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Filling in Missing Skills

Barnabus Stinson.1409

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I'd love to see this happening that Anet simply adds finalyl via a balance Patch for all classes their missing skills for their remaining missing utility skill types, that have yet no fitting skills ...


Like for example Thieves missing a good useful Elite Signet Skill and Elite Trap Skill, same as much as they are missing a Healing Trap Skill, as weird as that may maybe sound to some of you, its missing and we shoudl have this, because with enough creativity you can come up on skilsl for everythign for every skill type for every class...you just need only to brainstorm over these things and you will have ideas for thse things ...


Same did I do and came up after a while on alot of nice ideas for all kinds of Healign Skills theoretically for the Thief for the idea, that basicalyl every class should have for every of their Skill types at least 5 Skills, to give this way the game more build diversity - just to get belittled for something else with "lol a healing thief", cause that person didn't understand the point behind why I've written these skilll ideas up, to show, that everything can be made theoretically possible, if you just think enough over it and have the creativity for something like this to think about many possible skills.


Other classes are missing similarly for some of their Skill Types either Healing, Utility or Elite Skills to make the amount of Skilsl per SkillTtype basically complete and no one can tell me, that it is basicalyl too much work for a Skill Balance Patch to add eith it for each Class also a few more Skills as part of fixing such a simple design hole oversight, which hasn't been looked onto yet, because it simply yet wasn#t ever on Anets priority list to do so, because Anet themself sought it woudl be just enough, if they simply give skills after a patch new "skill types", which didn't exist before and be done with it, without rethinking it first, if there exist even at all enough skills for all skill types to have equally enough skills for all of the new types they added with that patch.


But who are we kiddign here? It took anet several years, until they were finaly able to fix some WvW Achievements .... so we will most likely wait also several years here, (or forever), until this tiny oversight will get fixed ... sigh

At the end of all this frustration.. something funny just to get back in a good mood (end of the story, whenever you want something badly, it becomes only worser xD, so better get used to the situation and be patient ...)


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For most class this would be pretty easy compared to creating a whole elite spec.



Only real problem would be from the engineer,

Instead of 5 skill types of 4 utility skills each, (not including healing and elite) engineers have 4 types for 5 skills each.


Since engineer already have 4 healing skills for each of their skill types, and only need one elite (gadgets). They would be missing out on 2 potential skills.


This means the engineer utility skills need a big change up before they can fill out the rest of the core skills.



Another problem would be some classes healing skills need to be converted to a type E.I. Guardian shelter

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