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[Suggestions] Updated: 20 in-game improvements we will 'likely' never see. 10 in OP; 10 from players

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Personally I think Stihl's idea has merit. As long as i could click the feature on and off per character. I have a Charr that wears the cook outfit all the time while running around with the Greatsaw. I don't want to see that character in armor. But I have a few that are used for Rp so auto swapping to town/casual look (outfit) would be a welcomed option.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > My point is with an idea like yours being an Automatic Clothes Swap system, any form of 'restriction' is not good. Your idea needs to be more 'flexible' to suit all players' tastes and situations.


> Again.. not being rude, but you openly state that you do not get involved with the cosmetics, or that venture of the game, so.. you don't have the game level experience to talk about what this idea needs or does not need.



Going by that logic, just because I do not like the 'environment-based' aspect of your idea instead of it being 'flexible' where players get to choose which Outfits _they_ believe are most fitting for certain zones, I do not have experience with improving ideas? Give me a break. The UI I mocked-up for you is clearly an improvement on your own idea that achieves the same thing you want, but does it better. Not only that, I have at least some experience in designing User Interfaces (that and creating mock-ups of ideas as if they were already in the game), and for someone who wants to talk about one's 'lack of experience', you clearly do not have that experience.


As for your other comments I was going to reply to, I am not going to bother at this point, because all we keep doing is going around and around in circles back to square one when I have repeated my counterarguments more than need be, and quite frankly, I am done arguing about it. Every point you continue to make is nothing I have not already refuted, and every point I continue to make is nothing you have not already tried to refute. I may not be into 'Fashion Wars', but I know how to get ideas going and improve on ideas, that and I can show my work in the process.


With those said points in mind, here is my Wallet idea (with On and Off options for toggleable currencies to display or not display) I spent a little time on that I was talking about: https://imgur.com/a/urqxQ And in case the texts are too small for you to read on the image, I improved my Wallet idea where any displayed currencies along the bottom bar of the Inventory can be dragged-and-dropped in whatever order players want them displayed.




**P.S.** The mock-up image for my Wallet idea has been included in my OP.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> Personally I think Stihl's idea has merit. As long as i could click the feature on and off per character. I have a Charr that wears the cook outfit all the time while running around with the Greatsaw. I don't want to see that character in armor. But I have a few that are used for Rp so auto swapping to town/casual look (outfit) would be a welcomed option.


Giving STIHL's Automatic Clothes Swap idea the benefit of the doubt, his system will only have merit if players get to choose what _they_ want to wear upon entering whatever town or combat zone they want (each area having its own environment or theme, anyway), **yet** STIHL's Automatic Clothes Swap system _assumes_ a player is going to be okay with only one style of clothes, each one to suit specific environment, and that is what makes the idea really bad and _not_ 'flexible' whatsoever.


STIHL then continues in one of his comments by suggesting, and I quote, "And then they could sell Individual Zone Unlocks. for the players that wanted them. Which would be a great way to make the idea in and of itself profitable." end of quote


Why do that? So charge players DOUBLE for both a 'zone unlock' PLUS what they have to spend on their Outfits to begin with to have a certain look upon entering whatever town or combat zone they want? That sounds like a terrible idea. No way. Players who are into Fashion Wars spend enough Gems as it is for their aesthetic tastes.


**P.S.** I am off to work. I will be back later tonight.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > Personally I think Stihl's idea has merit. As long as i could click the feature on and off per character. I have a Charr that wears the cook outfit all the time while running around with the Greatsaw. I don't want to see that character in armor. But I have a few that are used for Rp so auto swapping to town/casual look (outfit) would be a welcomed option.


> Giving STIHL's Automatic Clothes Swap idea the benefit of the doubt, his system will only have merit if players get to choose what _they_ want to wear upon entering whatever town or combat zone they want (each area having its own environment or theme, anyway), **yet** STIHL's Automatic Clothes Swap system _assumes_ a player is going to be okay with only one style of clothes, each one to suit specific environment, and that is what makes the idea really bad and _not_ 'flexible' whatsoever.



nah man.. you have not been paying attrition at all, the player would pick what they would look like, not be thrust upon them.

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > My point is with an idea like yours being an Automatic Clothes Swap system, any form of 'restriction' is not good. Your idea needs to be more 'flexible' to suit all players' tastes and situations.

> >

> > Again.. not being rude, but you openly state that you do not get involved with the cosmetics, or that venture of the game, so.. you don't have the game level experience to talk about what this idea needs or does not need.

> >


> Going by that logic, just because I do not like the 'environment-based' aspect of your idea instead of it being 'flexible' where players get to choose which Outfits _they_ believe are most fitting for certain zones, I do not have experience with improving ideas? Give me a break.


I'm not gonna ask someone who hates Jump Puzzles on how to make them better.. same with fashion.


> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> Why do that? So charge players DOUBLE for both a 'zone unlock' PLUS what they have to spend on their Outfits to begin with to have a certain look upon entering whatever town or combat zone they want? That sounds like a terrible idea. No way. Players who are into Fashion Wars spend enough Gems as it is for their aesthetic tastes.


This is why I would not ask you for advice. Players that would love this idea, would like that they can have more. See, you don't think like someone who enjoy this, so you have no idea what would attract them, any improvement you would try to add would at best be a shot in the dark, with no actual understanding of why it would be good or bad, and zero desire to want to know what moves the people that enjoy this, and this is all by your admission. Fashion its just not apart of the game you play., so you would be out of your element even trying to discus ideas about it, but it is as much a part of the game as doing raids, or anything else.


Starting with several environments for free keeps things simple 14 options, like a starting inventory, and like expanding an inventory, if they wanted more individual zones added, they could pay for it, if they didn't then it won't affect them at all. it's a good way to do things.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> Personally I think Stihl's idea has merit. As long as i could click the feature on and off per character. I have a Charr that wears the cook outfit all the time while running around with the Greatsaw. I don't want to see that character in armor. But I have a few that are used for Rp so auto swapping to town/casual look (outfit) would be a welcomed option.


You would set your look as you like. There would be no requirement to change at all. If you were happy with one look, you could keep that everywhere, if you wanted various looks for different environments, you would have the freedom to pre-set them, to make your life easier.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > Personally I think Stihl's idea has merit. As long as i could click the feature on and off per character. I have a Charr that wears the cook outfit all the time while running around with the Greatsaw. I don't want to see that character in armor. But I have a few that are used for Rp so auto swapping to town/casual look (outfit) would be a welcomed option.


> You would set your look as you like. There would be no requirement to change at all. If you were happy with one look, you could keep that everywhere, if you wanted various looks for different environments, you would have the freedom to pre-set them, to make your life easier.


I like this idea. I'd like different looks for desert/snowy biomes. Can't wear that bikini everywhere.

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I'd really like the Alt key freed from it's key bind prison of splitting stacks in my inventory. The alt key is a pretty important key and most people use it for other things in other games. I use it to toggle the action camera and bring up the regular UI. I mean, in every other game but this one. Although you can bind alt to to other things in this game, it's still intermingled with the stack splitting function and it just causes obfuscation to the point where you just want to leave it alone and not use it for anything other than its intended purpose. So, for the love of the Alt key, please let me rebind inventory stack splitting to something else.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Actually, it would be more based on Environment, IE: **the cold** AKA: The "Shivereaks" region, as opposed to being broken down by direct zone, like "Fostgorge Sound" Only because I think being broken down by zone would be a bit overwhelming.


Let's back up for one moment, since I was _not_ clear enough the first time when I responded to the above quoted from you. If you paid closer attention to the UI mock-up I created of an Automatic Clothes Swap system, it actually _does_ give players the option to 'pre-set' a particular Outfit to a specific 'region/environment' OR to a specific 'zone', the Crystal Desert being a 'region', and Frostgorge Sound being a 'zone'.


Perhaps I should have made the UI I created a little better where 'Region/Environment' _and_ 'Zone' are split into two different categories like so: https://imgur.com/a/bV28E **yet** as the UI mock-up originally created stands: https://imgur.com/a/FyJTK, it 'suggests' players should have the option to 'pre-set' a particular Outfit to either a 'region/environment' OR to a specific 'zone', even though I noted in text, "...and so on for all zones." in my original UI mock-up. (My bad!)


I expected you would catch on, but you did not, and I do admit the problem was with me _not_ giving a better UI mock-up example of my interpretation of your idea.


With the aforementioned explanation in mind, what I kept arguing against (and _still_ argue against) is the fact your idea of an Automatic Clothes Swap system is 'regional' instead of also working with specific 'zones' like I initially had in mind when I made that UI mock-up image in the first place. I meant for the addition of 'zones' to be an improvement on your idea, and I still believe it is, given the revised UI mock-up image I linked you for clarity: https://imgur.com/a/bV28E


**Note:** Just to be clear on one little detail, in the event a new player opens up the new Outfits window (as exampled in my link to the revised Automatic Clothes Swap system mock-up) who has bought no Outfits yet, the Outfit slots will display as 'empty'.

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> @"Cicatrix.6149" said:

> I'd really like the Alt key freed from it's key bind prison of splitting stacks in my inventory. The alt key is a pretty important key and most people use it for other things in other games. I use it to toggle the action camera and bring up the regular UI. I mean, in every other game but this one. Although you can bind alt to to other things in this game, it's still intermingled with the stack splitting function and it just causes obfuscation to the point where you just want to leave it alone and not use it for anything other than its intended purpose. So, for the love of the Alt key, please let me rebind inventory stack splitting to something else.


I agree. The Alt key should be bindable to other keys, and that whatever other key we choose to bind it with, that the stack-splitting function work with _other_ keys.


The only reason I believe that improvement will _not_ be implemented is because it would be a lot for Anet's devs to go through almost every key on the keyboard and make them work with the stack-splitting function (in the event the Alt key is not being used for that function).

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> @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > Actually, it would be more based on Environment, IE: **the cold** AKA: The "Shivereaks" region, as opposed to being broken down by direct zone, like "Fostgorge Sound" Only because I think being broken down by zone would be a bit overwhelming.


> Let's back up for one moment, since I was _not_ clear enough the first time when I responded to the above quoted from you. If you paid closer attention to the UI mock-up I created of an Automatic Clothes Swap system, it actually _does_ give players the option to 'pre-set' a particular Outfit to a specific 'region/environment' OR to a specific 'zone', the Crystal Desert being a 'region', and Frostgorge Sound being a 'zone'.


Your mock up is bad.. [**Mine** ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/23990/idea-on-how-to-upgrade-fashion-wars "Mine ") is much better, and conveys my idea better, also has more features.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > Actually, it would be more based on Environment, IE: **the cold** AKA: The "Shivereaks" region, as opposed to being broken down by direct zone, like "Fostgorge Sound" Only because I think being broken down by zone would be a bit overwhelming.

> >

> > Let's back up for one moment, since I was _not_ clear enough the first time when I responded to the above quoted from you. If you paid closer attention to the UI mock-up I created of an Automatic Clothes Swap system, it actually _does_ give players the option to 'pre-set' a particular Outfit to a specific 'region/environment' OR to a specific 'zone', the Crystal Desert being a 'region', and Frostgorge Sound being a 'zone'.


> Your mock up is bad.. [**Mine** ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/23990/idea-on-how-to-upgrade-fashion-wars "Mine ") is much better, and conveys my idea better, also has more features.


Pardon my late reply. I fell ill for a couple days. I am better now.


Here is what makes your idea bad, and I quote from the post you linked me, "Yes it would cost a Transmutation Charge to change your look, no matter what the environment was, just like it costs a charge now." end of quote


First off, it does _not_ cost a Transmutation Charge to change an Outfit. That is an absolutely terrible idea. Players who have already bought Outfits should _not_ be charged Transmutation Charges PER region, zone, etc. no more than players are charged now to put on any Outfit they want. You have the Outfits system mixed up with the Wardrobe system, where anything in the Wardrobe system _does_ cost a Transmutation Charge to change your look. The Outfits system does _not_ work like that, and neither should your Automatic Clothes Swap idea change it to work like that.


Other than charging players a Transmutation Charge, your idea achieves the same thing my mock-up achieves https://imgur.com/a/bV28E, the only difference being I did not specifically include towns like you did (that easily can be added, and should have been added), or Raids, Dungeons, PvP or WvW.


Those are _not_ areas we talked about initially, otherwise, my mock-up would have included those additional areas like so: Outfit upon entering PvP, Outfit upon entering towns [towns listed], Outfit upon entering WvW, Outfit upon entering Dungeons [dungeons listed], and so on.


Not only that, your screenshot (it is not even a mock-up) shows absolutely _nothing_ to illustrate the Automatic Clothes Swap idea in any way, shape, or form like the mock-up I created does. What you did to make it sound like my mock-up was crap is you went, "Oh, btw, let's add these areas not discussed that his mock-up doesn't have" instead of admitting my mock-up at least gives the general idea of what an Automatic Clothes Swap UI would look like, and I can very easily add those additional areas you talk about in your post.


Conclusively, in order for your Automatic Clothes Swap idea to take off, it needs to go beyond being explained in text, because as your post stands it only gives the idea of what you want to see in-game, yet it does not give any example on what the UI for it would look like.

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  • 7 months later...

item slots for consumeables

infinite transmutation stones

build template (good idea)/ trait templates

the ability to mix and match outfits and wardrobes

the ability to switch mounts directly from one to another without having to dismount

the ability to move/enlarge the mini map to another monitor

night and day indicator

the ability to preview from recipes

smorgasborg traits

option to automatically change into normal clothes upon entering a town




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Mine: A musician (vendor) located in each main city that allow you to trade an instrument for another (since they are at the same price.) E.G: I buy Charr bass for 800 gems then go to the vendor and trade her for a harp, got harp, bass deleted. Great for peoples who bought by mistake an instrument.

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