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An other speedhacking - Is anet ok with that ??


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**Since the game report option DOES NOT WORK and that there is no direct options TO REPORT CHEATERS that does not require to fill up a form for hours, the report is made in this very forum.** (Some say that this lack of options to report cheaters is a part of a conspiracy to promote them)


**Description of the cheat:** One random holosmith of the enemy team was continuously "warping" in the direction he was running, making him hardly catchable. Not much warping, but sufficient to be noticeable. This went even worse when he was running out of spawn (yes, what a noob :) ): thinking that noone would see him, he ran from the waypoing to the closest point in 2 seconds (which even a mirage can't do). Sadly I was watching him.


**Time and location:** Between 23h50 and 23h59 CET on Kyhlo map.


**Evidences:** My words. I have other things to do in my life than to record my games 24/24. The players in this game are obviously all potent witnesses, unless they are blind. I have made a game report at 23h59 for "Botting".


**Account name of the cheater:** Since it is against rules of forums, I can't tell it. However, for the sake of the community, I give a version partly-censored: Nik****.85** . Yes, if this guy is running fast, it is "normal". His character's name: Heft******* . **Anet can of course contact me to get the full information**


**Desired punishment:** PERMANENT -15% running speed on all his characters across all the game modes (PvE/PvP/WvW). A temporary ban is not fun enough.


**Additional note:** He lost the game 343-500. What a noob.


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> @"Lalainnia.3598" said:

> Not that ik if said person was speedhacking or not but holosmiths can cover a ton of ground very quickly if they take traited forge skill 2 and the tools gadget grandmaster with rocket boots and then add in rifle 5 if they want even more mobility


Yup, dunno why he kept speedhacking on top of that. I am 200% confident about the cheat, holosmiths have no "ports increasing speed" skills. People in this game were even whispering me "how tf does he run that fast".

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