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> @"Silvatar.5379" said:

> Yes, its hard to judge the underlining intention of the player making these threats based on the summary provided by the poster but regardless of the intentions of the player, bullying or threatening behaviour does not belong in a video game. PERIOD. Report them or send in a ticket. How is this even a topic for debate? There is no justification for that type of behaviour. Its not acceptable in real life, its not acceptable in a video game. And frankly, if you are the type of person who would try to justify that kind of behaviour in a video game played by children of all ages, then you should take a little time to reexamine your own value system.


You just really don't understand what others are trying to tell you... Everyone going on about terrorism and bullying and illegal threats and all someone did was quote a meme. Haha. I swear you guys must call the FBI on yourself if you accidentally drop a piece of paper.


If you can't interact nicely with others on the internet, block them and go about your life, but stop causing such a ridiculous fuss over a well known joke.


Edit: I went to the effort of preemptively blocking several of you in game so I never have to deal with you, hopefully you'll do the same to me so you don't report me for saying hello a little too enthusiastically. This thread is a disaster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > @"Silvatar.5379" said:

> > Yes, its hard to judge the underlining intention of the player making these threats based on the summary provided by the poster but regardless of the intentions of the player, bullying or threatening behaviour does not belong in a video game. PERIOD. Report them or send in a ticket. How is this even a topic for debate? There is no justification for that type of behaviour. Its not acceptable in real life, its not acceptable in a video game. And frankly, if you are the type of person who would try to justify that kind of behaviour in a video game played by children of all ages, then you should take a little time to reexamine your own value system.


> You just really don't understand what others are trying to tell you... Everyone going on about terrorism and bullying and illegal threats and all someone did was quote a meme. Haha. I swear you guys must call the FBI on yourself if you accidentally drop a piece of paper.


> If you can't interact nicely with others on the internet, block them and go about your life, but stop causing such a ridiculous fuss over a well known joke.


> Edit: I went to the effort of preemptively blocking several of you in game so I never have to deal with you, hopefully you'll do the same to me so you don't report me for saying hello a little too enthusiastically. This thread is a disaster.


I have no idea what meme you might be referring to, but like many others, I dont take an interest in memes. In any case, the actions of the person harassing the OP (according to the OP's limited account) extended well beyond just quoting a meme (assuming that he/she even did so). Thus, to excuse his/her actions as just quoting a meme is an insufficient defense. Secondly, your position admittedly infers that much of the interactions within WvW is esoteric so why would you or anyone be surprised if someone does not understand when a particular individual is "just joking" when he/she is, by the objective perspective of any outsider, harassing another person. And as someone who has been playing WvW since day one, I have certainly seen enough genuine harassment in-game to know that it happens far too often. Furthermore, even if the person was just trying to be "funny" , what exactly is funny about threatening and harassing another human being????


Also, I find it interesting that you state that people should "just be civil and go about your business" (to quote your earlier post). Had the alleged offender done just that, this post would not even exist so I find it surprising and contradictory that you would take that position while simultaneously defend their actions. Secondly, one should NEVER just go about their business when another person is being bullied, threatened, or otherwise harassed (whether it was meant to be a joke or not). This type of behavior is unacceptable in any context and should always be contested. I hope that I will always have the moral courage to stand up for others whenever I see someone being bullied, harassed, or threatened in any way.

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