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trap condi thief


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what do you want to do with such a thief? do you need advise on something specific ? with trap condi and thief you already got your general idea of what you want to make, so if you enter all that you allready know into a buildplanner ( i mostly use http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/) then we might be able to help you fill up the rest, if we know what you want to do with it or give advise about what we would do different.


> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> What is that helms skin, I want it.






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OK I'll take your challenge. If you want to be a heal, condi thief, then do it the right way. Try this http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAoYl8MhunYzTwtJQ/EHtElvMajUUHAdxC0XsnoKA-jBSAABA8AA8afAE1DI9JAY9FGKV9HzU+5oSQCBsYNA-e You can switch out DA for DD if you want even more condi and heals on dodge but upon looking at your vid, you don't have DD or don't want to use it, either way....

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