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Meta clone mirage gear discussion.


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The meta clone build uses full viper, renegade runes, sigil of malice and energy. Signet of midnight

- this nets 62% duration.

- chaotic persistence gives 3% duration per boon

- with all 11 boons... That's 33%

- this makes the total 95% in a perfect, and unattainable situation.


The problem here?

- a fully meta raid comp keeps 5 boons up (occasionally 6 w/ retaliation from guardian)

- this expected 5 boons only nets 15%

- so with 5 boons... We only hit 77% duration.



Now, that's not so bad, if we factor in dune cloak, for that extra 20% for 97% total. 100% if we get that extra retaliation.


Problem? Dune cloak isn't as much dps as infinite horizon. And the clone build doesn't use it.


So I propose a solution.


Full viper's gear, with a grieving helmet, 4 runes of nightmare 2 trapper, sigil of bursting and energy. Signet of midnight.

- this puts our duration at 85% before chaotic persistence.

- this uses Sigil Of Bursting to make up 6 of the 7% lost from loosing runes of nightmare.

- with 5, standard raid boons, that puts us at 100%

- yes, this does mean the 6th boon and above provides no additional duration because we hit the cap already.



I haven't checked this yet, but it seems like it should be a flat dps increase.


I'm already hitting 30k on the golem tired and intoxicated with the meta build's standard gear. So, I think my gear set should be much better, as it has only 1% less condition damage, but gains over 20% duration.



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Did the research. Apparently people have tested bursting against geomancy. It only comes out ahead on a class that could use sinister. (as in, a class that gets enough duration from traits to use something other than viper. Like, guardian, engineer, or elementalist) and even then... Only in a rotation so perfect you gotta be pro level.


So, looks like geomancy should account for the dps loss easily.


When I get home tonight, I'll have to farm TA to get a few more marks so I can test it.


If anyone out there has tested this already, I'd love to hear about it.

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