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Do Rangers have the counterplay of other classes? (PvP)


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Ele shouldn't be the hardest problem. Just need to read their animations and learn their skills better.


I always had problems against Warriors. Gotta chain CC them to be able to break them down little by little. If not possible, I need +1.


Engineer Holosmith are more squishy than Scrappers (Which I have more problems with), you should be fine against them as long you dodge their burst (which hurts a lot). Stun breaks and stability are handy against them. Try to keep a distance, because most of Holosmith skills are close ranged.


For Guardians, bait their supporting skills and save your burst.


GS would be a better weapon in PvP instead of Sword. If you decide to do that, change Honed Axe to Zephyr's Speed (Condi clear with WK) or Beastly Warden (CC)


As for your build: WS, I would suggest Soften the Fall over Taste for Danger. For Soulbeast, get Unstoppable Union, because you have 0 skills that gives you unblockable and you need that against professions that has lots of blocks like Warriors and Guardians.


BM, I was about to say to scrap Potent Ally, but I saw you were focusing on Might sigils and runes. It's a risky gameplay with the corrup/hate boon meta.

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Yeah I was watching a streamer who plays with that build. Needless to say...he's better than me.

sword 2 is good for leaps, sw 3--poisoning a down and axe 5 will end a down. It's ridiculous. But, eh, I've never had problems finishing downs anyway so I'll try the gs again.


WS--soften the fall I would only use that while in melee range, which is something Im not in very often--and is certainly not the time I would want to use my heal

That and it looses me 1200 hitpoints. That's just my take on it-- care to counter? Im all ears.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> WS--soften the fall I would only use that while in melee range, which is something Im not in very often--and is certainly not the time I would want to use my heal

> That and it looses me 1200 hitpoints. That's just my take on it-- care to counter? Im all ears.


It's just for another condi clear from Muddy Terrain, but if you don't struggle with condi, it's fine that you take Taste for Danger. Also, I don't think 1200 HP is a big difference if you use Paladin or Marauder. It could open up an utility slot you used for a condi clear (Quickening Zephyr?). You can get Dolyak Stance, since Stability can be handy.


As for the Sword or GS, it's up to your game style. GS is just more reliable to me.

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Him what streamer (sometimes people see stuff I haven't thought of) is this I wana see his gameplay maybe I'm missing b

something but that build looks kinda questionable at best. (Try stawks, shadelings, hell bics build makes way more sense than that)


Anyways take the unblockable trait for gaurds and warriors. For engies just give up the point and make sure your have stab available if your going to engage. Fore their aoe launch they will almost always have stab available, a good rule of thumb is I always go a bit further than what I think it's going to be, if a holo CC's you and you don't have an invuln your gunna hurt.


Anyways I find GS best for fighting warriors personally. I try not to brawl with them since currently they can easily out play you with the dagger and full counter but rather +1 them and time my muals right.


For gaurds if it's dh it's trying to bait out the blocks and Dodge the cc. For firebrand if they have the point capped, I just rotate as they can just run around the point stalling.


And druid can counter anything as long as you have the space to manuever and are willing to give up the point.



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That is biks build.


Countering is not what druids do.

I've played druid a lot.

A druid can stealth and reposition and that's not the same as countering.



When I say counter, I mean counter... I swap to bow, they are reflecting projectiles...thats the kind of stuff Im talking about.


And now that I am on it.... Seems like projectiles get hate that the other forms of damage do not receive.

Can I reflect condies?

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> @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > WS--soften the fall I would only use that while in melee range, which is something Im not in very often--and is certainly not the time I would want to use my heal

> > That and it looses me 1200 hitpoints. That's just my take on it-- care to counter? Im all ears.


> It's just for another condi clear from Muddy Terrain, but if you don't struggle with condi, it's fine that you take Taste for Danger. Also, I don't think 1200 HP is a big difference if you use Paladin or Marauder. It could open up an utility slot you used for a condi clear (Quickening Zephyr?). You can get Dolyak Stance, since Stability can be handy.


> As for the Sword or GS, it's up to your game style. GS is just more reliable to me.


is it another condi clear? How?

Wilderness knowledge gives me the 2 condis removed.

Are you saying, when it procs muddy terrain, that also removes another 2 condis--so 4 removed on one heal?

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > WS--soften the fall I would only use that while in melee range, which is something Im not in very often--and is certainly not the time I would want to use my heal

> > > That and it looses me 1200 hitpoints. That's just my take on it-- care to counter? Im all ears.

> >

> > It's just for another condi clear from Muddy Terrain, but if you don't struggle with condi, it's fine that you take Taste for Danger. Also, I don't think 1200 HP is a big difference if you use Paladin or Marauder. It could open up an utility slot you used for a condi clear (Quickening Zephyr?). You can get Dolyak Stance, since Stability can be handy.

> >

> > As for the Sword or GS, it's up to your game style. GS is just more reliable to me.


> is it another condi clear? How?

> Wilderness knowledge gives me the 2 condis removed.

> Are you saying, when it procs muddy terrain, that also removes another 2 condis--so 4 removed on one heal?


Yes that's how it works and also take natural healing as that gives you more tegin in soulbeast form, and lesser zypher speed. That's 4 more Condi cleanses and utility on pet swap and

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > WS--soften the fall I would only use that while in melee range, which is something Im not in very often--and is certainly not the time I would want to use my heal

> > > > That and it looses me 1200 hitpoints. That's just my take on it-- care to counter? Im all ears.

> > >

> > > It's just for another condi clear from Muddy Terrain, but if you don't struggle with condi, it's fine that you take Taste for Danger. Also, I don't think 1200 HP is a big difference if you use Paladin or Marauder. It could open up an utility slot you used for a condi clear (Quickening Zephyr?). You can get Dolyak Stance, since Stability can be handy.

> > >

> > > As for the Sword or GS, it's up to your game style. GS is just more reliable to me.

> >

> > is it another condi clear? How?

> > Wilderness knowledge gives me the 2 condis removed.

> > Are you saying, when it procs muddy terrain, that also removes another 2 condis--so 4 removed on one heal?


> Yes that's how it works and also take natural healing as that gives you more tegin in soulbeast form, and lesser zypher speed. That's 4 more Condi cleanses and utility on pet swap and


A couple thoughts,


I swapped out two handed training for natural healing. I was looking at the two handed trait and it just doesn't look worth it. Sure, it's a little more dmg and a better cd but it's not like I'm camping my gs. Whereas, that healing I am getting ALL the time.



I also swapped out live fast for unstoppable union.

Live fast just seems very lack luster. "Using a BEAST ability grants offensive boons". When you are merged it only counts one of the F attack abilities (f3-Worldly Impact) as a "BEAST" ability.


So if you personally use this pet in BM, then you know the worldly impact is a slow ability. The quickness from a worldly impact stomp really doesn't flow into the rest of the fight. If the other two F abilities also counted as a Beast ability--then this trait would be F-Ing amazing maybe even overpowered. And sure I could use the worldly impact into a quickness rapid fire (but for what? 1 second of quick?) Doesn't make sense.


Also, Bear Stance > Troll Unguent.

There is so much condi out there-- I think it's far better to have that cleanse available, with less overall healing--than no cleanse and a 3k more healing.


Adding in Jacaranda--maybe that heal will occasionally save me from some dire situations :open_mouth:


So this is what the build looks like now.



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For me the only counterplay/class is messmer, and specialy condi mesmer. I can beat them if I try hard and if I don't make any mistake, but if I meet a good or very good mesmer, almost I can't do nothing against him. Atm I think mesmer is one of the broken class in the game. They have too much evade skills, reflect with invulnerability (so our unblockable is usless), a huge stealth time and a huge/stupid skill to jump/teleport over the other side of the map. Many times our 1500 range are just not enough :(. Also they can burst you in 1 sec with 16-20k.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > > > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > > WS--soften the fall I would only use that while in melee range, which is something Im not in very often--and is certainly not the time I would want to use my heal

> > > > > That and it looses me 1200 hitpoints. That's just my take on it-- care to counter? Im all ears.

> > > >

> > > > It's just for another condi clear from Muddy Terrain, but if you don't struggle with condi, it's fine that you take Taste for Danger. Also, I don't think 1200 HP is a big difference if you use Paladin or Marauder. It could open up an utility slot you used for a condi clear (Quickening Zephyr?). You can get Dolyak Stance, since Stability can be handy.

> > > >

> > > > As for the Sword or GS, it's up to your game style. GS is just more reliable to me.

> > >

> > > is it another condi clear? How?

> > > Wilderness knowledge gives me the 2 condis removed.

> > > Are you saying, when it procs muddy terrain, that also removes another 2 condis--so 4 removed on one heal?

> >

> > Yes that's how it works and also take natural healing as that gives you more tegin in soulbeast form, and lesser zypher speed. That's 4 more Condi cleanses and utility on pet swap and


> A couple thoughts,


> I swapped out two handed training for natural healing. I was looking at the two handed trait and it just doesn't look worth it. Sure, it's a little more dmg and a better cd but it's not like I'm camping my gs. Whereas, that healing I am getting ALL the time.



> I also swapped out live fast for unstoppable union.

> Live fast just seems very lack luster. "Using a BEAST ability grants offensive boons". When you are merged it only counts one of the F attack abilities (f3-Worldly Impact) as a "BEAST" ability.


> So if you personally use this pet in BM, then you know the worldly impact is a slow ability. The quickness from a worldly impact stomp really doesn't flow into the rest of the fight. If the other two F abilities also counted as a Beast ability--then this trait would be F-Ing amazing maybe even overpowered. And sure I could use the worldly impact into a quickness rapid fire (but for what? 1 second of quick?) Doesn't make sense.


> Also, Bear Stance > Troll Unguent.

> There is so much condi out there-- I think it's far better to have that cleanse available, with less overall healing--than no cleanse and a 3k more healing.


> Adding in Jacaranda--maybe that heal will occasionally save me from some dire situations :open_mouth:


Ya sorry was using my phone and the rest of my post got cut out. Anyways yes natural healing is better if your not using GS, it gives you Regen. (I personally like the skill CD and damage boost when I use GS) Also your build now looks alot better.


I said troll ungent simply becuase it gives a happy medium between fighting power and Condi as long as you precast it against a power burst and during a Condi burst. (Shadeling uses bear against Condi meses with stance gm and can stall a fight) but it kinda sucks against builds as the long cast time and low healing and high CD.


Jarakanda is great, also for a tankeier option condisder brown bear for cleanse, resistance and endure pain



As for live fast I think Bic uses it cuase he camps soul beast more than weaving in and out. But yes unstoppable union is the better pic.


Also glad you got rid of axe while the burst is great without stab your just gunna get out played.


Finally just becareful of chain cc I suspect you will have a hard time with power mesmers, warriors and guards since you have no stab save for 1 passive stunbreaks. (Personally I would switch out either sic em or one wolf for ramapage or dolyack so you don't get pinballed


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