is an entirely different idea where you can toggle which Currencies are 'displayed' (_from_ the Wallet window) **at all times** that appear at the bottom of the Inventory window where our Gold value is displayed, **no matter what map you are in**.


**EDIT:** Give me a little time here and I will visually _show_ you in a mock-up image what my Wallet idea will actually look like, since you seem to not understand the idea.


**P.S.** How about instead of us continuing to knock each other for one idea we do not like from each other, start knocking some other idea I have in my in my OP. As for me, I only did not like one idea you came up with, and that is it, I am done, but if you want to continue to criticize, find something else to criticize.


Thank you.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > >P.S. Notice others are starting to defend my idea now... Hummmm not so alone as you thought.

> > >

> > > 2 other people here other than yourself does _not_ account for the majority of the community. Like I said before in an earlier comment, I _never_ said some players (like you) would not like the idea at all (like you assume I said), just that the majority of players will not like the idea (big difference), notably because it is a waste of time and resources over something so niche, so why implement it?

> >

> > Given that 300% more people are for it then against it.. I'd say your 'majority' is way off base.

> >

> >

> > > **In the end**, you should thank me, because maybe Anet _will_ implement your 'automatic clothes swap' system just to prove me wrong (in the event a Dev comes across our disagreements), and in a way, I hope they do for your sake, even though I continue to argue it is a complete waste of time and resources, and even though I will never use the 'automatic clothes swap' system myself. So hey, if Anet has that much time on their hands to spare, then go for it. Implement an 'automatic clothes swap' system.

> >

> > I would rather they put something in because I wanted it.. not to prove anyone wrong. It's not like you would get hurt by this idea, so, quite frankly, I don't get why you are so flustered over it.

> >

> > >

> > > You and anyone else can think whatever they want about me at this point, but at least when I get a thread going, I get people talking. That is the whole idea here, despite any disagreements we have may have between each other along the way, so that the thread gets so blown up it gets the attention of the Devs (hopefully!)

> > >

> > > Anet may like you guys' ideas and not like any of my ideas; Anet may like my ideas and not like any of you guys' ideas. It does not really matter which way it goes so long _something_ comes to life from our feedback.

> >

> > Also.

> >

> > Your Wallet Idea is bad because:

> > * Only Gold transcended all zones.

> > * All other Wallet Items are local to their zone/instance so there is no point in keeping track of Chalk Acid while you are in Verdant Brink for example.

> > * When you talk to vendors that take that item it lists how many you have of everything they trade.

> > * I have never in my life been in a situation where I needed to know how many of an item I had in my wallet.. and could not take the 10 seconds to open my wallet.

> > * In short, it would be a complete waste of dev time to put in that feature, and would not change the quality of life of people, as they would need to keep going into their wallet and changing what they were tracking every time the went into a new zone.

> >

> > Sounds like a fun way to kitten people off, rather then make their life easier.

> >


> You are getting really ridiculous. You just can't give it up, can you?


> You have made your point now just as much I have made my point, and neither of us will _ever_ agree with each other. At least my Wallet idea would become part of the most-used User Interface in the game being the Inventory; your idea is not even close to being a part of a User Interface used continuously. And if you want to go with the 'I have never been in a situation' argument, I can say the same thing that I _especially_ never been in a situation where I even so much thought of needing to and/or wanting to have my clothes/gear automatically swapped out upon every new zone I join. Going by that argument you bring to the table, your idea is not good, either, so you just shot yourself in the foot.


> How about instead of us continuing to knock each other for one idea we do not like from each other, start knocking some other idea I have in my in my OP. As for me, I only did not like one idea you came up with, and that is it, I am done, but if you want to continue to criticize, find something else to criticize.


> Thank you.


You are the one that wanted this, that is why you started it. As said, if that is not what you wanted, then you should not do it. But here we are.


Truth is, I mainly ambivalent about your other ideas.. just the wallet one is really bad.. much in the same way you latched on to the Gear Swap in mine.. funny how that works, isn't it?


In conclusion..


**My idea would be money in the bank for Anet**.. What I think you miss is that this game is funded by Cosmetics.


Dyes, Outfits, Store Accessories, their sales would skyrocket under my idea.. because characters would not be stuck to 'one look' and players would be motivated to buy various and additional outfits for all the different places they could suddenly apply them.


How would your idea make Anet a single penny?

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > >P.S. Notice others are starting to defend my idea now... Hummmm not so alone as you thought.

> > > >

> > > > 2 other people here other than yourself does _not_ account for the majority of the community. Like I said before in an earlier comment, I _never_ said some players (like you) would not like the idea at all (like you assume I said), just that the majority of players will not like the idea (big difference), notably because it is a waste of time and resources over something so niche, so why implement it?

> > >

> > > Given that 300% more people are for it then against it.. I'd say your 'majority' is way off base.

> > >

> > >

> > > > **In the end**, you should thank me, because maybe Anet _will_ implement your 'automatic clothes swap' system just to prove me wrong (in the event a Dev comes across our disagreements), and in a way, I hope they do for your sake, even though I continue to argue it is a complete waste of time and resources, and even though I will never use the 'automatic clothes swap' system myself. So hey, if Anet has that much time on their hands to spare, then go for it. Implement an 'automatic clothes swap' system.

> > >

> > > I would rather they put something in because I wanted it.. not to prove anyone wrong. It's not like you would get hurt by this idea, so, quite frankly, I don't get why you are so flustered over it.

> > >

> > > >

> > > > You and anyone else can think whatever they want about me at this point, but at least when I get a thread going, I get people talking. That is the whole idea here, despite any disagreements we have may have between each other along the way, so that the thread gets so blown up it gets the attention of the Devs (hopefully!)

> > > >

> > > > Anet may like you guys' ideas and not like any of my ideas; Anet may like my ideas and not like any of you guys' ideas. It does not really matter which way it goes so long _something_ comes to life from our feedback.

> > >

> > > Also.

> > >

> > > Your Wallet Idea is bad because:

> > > * Only Gold transcended all zones.

> > > * All other Wallet Items are local to their zone/instance so there is no point in keeping track of Chalk Acid while you are in Verdant Brink for example.

> > > * When you talk to vendors that take that item it lists how many you have of everything they trade.

> > > * I have never in my life been in a situation where I needed to know how many of an item I had in my wallet.. and could not take the 10 seconds to open my wallet.

> > > * In short, it would be a complete waste of dev time to put in that feature, and would not change the quality of life of people, as they would need to keep going into their wallet and changing what they were tracking every time the went into a new zone.

> > >

> > > Sounds like a fun way to kitten people off, rather then make their life easier.

> > >

> >

> > You are getting really ridiculous. You just can't give it up, can you?

> >

> > You have made your point now just as much I have made my point, and neither of us will _ever_ agree with each other. At least my Wallet idea would become part of the most-used User Interface in the game being the Inventory; your idea is not even close to being a part of a User Interface used continuously. And if you want to go with the 'I have never been in a situation' argument, I can say the same thing that I _especially_ never been in a situation where I even so much thought of needing to and/or wanting to have my clothes/gear automatically swapped out upon every new zone I join. Going by that argument you bring to the table, your idea is not good, either, so you just shot yourself in the foot.

> >

> > How about instead of us continuing to knock each other for one idea we do not like from each other, start knocking some other idea I have in my in my OP. As for me, I only did not like one idea you came up with, and that is it, I am done, but if you want to continue to criticize, find something else to criticize.

> >

> > Thank you.


> **My idea would be money in the bank for Anet**.. What I think you miss is that this game is funded by Cosmetics.


> Dyes, Outfits, Store Accessories, their sales would skyrocket under my idea.. because characters would not be stuck to 'one look' and players would be motivated to buy various and additional outfits for all the different places they could suddenly apply them.


> How would your idea make Anet a single penny?


Common sense will tell you that _some_ User Interface improvements like my Wallet idea (or _any_ QoL, for that matter, like the Consume-All option me and other players fought for a while back) _should_ be available to players by default. The Consume-All option did _not_ make Anet money, either (at least not directly like when buying Gem Store items), and it cost Anet time and money to implement, yet the developers added it, anyway.


And I will take this a step further to say the more QoL Anet adds to the game's User Interface (including by not limited to my Wallet idea), the more players will be drawn to the game, because players like 'flexible' and 'useful' User Interfaces, **and when players are more drawn to a game as a result of little improvements**, **QoL or other**, **they tend to be more inclined to want to spent money on it**, **because they think the game is going in a good direction**.


**With all the above stated in mind**, to counter your 'my idea will make Anet money' argument, Anet does _not_ need your 'automatic clothes swap' system to make money since the 'Outfits' system already exists to swap clothes out, and as we speak, players across the globe are buying themselves a new Outfit to wear. **Therefore**, your 'automatic clothes swap' is nothing more than an unnecessary 'add-on' to an already-existing system that already makes Anet money, that which is the 'Outfits' system (the Wardrobe system is different that is full of Armor Skins you obtain throughout the game).


**However**, to give your idea the benefit of the doubt, even if your 'automatic clothes swap' system _was_ implemented in the game, since it is such a niche feature players will use (because it is a form of 'automation' than it is actually 'aesthetic', as I have argued throughout our discussion), it will _not_ make much difference in Outfit sales.


**Note:** In my earlier comments I said your idea was an 'aesthetic' one until I thought about it more, to which I called it a form of 'automation'.


**P.S.** My most previous reply to you has been updated to address certain things you talked about in your counterarguments.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > > >P.S. Notice others are starting to defend my idea now... Hummmm not so alone as you thought.

> > > > >

> > > > > 2 other people here other than yourself does _not_ account for the majority of the community. Like I said before in an earlier comment, I _never_ said some players (like you) would not like the idea at all (like you assume I said), just that the majority of players will not like the idea (big difference), notably because it is a waste of time and resources over something so niche, so why implement it?

> > > >

> > > > Given that 300% more people are for it then against it.. I'd say your 'majority' is way off base.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > **In the end**, you should thank me, because maybe Anet _will_ implement your 'automatic clothes swap' system just to prove me wrong (in the event a Dev comes across our disagreements), and in a way, I hope they do for your sake, even though I continue to argue it is a complete waste of time and resources, and even though I will never use the 'automatic clothes swap' system myself. So hey, if Anet has that much time on their hands to spare, then go for it. Implement an 'automatic clothes swap' system.

> > > >

> > > > I would rather they put something in because I wanted it.. not to prove anyone wrong. It's not like you would get hurt by this idea, so, quite frankly, I don't get why you are so flustered over it.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > You and anyone else can think whatever they want about me at this point, but at least when I get a thread going, I get people talking. That is the whole idea here, despite any disagreements we have may have between each other along the way, so that the thread gets so blown up it gets the attention of the Devs (hopefully!)

> > > > >

> > > > > Anet may like you guys' ideas and not like any of my ideas; Anet may like my ideas and not like any of you guys' ideas. It does not really matter which way it goes so long _something_ comes to life from our feedback.

> > > >

> > > > Also.

> > > >

> > > > Your Wallet Idea is bad because:

> > > > * Only Gold transcended all zones.

> > > > * All other Wallet Items are local to their zone/instance so there is no point in keeping track of Chalk Acid while you are in Verdant Brink for example.

> > > > * When you talk to vendors that take that item it lists how many you have of everything they trade.

> > > > * I have never in my life been in a situation where I needed to know how many of an item I had in my wallet.. and could not take the 10 seconds to open my wallet.

> > > > * In short, it would be a complete waste of dev time to put in that feature, and would not change the quality of life of people, as they would need to keep going into their wallet and changing what they were tracking every time the went into a new zone.

> > > >

> > > > Sounds like a fun way to kitten people off, rather then make their life easier.

> > > >

> > >

> > > You are getting really ridiculous. You just can't give it up, can you?

> > >

> > > You have made your point now just as much I have made my point, and neither of us will _ever_ agree with each other. At least my Wallet idea would become part of the most-used User Interface in the game being the Inventory; your idea is not even close to being a part of a User Interface used continuously. And if you want to go with the 'I have never been in a situation' argument, I can say the same thing that I _especially_ never been in a situation where I even so much thought of needing to and/or wanting to have my clothes/gear automatically swapped out upon every new zone I join. Going by that argument you bring to the table, your idea is not good, either, so you just shot yourself in the foot.

> > >

> > > How about instead of us continuing to knock each other for one idea we do not like from each other, start knocking some other idea I have in my in my OP. As for me, I only did not like one idea you came up with, and that is it, I am done, but if you want to continue to criticize, find something else to criticize.

> > >

> > > Thank you.

> >

> > **My idea would be money in the bank for Anet**.. What I think you miss is that this game is funded by Cosmetics.

> >

> > Dyes, Outfits, Store Accessories, their sales would skyrocket under my idea.. because characters would not be stuck to 'one look' and players would be motivated to buy various and additional outfits for all the different places they could suddenly apply them.

> >

> > How would your idea make Anet a single penny?


> Common sense will tell you that _some_ User Interface improvements like my Wallet idea (or any QoL, for that matter, like the Consume-All option me and other players fought for) should be available to players by default. The Consume-All option did not make Anet money, either, and it cost them time and money to implement, yet they added it anyway.


> And I will take this a step further to say the more QoL Anet adds to the game's User Interface (including by not limited to my Wallet idea), the more players will be drawn to the game, because players like 'flexible' and 'useful' User Interfaces, and when players are more drawn to the game as a result of little improvements, they tend to be more inclined to want to spent money on it.


> **P.S.** My most previous reply to you has been updated to address certain things you talked about in your counterarguments.


We shall keep going, only because this is what you wanted, you started. and you feel that is how things should be. if I had know you were going to be like this to start with, I never would have bothered, but since things are as they are.. lets keep playing.


This is grasping at straws.. no one is going to come to this game because it has a great wallet set up. No one is going to say "Wow, this Wallet is great, let me spend money on this game and buy something that has no relation to this wallet"


Players would spend money to buy outfits, dyes, and other cosmetics, if they had uses for them, making Pre-Set Gear Swap, would provide that use and this directly boost sales in a fun and enjoyable way for the people what to partake in it.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > > > >P.S. Notice others are starting to defend my idea now... Hummmm not so alone as you thought.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 2 other people here other than yourself does _not_ account for the majority of the community. Like I said before in an earlier comment, I _never_ said some players (like you) would not like the idea at all (like you assume I said), just that the majority of players will not like the idea (big difference), notably because it is a waste of time and resources over something so niche, so why implement it?

> > > > >

> > > > > Given that 300% more people are for it then against it.. I'd say your 'majority' is way off base.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > > **In the end**, you should thank me, because maybe Anet _will_ implement your 'automatic clothes swap' system just to prove me wrong (in the event a Dev comes across our disagreements), and in a way, I hope they do for your sake, even though I continue to argue it is a complete waste of time and resources, and even though I will never use the 'automatic clothes swap' system myself. So hey, if Anet has that much time on their hands to spare, then go for it. Implement an 'automatic clothes swap' system.

> > > > >

> > > > > I would rather they put something in because I wanted it.. not to prove anyone wrong. It's not like you would get hurt by this idea, so, quite frankly, I don't get why you are so flustered over it.

> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You and anyone else can think whatever they want about me at this point, but at least when I get a thread going, I get people talking. That is the whole idea here, despite any disagreements we have may have between each other along the way, so that the thread gets so blown up it gets the attention of the Devs (hopefully!)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Anet may like you guys' ideas and not like any of my ideas; Anet may like my ideas and not like any of you guys' ideas. It does not really matter which way it goes so long _something_ comes to life from our feedback.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also.

> > > > >

> > > > > Your Wallet Idea is bad because:

> > > > > * Only Gold transcended all zones.

> > > > > * All other Wallet Items are local to their zone/instance so there is no point in keeping track of Chalk Acid while you are in Verdant Brink for example.

> > > > > * When you talk to vendors that take that item it lists how many you have of everything they trade.

> > > > > * I have never in my life been in a situation where I needed to know how many of an item I had in my wallet.. and could not take the 10 seconds to open my wallet.

> > > > > * In short, it would be a complete waste of dev time to put in that feature, and would not change the quality of life of people, as they would need to keep going into their wallet and changing what they were tracking every time the went into a new zone.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sounds like a fun way to kitten people off, rather then make their life easier.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > You are getting really ridiculous. You just can't give it up, can you?

> > > >

> > > > You have made your point now just as much I have made my point, and neither of us will _ever_ agree with each other. At least my Wallet idea would become part of the most-used User Interface in the game being the Inventory; your idea is not even close to being a part of a User Interface used continuously. And if you want to go with the 'I have never been in a situation' argument, I can say the same thing that I _especially_ never been in a situation where I even so much thought of needing to and/or wanting to have my clothes/gear automatically swapped out upon every new zone I join. Going by that argument you bring to the table, your idea is not good, either, so you just shot yourself in the foot.

> > > >

> > > > How about instead of us continuing to knock each other for one idea we do not like from each other, start knocking some other idea I have in my in my OP. As for me, I only did not like one idea you came up with, and that is it, I am done, but if you want to continue to criticize, find something else to criticize.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you.

> > >

> > > **My idea would be money in the bank for Anet**.. What I think you miss is that this game is funded by Cosmetics.

> > >

> > > Dyes, Outfits, Store Accessories, their sales would skyrocket under my idea.. because characters would not be stuck to 'one look' and players would be motivated to buy various and additional outfits for all the different places they could suddenly apply them.

> > >

> > > How would your idea make Anet a single penny?

> >

> > Common sense will tell you that _some_ User Interface improvements like my Wallet idea (or any QoL, for that matter, like the Consume-All option me and other players fought for) should be available to players by default. The Consume-All option did not make Anet money, either, and it cost them time and money to implement, yet they added it anyway.

> >

> > And I will take this a step further to say the more QoL Anet adds to the game's User Interface (including by not limited to my Wallet idea), the more players will be drawn to the game, because players like 'flexible' and 'useful' User Interfaces, and when players are more drawn to the game as a result of little improvements, they tend to be more inclined to want to spent money on it.

> >

> > **P.S.** My most previous reply to you has been updated to address certain things you talked about in your counterarguments.


> We shall keep going, only because this is what you wanted, you started. and you feel that is how things should be. if I had know you were going to be like this to start with, I never would have bothered, but since things are as they are.. lets keep playing.


> This is grasping at straws.. no one is going to come to this game because it has a great wallet set up. No one is going to say "Wow, this Wallet is great, let me spend money on this game and buy something that has no relation to this wallet"


> Players would spend money to buy outfits, dyes, and other cosmetics, if they had uses for them, making Pre-Set Gear Swap, would provide that use and this directly boost sales in a fun and enjoyable way for the people what to partake in it.


My my previous reply to you before this one has been revised to make a few more points I did not initially make clear enough, so go ahead, continue. Every point you argue I can argue with an equally strong and/or stronger argument. In addition to that, I would like to see you argue against points I made to you 2 comments age on Page 2, the last comment I made on that page.

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My pre-set gear swap idea is a really good idea.. and for the people that enjoy the cosmetic part of the game, (Given MO himself said the End Game is GW2 is cosmetic.. that is quite the majority) is would be stellarly received, and boost sales and would even be a sale point for people who want to play games with that level of control over your characters look, as opposed to being stuck in the same look all the time, or needing o manually revise your look, which gets boring quick.


By you own admission, you don't get into Cosmetics, so you would not see or appreciate it's value, and in that venture, that removes you from being a sound judge of its value to the game as a whole.. that simply because you do not like it, in no way makes it a bad idea.


But since you can't even be bothered look in you wallet (again by your own admission) from time to time, it would seem counter to call anyone lazy because they would like to pre-set different appearances for various zones and not need to do it manually.


Yes, QoL updates like Pre-Set Gear Swaps, would make the game much better, for a large part of the community, it would boost sales, and maybe since it was a very unique feature to GW2, draw in a lot of new players.


The fact you are blind to that, does not negate what an awesome idea it is, how amazingly well it would be received.


I don;t need to shoot down a bad idea to feel better... Just gonna keep saying that my idea is great.. and it is.. on every level.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> This is grasping at straws.. no one is going to come to this game because it has a great wallet set up. No one is going to say "Wow, this Wallet is great, let me spend money on this game and buy something that has no relation to this wallet"


You seem to have a consistent pattern in your replies where you take points I have made to you completely out of context to make it seem like you are making a stronger point when in fact you are not.


When I said, and I quote, "**and when players are more drawn to a game as a result of little improvements**, **QoL or other** [my Wallet idea falling under the category of User Interface QoL], **they tend to be more inclined to want to spent money on it**, **because they think the game is going in a good direction**." end of quote, _that_ means **as a result of ALL QoL put together**, _not_ just my Wallet idea alone.


You _cannot_ quote me, anywhere, where I specifically said that players will be more drawn to the game as a result of only one QoL improvement.


> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Players would spend money to buy outfits, dyes, and other cosmetics, if they had uses for them, making Pre-Set Gear Swap, would provide that use and this directly boost sales in a fun and enjoyable way for the people what to partake in it.


Players already spend money on Outfits (their choice of aesthetic taste) _without_ your 'automatic clothes swap' system.


To quote my previous comment you refuse to quote, I said, "To counter your 'my idea will make Anet money' argument, Anet does _not_ need your 'automatic clothes swap' system to make money since the 'Outfits' system already exists to swap clothes out, and as we speak, players across the globe are buying themselves a new Outfit to wear. **Therefore**, your 'automatic clothes swap' is nothing more than an unnecessary 'add-on' to an already-existing system that already makes Anet money, that which is the 'Outfits' system (the Wardrobe system is different that is full of Armor Skins you obtain throughout the game).


**However**, to give your idea the benefit of the doubt, even if your 'automatic clothes swap' system _was_ implemented in the game, since it is such a niche feature players will use (because it is a form of 'automation' than it is actually 'aesthetic', as I have argued throughout our discussion), it will _not_ make much difference in Outfit sales.


**Note:** In my earlier comments I said your idea was an 'aesthetic' one until I thought about it more, to which I called it a form of 'automation'." end of quote


That is all your 'automatic clothes swap' system boils down to, and I do _not_ see Anet making 'oodles' of money, as you assume, than they already make from the 'Outfits' system.


**P.S.** I am still waiting for your counterarguments to additional things I pointed out in my last comment on Page 2. You clearly misinterpreted my Wallet idea altogether, given the last you comments you made I quoted from you on Page 2.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Automatic swapping of Costumes/Outfits/Headgear was a thing in Guild Wars. It's not beyond consideration for the Devs to employ something like it in Guild Wars 2. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Inventory


> Personally, I'd use the feature, but would not be incensed if it never appeared. Again, options are always welcomed.


I read everything in the link you provided, word for word, and the line, "Toggleable armor can be set to Always Show, Hide in Towns and Outposts, Hide in Combat Areas, or Always Hide. In PvP, the guild cape always shows and costumes always hide." does _not_ translate to an 'Automatic Clothes Swap' system. 'Hiding' or 'Showing' something at all times is a lot different than an automatic xlothes swap. In fact, currently, the only thing in GW2 we can Hide at all times is our Helmet.


You clearly do _not_ know what an Automatic Clothes Swap system is, or what it would even look like. An Automatic Clothes Swap system is more like this, with each zone in the game listed in alphabetical order by default: ~~https://imgur.com/a/FyJTK~~ (There's to dreaming, STIHL).


**EDIT:** Here is the revised version of the Automatic Clothes Swap system I created: https://imgur.com/a/bV28E due to a gaffe on my end for leaving out a crucial piece of info regarding Outfits for 'regions' and Outfits for 'zones', as mentioned near the bottom of this page.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Automatic swapping of Costumes/Outfits/Headgear was a thing in Guild Wars. It's not beyond consideration for the Devs to employ something like it in Guild Wars 2. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Inventory

> >

> > Personally, I'd use the feature, but would not be incensed if it never appeared. Again, options are always welcomed.


> I read everything in the link you provided, word for word, and the line, "Toggleable armor can be set to Always Show, Hide in Towns and Outposts, Hide in Combat Areas, or Always Hide. In PvP, the guild cape always shows and costumes always hide." does _not_ translate to an 'Automatic Clothes Swap' system. 'Hiding' or 'Showing' something at all times is a lot different than an Automatic Clothes Swap. In fact, currently, the only thing in GW2 we can Hide at all times is our Helmet.


> You clearly do _not_ know what an Automatic Clothes Swap system is, or what it would even look like. An Automatic Clothes Swap system is more like this, with each zone in the game listed in alphabetical order by default: https://imgur.com/a/FyJTK (There's to dreaming, STIHL).


> **P.S.** I am currently working on what my Wallet idea would look like in-game. I will include the mock-up in my OP.


Actually, it would be more based on Environment, IE: **the cold** AKA: The "Shivereaks" region, as opposed to being broken down by direct zone, like "Fostgorge Sound" Only because I think being broken down by zone would be a bit overwhelming.



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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > This is grasping at straws.. no one is going to come to this game because it has a great wallet set up. No one is going to say "Wow, this Wallet is great, let me spend money on this game and buy something that has no relation to this wallet"


> You seem to have a consistent pattern in your replies where you take points I have made to you completely out of context to make it seem like you are making a stronger point when in fact you are not.


> When I said, and I quote, "**and when players are more drawn to a game as a result of little improvements**, **QoL or other** [my Wallet idea falling under the category of User Interface QoL], **they tend to be more inclined to want to spent money on it**, **because they think the game is going in a good direction**." end of quote, _that_ means **as a result of ALL QoL put together**, _not_ just my Wallet idea alone.


> You _cannot_ quote me, anywhere, where I specifically said that players will be more drawn to the game as a result of only one QoL improvement.



ya know that also applies to my ideas.. but unlike a wallet.. people would buy more stuff directly because they would have a use for it, with my idea. So again.. your idea is not a money maker.. **mine is**.


Moving on.


> To quote my previous comment you refuse to quote, I said, "To counter your 'my idea will make Anet money' argument, Anet does _not_ need your 'automatic clothes swap' system to make money since the 'Outfits' system already exists to swap clothes out, and as we speak, players across the globe are buying themselves a new Outfit to wear. **Therefore**, your 'automatic clothes swap' is nothing more than an unnecessary 'add-on' to an already-existing system that already makes Anet money, that which is the 'Outfits' system (the Wardrobe system is different that is full of Armor Skins you obtain throughout the game).


I never said they needed it.. only that it would make them more money., because people who normally only buy a minimal number of outfits, would buy additional outfits due to being able to apply several of them to one character, with a nice little set-and-forget system. and still enjoy their character dressing for the situation.



> **However**, to give your idea the benefit of the doubt, even if your 'automatic clothes swap' system _was_ implemented in the game, since it is such a niche feature players will use (because it is a form of 'automation' than it is actually 'aesthetic', as I have argued throughout our discussion), it will _not_ make much difference in Outfit sales.



Sure it will. Case in point, normally only buy more universal or holiday outfits. (Mad King, Lunatic Guard, kind of stuff) but I would more then willing to buy additional situational outfits if I could set them buy environment, like buying Jungle explorer, or aortic explorer if I could set one for HoT and the other for the Shoverpeaks, I would not buy them otherwise, because I would feel obligated to change them when they looked out of that environment , IE: I would need to manually swap out of Arctic if I want to PoF, because it would look silly tome to see my character dressed in a furry cold weather outfit running through the desert, and.. I'll be honest.. I'm just too lazy to suffer though doing that manually, because I swap Environments all the time just doing dailies.. and I am sure not going to pay for that annoyance.


So in the end.. I only buy outfits that would fit anywhere And I can't be the only person like this, given they must make a good chunk of money on those outfits, because they keep pumping more out.


Now I am sure you can't say the same about you idea, that somehow you would buy something from the store for your wallet.. if only your wallet had this feature.


> That is all your 'automatic clothes swap' system boils down to, and I do _not_ see Anet making 'oodles' of money, as you assume, than they already make from the 'Outfits' system.



The thing here, is that you already made it clear that you don't play "Fashion Wars" and don't get involved in it.. as such by your own admission, you are the least qualified person in this exchange to judge the viability of this idea.

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You may be confusing automatically swapping Armor to Town Clothes/Outfits with Build Templates. It's hard to tell. The feature in Guild Wars would automatically 'swap', i.e. 'show' your Costume/Outfit on entering a Town/City. I do believe that was the suggestion first mentioned.


It's a suggestion, neither good nor bad. It's something the Devs thought worthwhile in Guild Wars. Whether the Devs ever think it would be worthwhile to implement in Guild Wars 2 is something only the Devs know. Not us, the players.


Good luck.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > Automatic swapping of Costumes/Outfits/Headgear was a thing in Guild Wars. It's not beyond consideration for the Devs to employ something like it in Guild Wars 2. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Inventory

> > >

> > > Personally, I'd use the feature, but would not be incensed if it never appeared. Again, options are always welcomed.

> >

> > I read everything in the link you provided, word for word, and the line, "Toggleable armor can be set to Always Show, Hide in Towns and Outposts, Hide in Combat Areas, or Always Hide. In PvP, the guild cape always shows and costumes always hide." does _not_ translate to an 'Automatic Clothes Swap' system. 'Hiding' or 'Showing' something at all times is a lot different than an Automatic Clothes Swap. In fact, currently, the only thing in GW2 we can Hide at all times is our Helmet.

> >

> > You clearly do _not_ know what an Automatic Clothes Swap system is, or what it would even look like. An Automatic Clothes Swap system is more like this, with each zone in the game listed in alphabetical order by default: https://imgur.com/a/FyJTK (There's to dreaming, STIHL).

> >

> > **P.S.** I am currently working on what my Wallet idea would look like in-game. I will include the mock-up in my OP.


> Actually, it would be more based on Environment, IE: **the cold** AKA: The "Shivereaks" region, as opposed to being broken down by direct zone, like "Fostgorge Sound" Only because I think being broken down by zone would be a bit overwhelming.



You will find anything to complain about or criticize, and I will get back to your other comments later today. With that being said, I took your idea a step further to allow automatic clothes swap in _any_ zone, including but not limited to, certain environmental areas. Your idea is already overwhelming in more ways than one, so why not go all the way with it?


Maybe some players want a different Outfit to fit a certain 'theme' upon entering a certain zone, like any of the jungle-like HoT maps where a player may want an Outfit that looks nature-like with certain colors or plant-like. Everyone has different tastes, so dumbing your Automatic Clothes Swap system down to 'environmental conditions' only will only make your idea less likable, and it will therefore _not_ gain very much ground.


My point is with an idea like yours being an Automatic Clothes Swap system, any form of 'restriction' is not good. Your idea needs to be more 'flexible' to suit all players' tastes and situations.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > Automatic swapping of Costumes/Outfits/Headgear was a thing in Guild Wars. It's not beyond consideration for the Devs to employ something like it in Guild Wars 2. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Inventory

> > > >

> > > > Personally, I'd use the feature, but would not be incensed if it never appeared. Again, options are always welcomed.

> > >

> > > I read everything in the link you provided, word for word, and the line, "Toggleable armor can be set to Always Show, Hide in Towns and Outposts, Hide in Combat Areas, or Always Hide. In PvP, the guild cape always shows and costumes always hide." does _not_ translate to an 'Automatic Clothes Swap' system. 'Hiding' or 'Showing' something at all times is a lot different than an Automatic Clothes Swap. In fact, currently, the only thing in GW2 we can Hide at all times is our Helmet.

> > >

> > > You clearly do _not_ know what an Automatic Clothes Swap system is, or what it would even look like. An Automatic Clothes Swap system is more like this, with each zone in the game listed in alphabetical order by default: https://imgur.com/a/FyJTK (There's to dreaming, STIHL).

> > >

> > > **P.S.** I am currently working on what my Wallet idea would look like in-game. I will include the mock-up in my OP.

> >

> > Actually, it would be more based on Environment, IE: **the cold** AKA: The "Shivereaks" region, as opposed to being broken down by direct zone, like "Fostgorge Sound" Only because I think being broken down by zone would be a bit overwhelming.

> >


> You will find anything to complain about or criticize, and I will get back to your other comments later today. With that being said, I took your idea a step further to allow automatic clothes swap in _any_ zone, including but not limited to, certain environmental areas.


> Maybe some players want a different Outfit to fit a certain 'theme' upon entering a certain zone, like any of the jungle-like HoT maps where a player may want an Outfit that looks nature-like with certain colors or plant-like. Everyone has different tastes, so dumbing your automatic clothes swap system down to 'environmental conditions' only will only make your idea less likable, and it will therefore _not_ gain very much ground.


Individual Zones would not be a bad idea, but the core design should be by Environment, and then they could sell Individual Zone Unlocks. for the players that wanted them. Which would be a great way to make the idea in and of itself profitable.


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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> Just curious.

> How many of the people posting in this thread know how to program in C.?


Was programming in C back when it still was B (I was part of the language Beta team).

And then I was programming with what was called OOPS-C back before C++ came out; fundamentally, there's nothing you can do in C++ you couldn't do in C if you really knew the in's-and-out's of the language.

Yes, I'm an old dog...

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> My point is with an idea like yours being an Automatic Clothes Swap system, any form of 'restriction' is not good. Your idea needs to be more 'flexible' to suit all players' tastes and situations.


Again.. not being rude, but you openly state that you do not get involved with the cosmetics, or that venture of the game, so.. you don't have the game level experience to talk about what this idea needs or does not need.


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You may be confusing automatically swapping Armor to Town Clothes/Outfits with Build Templates. It's hard to tell. The feature in Guild Wars would automatically 'swap', i.e. 'show' your Costume/Outfit on entering a Town/City. I do believe that was the suggestion first mentioned.


> It's a suggestion, neither good nor bad. It's something the Devs thought worthwhile in Guild Wars. Whether the Devs ever think it would be worthwhile to implement in Guild Wars 2 is something only the Devs know. Not us, the players.


> Good luck.


It is a great idea, and you can see they were working on it on it from the start with "town clothing" and also in sPvP, where your whole look changed when you went into sPvP. So the code and set up are already in the game.


The thing with sPvP.. was it was not optional, so a lot of people did not like it. My idea is optional, you just know people would love the idea to have say a white winter jacket on when roaming the Shiverpeaks, and then strip down a light green jerkin when entering Maguuma Wastes. Without needing to do that every time they zoned.


I change outfits and dyes on occasion, but just doing a daily will move people from the Shiverpeaks, to Maguuma, so automating the swapping process would allow people to set up several looks for their characters, or just a few.. they could chose when and were things happened. Which I think players would fully enjoy.


I can only speak for myself, but I would buy additional Outfits and dyes, because I would have more I can do with it. Like Most people I have 1 look for each toon, I am sure if the option existed to have several looks for a character, people would love that.


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i only just stumbled into this topic now... i kinda like Stihl's auto costume swap idea. could be something cool as an optional toggle. while it does seem odd to walk thru a town armed to the teeth, there are some people that still want to present that look. and as for the arguments against it... well, the tech is already there. jump into water, you change to a rebreather and different weapons. do certain hearts and personal story chapters, and suddenly you are wearing a whole different outfit, sometimes with sometimes without different weapons and skills to boot.


it doesn't seem that it should be too bad to set it so that you optionally could swap to, say, the arctic explorer outfit or fancy winter outfit every time you go to the shiverpeaks, or the jungle explorer outfit for Maguuma or Heart of Maguuma. Perhaps the crystal nomad outfit for Maguuma Wastes and Crystal Desert, etc



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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > Your Wallet Idea is bad because:

> > > * Only Gold transcended all zones.

> > > * All other Wallet Items are local to their zone/instance so there is no point in keeping track of Chalk Acid while you are in Verdant Brink for example.

> > > * When you talk to vendors that take that item it lists how many you have of everything they trade.

> > > * I have never in my life been in a situation where I needed to know how many of an item I had in my wallet.. and could not take the 10 seconds to open my wallet.

> > > * In short, it would be a complete waste of dev time to put in that feature, and would not change the quality of life of people, as they would need to keep going into their wallet and changing what they were tracking every time the went into a new zone.

> >

> > I just want to make a counter-point here: the idea isn't bad - it may not appeal to some but this is something I've wanted for years. I would love to pick a few of my favorite currencies and see them always displayed along the bottom of the inventory screen. Their locality is irrelevant. I may want to see how much chak acid or karma I have to decide if I want to go to a zone where I can get more. This is especially true now that the keys which open the HOT chests in my home instance are in the wallet. I used to be able to open my inventory and see immediately if I have enough to open the chests. Scrolling through the wallet to find those currencies is tedious, as the list is sorted in order of descending quantity so the order changes. It would be an improvement to the quality of life for me and others who are interested in this, and it would not affect those who aren't. Whether it's cost-effective to implement is, as always, up to the devs.

> >

> > (An alternative would be to just list the top ten currencies the player has most of along the bottom of the inventory screen. They're already sorted in order of descending quantity in the wallet. I'd be happy if that were summarised along the inventory screen bottom.)

> >

> > Ciao


> Karma is already displayed when you are in any PvE zone

> Badges of Honor when you enter WvW

> And shards of Glory if you are in PvP.


> Also, your wallet is not sorted by amount, it may feel that way, because we often have the most Karma, but even if you had Zero karma (like I did at the end of Wintrsday) it would still be at the top. (right below Gold and Gems)


> Also, At the Very Top of the Wallet you have a drop down menu, where can sort what you want to see. IE: You can select to only look at keys, or map currencies, or competitive concurrence. Etc


> Check it out, it's most likely the solution you are looking for.


While I appreciate the tip, it's not the solution I'm looking for because there's no problem I'm trying to solve. What's there is already good, don't get me wrong. I don't need to see the currencies along the bottom of the inventory. I just want to. Whether it's worthwhile for anet to implement this is debatable but ultimately moot. This thread was specifically titled "in-game improvements we will 'likely' never see" - which I take to mean it's a place to voice our dream improvements without the constraint of having to defend them. My contribution today to this wish-list is having currencies displayed along the bottom. Don't ever expect to see it, but it makes me happy to imagine it.

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > Your Wallet Idea is bad because:

> > > > * Only Gold transcended all zones.

> > > > * All other Wallet Items are local to their zone/instance so there is no point in keeping track of Chalk Acid while you are in Verdant Brink for example.

> > > > * When you talk to vendors that take that item it lists how many you have of everything they trade.

> > > > * I have never in my life been in a situation where I needed to know how many of an item I had in my wallet.. and could not take the 10 seconds to open my wallet.

> > > > * In short, it would be a complete waste of dev time to put in that feature, and would not change the quality of life of people, as they would need to keep going into their wallet and changing what they were tracking every time the went into a new zone.

> > >

> > > I just want to make a counter-point here: the idea isn't bad - it may not appeal to some but this is something I've wanted for years. I would love to pick a few of my favorite currencies and see them always displayed along the bottom of the inventory screen. Their locality is irrelevant. I may want to see how much chak acid or karma I have to decide if I want to go to a zone where I can get more. This is especially true now that the keys which open the HOT chests in my home instance are in the wallet. I used to be able to open my inventory and see immediately if I have enough to open the chests. Scrolling through the wallet to find those currencies is tedious, as the list is sorted in order of descending quantity so the order changes. It would be an improvement to the quality of life for me and others who are interested in this, and it would not affect those who aren't. Whether it's cost-effective to implement is, as always, up to the devs.

> > >

> > > (An alternative would be to just list the top ten currencies the player has most of along the bottom of the inventory screen. They're already sorted in order of descending quantity in the wallet. I'd be happy if that were summarised along the inventory screen bottom.)

> > >

> > > Ciao

> >

> > Karma is already displayed when you are in any PvE zone

> > Badges of Honor when you enter WvW

> > And shards of Glory if you are in PvP.

> >

> > Also, your wallet is not sorted by amount, it may feel that way, because we often have the most Karma, but even if you had Zero karma (like I did at the end of Wintrsday) it would still be at the top. (right below Gold and Gems)

> >

> > Also, At the Very Top of the Wallet you have a drop down menu, where can sort what you want to see. IE: You can select to only look at keys, or map currencies, or competitive concurrence. Etc

> >

> > Check it out, it's most likely the solution you are looking for.


> While I appreciate the tip, it's not the solution I'm looking for because there's no problem I'm trying to solve. What's there is already good, don't get me wrong. I don't need to see the currencies along the bottom of the inventory. I just want to. Whether it's worthwhile for anet to implement this is debatable but ultimately moot. This thread was specifically titled "in-game improvements we will 'likely' never see" - **which I take to mean it's a place to voice our dream improvements without the constraint of having to defend them** . My contribution today to this wish-list is having currencies displayed along the bottom. Don't ever expect to see it, but it makes me happy to imagine it.


I wish the OP had done that.

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