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The REAL december power rankings of PvP in EU


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> @"Iriel.4375" said:

> Dragons Warden>me , sure , that show how this kitten is made by a random.


As I know, you never play spellbreaker which is meta. Maybe if you play the meta you will be placed higher on the list.


> @"Vallun.2071" said:

> im too high on this list OMEGALUL


> But really i am not making the list until the game balance changes in a way that promotes skill reassignment, otherwise there is no incentive to improve and everything stays the same, refer to previous list XD


> Also why do people keep copy pasting my official verbiage lmao


I think that you aren't a bad player and you deserve that position. You might not be mechanically superior to all other thieves, but I've noticed some displays of smart plays and awareness that some others don't have. Which is probably the most important skill of a thief: awareness and playmaking.


> @"bluri.2653" said:

> thieves in this order

> Aieone:

> Irish koffee:

> Hybrid:

> Kaazers:

> sizer:


> others not really worth mentioning


Irish Koffee hasn't really proven himself much outside of solo queue. So it's hard and a bit unfair to compare. Vallun, for example, has shown to have better awareness and decision making. I will try to fix the order a bit later.

About the "others not really worth mentioning"... there is a bigger community and player pool than what you are actually aware of. These people deserve some recognition and could use this as motivation to improve.



> @"Fideles Erbstück.7382" said:

> i dont get why everyone is so salty. looks accurate to me... kinda copied my rating but meh. you learn from the best i would say. and sind its not about "worth mentioning" ... he just made a list of the entire gw2 pvp base and rated them. wheres the problem?


Thank you.


> @"Fideles Erbstück.7382" said:

> only one thing. how can iriel NOT be a 60 warrior ?


I think it's not fair to compare Iriel to the likes of Ziltoid, Roxas, Mikado and Dannyboy. That was a bit of the reason why I put some of those lower ranked to be used for the sake of comparison, making it easier to rate the rest and for the community to compare themselves to.



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> @"Vallun.2071" said:

> I consider myself the same rating as irish koffee (with EU ping) but obv id be above him on the list cuz of ping :)

> though i think koffee is higher than most of the other thieves


I think I agree with some of the thief opinions. I would agree on putting Koffee higher on the list, if he had proven himself a bit more in tournament games, or against other thief players. The play outside of solo queue is more important in my opinion. I would drop your rating a bit maybe, seeing that both you and Sindrener have suggested the same.

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> @"Vebryan.7549" said:

> > @"PaRaPhReNiA.8763" said:

> > > @"Vebryan.7549" said:

> > > Once again i'm not in the engi section, another wrong list yay :(

> >

> > feelsbadman but u would have 101 rating, thats prolly why u are not on this list =(


> ye, guess thats the problem ... i'm actually rayed too high since i could farm that whole list except zan and ebrush lmao feelsverybadman :'(



for real vebryan youre such a kid, you wouldnt farm anyone above makarow lmao. its not about who farms who, more like how does he act in different scenarios = u may be good mechanically but thats it, dont act like you could farm everyone :D

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> @"aniratac.7159" said:

> I tried to make an objective list without bias. Mind explaining why you think it's that bad?


Well, could you explain your algorithm that determines which score each player gets? Besides, you made this list on your own? You call this list ''based on observable performance'' but you can't observe every PvP player above a certain rating.

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> @"Levijeh.1467" said:

> All random numbers determined by some random people without any statistical or mathematical base ?


It's not random numbers. This is based on experience while trying to be as unbias as I possibly can. It's gathered from playing solo queue and watching streams. If people disagree with any of my list, they should come and point the faults of my list while explaining why. I'll keep readjusting to make it as legit as I possibly can.


> @"Nila.7813" said:

> Qatrax - Today at 6:15 AM

> i even asked myself

> why im still on powerrankings

> Miaz - Today at 6:15 AM


> Qatrax - Today at 6:15 AM

> coz i didnt played mesmer

> for like 3-4 months


I know for a fact that Qatrax has played mirage not that long ago and I put some people in this list also more as a tool to compare to others. Also, from what I remember, Qatrax appeared on top 10 multiple times and even on the latest one, according to a source of mine.


> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > @"aniratac.7159" said:

> > I tried to make an objective list without bias. Mind explaining why you think it's that bad?


> Well, could you explain your algorithm that determines which score each player gets? Besides, you made this list on your own? You call this list ''based on observable performance'' but you can't observe every PvP player above a certain rating.


There is no real algorithm here. It's based on what I could observe from solo queue, streams and players who win tournaments. It's true I can't possibly know about the real skill of every single player out there, but at least the top ones are pretty "observable". My list might not be 100% accurate but I'm trying to make it the closest to that as I can. That's why feedback is important to help me readjust to something that will be even closer to being accurate.

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> @"solmat.9831" said:

> Just 86 i'm mad :(



If you are mad, tell me why you disagree and what rank you think you deserve instead? On a serious note.


> @"Urejt.5648" said:

> fake list. Sizer is ranked 1 thief because he finished rank 2 totaL.


I considered giving Sizer a higher rank in the list, considering his solo queue ranking regardless of the dramas. But I decided to go with this current ranking instead.


> @"Nila.7813" said:

> Nah qatrax didn't play mirage for 3 months. The only class that he touched during PoF was druid.


I know for a fact this is not true, even if he has played druid more than mirage. But I considered his mirage because it's what I saw from him the most myself. So it's hard for me to judge his druid. Mind telling me where you would rank him as druid and why?

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> @"aniratac.7159" said:

> > @"Levijeh.1467" said:

> > All random numbers determined by some random people without any statistical or mathematical base ?


> It's not random numbers. This is based on experience while trying to be as unbias as I possibly can. It's gathered from playing solo queue and watching streams. If people disagree with any of my list, they should come and point the faults of my list while explaining why. I'll keep readjusting to make it as legit as I possibly can.


> > @"Nila.7813" said:

> > Qatrax - Today at 6:15 AM

> > i even asked myself

> > why im still on powerrankings

> > Miaz - Today at 6:15 AM


> > Qatrax - Today at 6:15 AM

> > coz i didnt played mesmer

> > for like 3-4 months


> I know for a fact that Qatrax has played mirage not that long ago and I put some people in this list also more as a tool to compare to others. Also, from what I remember, Qatrax appeared on top 10 multiple times and even on the latest one, according to a source of mine.


> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > > @"aniratac.7159" said:

> > > I tried to make an objective list without bias. Mind explaining why you think it's that bad?

> >

> > Well, could you explain your algorithm that determines which score each player gets? Besides, you made this list on your own? You call this list ''based on observable performance'' but you can't observe every PvP player above a certain rating.


> There is no real algorithm here. It's based on what I could observe from solo queue, streams and players who win tournaments. It's true I can't possibly know about the real skill of every single player out there, but at least the top ones are pretty "observable". My list might not be 100% accurate but I'm trying to make it the closest to that as I can. That's why feedback is important to help me readjust to something that will be even closer to being accurate.


this whole forum post is a joke, why do you take all this effort to gather ingame names, when youre not even able to understand who is good or who isnt. anyway, i was good at chrono but i rarely played mirage, youre right perhaps i played like 20 ranked games or smth, the rest i played druid. and yes i were top 10 multiple times and recognized that the only other players which i faced where Misha, Zan, Sindrenner and this RIP guy think these guys where the only players out of whole top 25 i faced on dayli primetime over weeks, you can imagine that match quality was always totally bad in avg, there not that many decent players anymore the game is ded, and most people camping on their shty meaningless ladderboard places. since im not interested to argue with ingame r e t a r d s anymore, i just stopped playing over an month ago. in my pov the most players in this community acting completly delusional and scare the fuck out of me when i ask myself how this people are in real life. thanks but i dont want to be a part of that.

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> @"Vetch.6307" said:

> No Saffron/I Am Bunker Guard on the guardian list????? Saffron is a stand up guy! #shameless plug.


Tell me why and where do you think I should add into the list?


> @"Alcazaro.7618" said:


> this whole forum post is a joke, why do you take all this effort to gather ingame names, when youre not even able to understand who is good or who isnt. anyway, i was good at chrono but i rarely played mirage, youre right perhaps i played like 20 ranked games or smth, the rest i played druid. and yes i were top 10 multiple times and recognized that the only other players which i faced where Misha, Zan, Sindrenner and this RIP guy think these guys where the only players out of whole top 25 i faced on dayli primetime over weeks, you can imagine that match quality was always totally bad in avg, there not that many decent players anymore the game is ded, and most people camping on their shty meaningless ladderboard places. since im not interested to argue with ingame r e t a r d s anymore, i just stopped playing over an month ago. in my pov the most players in this community acting completly delusional and scare the kitten out of me when i ask myself how this people are in real life. thanks but i dont want to be a part of that.


This post is not supposed to be a joke, unlike some of the other similar ones. If you disagree with the list, would you mind giving some more specific feedback? Who do you think is ranked wrong and why? After you give more proper feedback, I will consider it and readjust the list.

I added your mesmer to the list because I know you're still better than most other mesmers. I didn't know how to rate your druid so I didn't bother to add your druid to the list. Again, you can help me with this and so can any other person in this forum.

I agree that the match quality average has dropped a lot and I hope that this list will motivate others to improve at the game and look at these rankings as a way to differentiate eachother as accurately as possible. I also agree that most players are quite delusional about their real skill, too. But noone is able to be 100% unbias, so again, that's why it's important for people to share their opinions here. Let's make this more interesting for the better of a community in a game that we have enjoyed so much.


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> @"Seyiwaji.4082" said:

> lol you give credit to a nobody, making a nobody ranking.

> I rofl so hard.


I've experience from playing against almost all of the players in this list from solo queue and ATs. You're not being helpful or contributing in any way by coming here and trying to discredit me without providing real feedback. If you disagree with the rankings, explain yourself better.

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