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Xera Tanking Schedule

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Hi guys a long time ago when I was learning where to tank Xera there used to be this really fantastic guild website with some very clear and well-done instructions that told you everything in only 2 small images. Unfortunately, that guild did disband and nobody made any donations to maintain it. I was very lucky because I did notice it and I was able to donate a couple of days worth of uptime to take those resources from it before it was lost.


I have them saved and I thought I might make them publically available for everyone as the custom domain name has also expired and it is almost totally inaccessible:


![](https://i.imgur.com/4BQ1gRI.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/axqJHq0.jpg "")


ps. If you are the owner or know the owner of the Disorganized Crime website, would it be possible to unlink the website from the domain name and have it connected back to the .enjin domain name? This would be great because there were a couple of other resources and discussions I remember seeing that I would love to salvage from it as well.


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> @"mazut.4296" said:

> kitten I feel dizzy by only watching the diagrams, this is so much more complicated then it actually is.

> respect for taking the time, but still... :D

To be honest, unless you're in a super high DPS static group that can skip laser phases. your Chronotank is _already doing this stuff_ or something very similar. It's a good resource for people still learning.

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> @"mazut.4296" said:

> kitten I feel dizzy by only watching the diagrams, this is so much more complicated then it actually is.

> respect for taking the time, but still... :D


The first diagram visualises the the order of the pink aoes and the second, explains the tanking schedule. I found it helpful to understand the second diagram before I understood the first.

Practice laying down markers for yourself in a circle arena, KC and Sab have similar sized platforms, then just mentally visualise the walls and lazers and follow the steps. The first diagram will assist with understanding why you are standing where you are standing.


> @"Rising Dusk.2408" said:

> > @"mazut.4296" said:

> > kitten I feel dizzy by only watching the diagrams, this is so much more complicated then it actually is.

> > respect for taking the time, but still... :D

> To be honest, unless you're in a super high DPS static group that can skip laser phases. your Chronotank is _already doing this stuff_ or something very similar. It's a good resource for people still learning.


Exactly right, this is a guide for new chronomancers who want to learn where to tank xera.

It is also useful for dps who want to memorise which shards to clear, that is outlined by step 4, 4 and 7.

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> @"Neutra.6857" said:

> really stupid question but which island is which in this diagram? By that I mean is island 1,6 the first island you glide (the one with the orbs you knock into the rifts).


Might be mistaken but 1 is where you start the fight, split into two groups to go to 2->3 and 6->5 respectively. You meet up again at 4 before you go to the main platform. The numbers are supposed to indicate the order of platforms you have to take during the gliding phases.

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> > @"Neutra.6857" said:

> > really stupid question but which island is which in this diagram? By that I mean is island 1,6 the first island you glide (the one with the orbs you knock into the rifts).


> Might be mistaken but 1 is where you start the fight, split into two groups to go to 2->3 and 6->5 respectively. You meet up again at 4 before you go to the main platform. The numbers are supposed to indicate the order of platforms you have to take during the gliding phases.


The numbers are just the numbers that appear on the map for each of the platforms. Idk why it's like that, because you even start on #4 at the 50% phase.

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