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Ventari's Tablet and killing


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If Ventari's tablet teaches us "IV. All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed." then why are we killing so much stuff in the starting area?? What about the nightmare court and the dragons?? What do we do after a wrong rippens into evil?? MMmm.

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Well, one thing is allowing the weed to grow, a different thing is allowing the weed to smother the blossom. That's why you shouldn't let a wrong ripen into evil.

You let the weed grow, but if it starts growing evil and smothering the blossom, you weed it out.

I think the IV tenet isn't so much a "You shall not kill" but more a "Give everything a fair chance".

If you look at Celadon Forest, most of the enemies are Nightmare Court, agressive predators and undead.

There's a lot of neutral predators there, that in other places are agressive as well, like Drakes. I see that as the game allowing you to pick your path, but telling you "you shouldn't kill this because it's not attacking you".

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Yeah, the first time that this tenant was brought to the lime light was in a short story about the founding of the Nightmare court. Cadeyrn desired to kill a brood of Krait young that he found, but his fellow secondborn refused to let him. His mind set was that they would grow up evil like their parents, their mindset was that everything should have a chance to grow up and be judged by their own actions.

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As I recall, the ambient dialogue in the Grove includes a deeper analysis of the tenet, as interpreted by the sylvari:


"Mentor Arduine: The fourth of Ventari's tenets states, "All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed."

Sapling: They can grow, but what about when the weeds start choking out the flowers?

Sapling (3): The right to grow isn't the right to kill. Brothers are not parasites. They grow side by side.

Sapling (2): And, if the weeds start choking flowers, you pluck them.

Mentor Arduine: Uh, that'll do, thank you."


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upper_Commons (bottom of the Ambient Dialogue section)


Basically, it seems to boil down to "everything has a right to grow, but once it starts impinging on something else's right to grow, then it's reasonable to decide that the something else's right is greater". So threats like the Nightmare Court and the dragons are permissible targets because they'll violate the right of more things to grow if left unchecked. Hypothetically, though, a dragon that just sits on a ley line drinking magic, or a Nightmare Court member who just sits alone in a cage cutting themselves, would be protected by the tenet as they're not directly impinging on anything else's right to grow.

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