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Potential F2 skill for Reaper

Barnabus Stinson.1409

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So I have been thinking of changes I would like to see on Necro and Reaper. The first and foremost being some trait line changes and weapon skill changes (Gravedigger) but I feel an F2 on Reaper and Necro could work well and provide another interesting use for Life force. And it would be a good way for Anet to all a potential damage increase to them at the cost of survivability.

So it would have a Cooldown and cost lifeforce, so strictly and offensive tool as it drains LF.

For Reaper I would Call it "Quickening Death"

Costs 15% Max Life force

Gives 5 seconds of Quickness, and if you strike a target below 50% Hp also gain 150 Ferocity.


It would give a potential good damge bump at the cost of survivability, which is inline with some of the recent changes. It would also allow for burst durng Burn Phases, while still being a choice whether they wish to lose part of Necros only defence (the shroud)

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I would put F2 F3 F4 abilities for reaper, apart from reaper's shroud.

each would cost life force and be defensive/utility - because that's what reaper needs, dps buffs need to come from traits and skill changes.


F2 - Shards of ice cover you, blocking attacks for 1 second. Low cd (instant cast buff so you can keep attacking)

F3 - surge (like ride the lighting) into target area, blast finisher, icy explosion - chill/immobilize+swiftness/alacrity

F4 - Channel the Reapers of Grenth, summoning blizzard that grants numerous boons to allies (swiftness, quickness, fury, might, whatever) or stealth and superspeed.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> I would put F2 F3 F4 abilities for reaper, apart from reaper's shroud.

> each would cost life force and be defensive/utility - because that's what reaper needs, dps buffs need to come from traits and skill changes.


> F2 - Shards of ice cover you, blocking attacks for 1 second. Low cd (instant cast buff so you can keep attacking)

> F3 - surge (like ride the lighting) into target area, blast finisher, icy explosion - chill/immobilize+swiftness/alacrity

> F4 - Channel the Reapers of Grenth, summoning blizzard that grants numerous boons to allies (swiftness, quickness, fury, might, whatever) or stealth and superspeed.



I really like that idea. Reaper absolutely needs **real** defence mechanisms and better utility, especially now that your life force just gets deleted whenever you're in a 1v2 etc. As it is, reaper's shroud is trying to function as damage, defence and movement, all in the space of just 5 skills. I'd argue that a block on F2 would have a pretty low CD and therefore be a bit OP, but then I look at spellbreaker... /shrug

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> I am confident Reaper and Death Shroud are already under investigation for conversion to function key skills but the changes necessary to skills are extensive. Removing the shroud transforms is, no doubt, a mountain of work so it may not happen.


I'm not sure it really is that difficult... after all it's just a matter of changing it from a transform to a weapon swap...


If we take a potential F2 into account I wouldn't mind having:

- F1 giving me access to shroud skills without the 2nd life bar with 2-3% LF cost per second

- F2 only giving me a 2nd life bar with let's say 3% LF cost per second


Easy and simple but a huge QoL. You could even have the 2 running at the same time... Herald in a nutshell...


Now, the issue with such a thing is that they already released scourge and scourge have an F2. Which mean that they will end up being frisky when come the time to attach traits to an hypothetic F2 skill.



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I was thinking that developing replacement defensive mechanics and sprinkling them throughout core and Reaper would be a lot of work. Barrier was likely invented for Scourge and could be reused but would it work on other builds without adding blocks, invulnerability, reflects, boons, and mobility skills to Necro's current toolbox?


Without the near instant condi burst, Scourge could easily be a free kill despite barrier. The more I think about it, the more difficult to tune Scourge seems. It feels somewhat bipolar. It is almost defenseless without barrier and overwhelming condi pressure.



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