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Best SOLO PvE build for Engineer?


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I like to play dungeons & PvE content solo. I would like to make an attempt at fractal solos too if possible.


What would be the best general purpose build for me? I sank a ton of time into getting Berserker items and trinkets a few years back, then sinister came out and ended up being superior damage so I went with that. Now 2 years later it seems there's even more options.


I'm thinking the rule of damage is king in PvE still applies these days? If so, what's the best theoretical solo damage I can be outputting? I heard Condi Engineers took a pretty big nerf recently. Otherwise, what would be a solid general purpose build I can roll?


Also, I like working towards goals. Soloing dungeons would just be for fun, but is there any challenging content I can solo that would actually be worthwhile? Time gates are a total non-issue for me.

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You can solo open world and some dungeons/fractals (or at least try to), but some of them require an entire party to get through because they have certain mechanics that require more than one person. The most challenging PvE content are raids and the higher lvl fractals.

For your build, it really depends on what is your playstyle. Both condi and power can do significant damage, but even so they can be optimal in some situations while the other is not. I used to go for full dmg, but now i go with something balanced between sustain and dmg (condi). I dont want to solo anything, I like to play with mates, but I also dont struggle too much when I have to take something by myself. I keep changing my build to adapt it to different situations, but it is based on this one:



Now its far from being meta, but it works really well for me. If you want the meta ones for maximum efficiency, you can look here:




they have some sweet builds for raids, fractals and pvp content with some rotation guides as well.

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Best? That is extremely difficult to define. The best for my is probably not good at all for you, and it could also be really good in certain places while being crap in others...

IMO you should describe a bit more your playstyle and what you like to use with engie, so we can give you more especific ideas.

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For solo PvE and dungeons, here's the build I use. It is a modification of the meta builds referenced above for solo play. Great damage - able to self provide 25 stacks of might, good sustain, over 17K health in full Berserker gear. Can be used with either Rifle or Sword/X. Very effective for me, however, your mileage may vary.




I sometimes swap to Short Fuse over Big Boomer when I want to blow things up faster in Bomb Kit and very rarely swap out to Skill Marksman over No Scope when using Rifle and I need to decrease the cool down on Jump shot/Blunderbuss combo. The Elixir Gun utility slot also gets changed around frequently to adapt to the current situation. I only really take it for the added sustain and stun break of the tool belt skill.

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