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Mantra of solace issues


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has anyone noticed erratic cooldown and charge count issues?


Sometimes I see I have 2 charges left and it will deplete the mantra, other times the final 2 charges seem to be going off at the same time or in rapid succession.


This has caused me some problems while gaming as mantra of solace is the heal that I use for my build.


Also quickfire used to show in the boon stack when it was off cooldown (so we don't have to internally count) now it's always there.


Why you give us cookies and then take them away? =(

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I haven't used MoS much, but slotted it yesterday and noticed that, too. I repeatedly used it once and the whole thing went on cooldown. I did some searching, and it seems it's a recent bug.


Edit: Ok, I gave it another look, and wow I thought it was some weird interaction, but no the mantra is just coded wrong. Unlike all other skills with ammo stockpiling, when you spent 1 ammo for Mantra of Solace, the charge timer is reset. So, for example, you use 1 charge, then 6 seconds later the charge is half charged. If you use another charge, that 6 second timer is reset to 0. So, if you click the skill a 3rd time thinking that 12 seconds have passed since the first use so a new charge has been generated, you find that this is not the case and the whole mantra goes on cooldown.

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> I haven't used MoS much, but slotted it yesterday and noticed that, too. I repeatedly used it once and the whole thing went on cooldown. I did some searching, and it seems it's a recent bug.


> Edit: Ok, I gave it another look, and wow I thought it was some weird interaction, but no the mantra is just coded wrong. Unlike all other skills with ammo stockpiling, when you spent 1 ammo for Mantra of Solace, the charge timer is reset. So, for example, you use 1 charge, then 6 seconds later the charge is half charged. If you use another charge, that 6 second timer is reset to 0. So, if you click the skill a 3rd time thinking that 12 seconds have passed since the first use so a new charge has been generated, you find that this is not the case and the whole mantra goes on cooldown.


Wow, how long has this been an issue? Between indomitable courage still being bugged and now this, I feel even more justified in not coming back to the game for now...

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Actually, forget what I said, the mantra is so broken, it's hilarious.


When you use the first charge (3 → 2), it starts charging again. Let's say 3 seconds pass. When you use another charge (2 → 1), then those 3 seconds dissapear. However, if you let that charge recharge (1 → 2), then those 3 seconds come back, so instead of starting charging the next charge from 0, it starts from 3.


But there's another problem, and that's why I found putting the mantra on cooldown accidentally. Normally, there's a 1sec cooldown when you use a charge. When Mantra of Solace has 3 charges, using one puts it on that 1 sec cooldown. But when it has 2 charges, there's no cooldown, so if you spam the button, it will both charges instantly and put the whole mantra on cooldown.


Somehow they managed to specifically screw the second charge, and both bugs seem to have that same cause.

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Thanks RabbitUp. I'm getting the same thing. I couldn't figure out what was going on and at first I thought it was something that I was doing wrong. Didn't occur to me that there could be two bugs! One of the big reasons for me to run FB is the Mantra Heal. Since it is bugged, I'm thinking of going back to DH or maybe even core.

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The most astonishing thing is that it is not yet regarded as a high priority bug, it shouldn't have the highest priority possible since you can still play the game, but it really shouldn't be at the bottom either.


You can see from the last patch what their real focus is for the moment =S

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> I haven't used MoS much, but slotted it yesterday and noticed that, too. I repeatedly used it once and the whole thing went on cooldown. I did some searching, and it seems it's a recent bug.


> Edit: Ok, I gave it another look, and wow I thought it was some weird interaction, but no the mantra is just coded wrong. Unlike all other skills with ammo stockpiling, when you spent 1 ammo for Mantra of Solace, the charge timer is reset. So, for example, you use 1 charge, then 6 seconds later the charge is half charged. If you use another charge, that 6 second timer is reset to 0. So, if you click the skill a 3rd time thinking that 12 seconds have passed since the first use so a new charge has been generated, you find that this is not the case and the whole mantra goes on cooldown.


It happens to me not just with Mantra of Solace, but every Mantra (on guard) I use.

And no intention to fix though.

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> @"Knox.8962" said:

> > @"Warrost.4895" said:

> > And no intention to fix though.


> Literally 3 posts up from you there is an Anet reply stating that they are aware of the issue and are working to fix it.


I am sure they will only look at Mantra of Solace and ignore the rest "'cus guard is fine"

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> @"Warrost.4895" said:

> > @"Knox.8962" said:

> > > @"Warrost.4895" said:

> > > And no intention to fix though.

> >

> > Literally 3 posts up from you there is an Anet reply stating that they are aware of the issue and are working to fix it.


> I am sure they will only look at Mantra of Solace and ignore the rest "'cus guard is fine"


The rest are not bugged, though. This is an issue exclusively with Mantra of Solace.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> This is something that we've been working on a fix for, but that will take some fairly thorough testing to make sure nothing else breaks as a result.


> It is on radar for takedown.


Any word on the stunbreak of Indomitable Courage/Tome of Courage synergy being bugged and broken in wvw/pve? Despite all the threads created, I have yet to see official word from a dev that this issue is even acknowledged.

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I generally avoid making comments like these because we don't know really what's happening there,


it might be the dev in charge changed job , is home sick or died.

it might be it is super difficult bug that once you fix it another 10 things break


Or it just might be the freaking gem store comes before everything else.

(or more probably something that we have no clue about)


Yes I do like to play the devil's advocate.

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> @"Zantal.4798" said:



> I generally avoid making comments like these because we don't know really what's happening there,


> it might be the dev in charge changed job , is home sick or died.

> it might be it is super difficult bug that once you fix it another 10 things break


> Or it just might be the freaking gem store comes before everything else.

> (or more probably something that we have no clue about)


> Yes I do like to play the devil's advocate.


You probably aren't responding to me, but I'm willing to wager 99.999 to 0.001 that the Indomitable Courage bug is actually very easy to fix and is only being neglected because the meta build in all 3 game modes for FB doesn't really use virtues (or when it does, it's a burn build that uses Permeating Wrath over Indomitable Courage). This is a terrible excuse and doesn't justify laziness, but oh well.

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"Zantal.4798" said:


> >

> > I generally avoid making comments like these because we don't know really what's happening there,

> >

> > it might be the dev in charge changed job , is home sick or died.

> > it might be it is super difficult bug that once you fix it another 10 things break

> >

> > Or it just might be the freaking gem store comes before everything else.

> > (or more probably something that we have no clue about)

> >

> > Yes I do like to play the devil's advocate.


> You probably aren't responding to me, but I'm willing to wager 99.999 to 0.001 that the Indomitable Courage bug is actually very easy to fix and is only being neglected because the meta build in all 3 game modes for FB doesn't really use virtues (or when it does, it's a burn build that uses Permeating Wrath over Indomitable Courage). This is a terrible excuse and doesn't justify laziness, but oh well.


if 90% of the players who play guardian as a main (this might be a relatively small subset) do not use that trait then there is less incentive to spend resources to fix it quickly, emphasis on quickly.


This might be another reason and it might be true, what I am arguing here is that after a while it becomes like beating a dead horse and with no true insight on what they are doing at work it's just speculation based on our emotinal responses about the subject.


So let's not all get too emotional about this, it won't do us any good.

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> @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > This is something that we've been working on a fix for, but that will take some fairly thorough testing to make sure nothing else breaks as a result.

> >

> > It is on radar for takedown.


> Testing on what?You guys have no test servers to test out your balance patches.


I think ANet uses external QA and testers (this is the norm), for balance purposes they might have statistics sheets they can check and modify accordingly then monitor on live.

this cuts down costs, the only downside would be a minority of people complaining on the forums because they are not in control of the process when there is no reason you should be.

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> @"Zantal.4798" said:

> > @"Jack Skywalker.5674" said:

> > > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > > This is something that we've been working on a fix for, but that will take some fairly thorough testing to make sure nothing else breaks as a result.

> > >

> > > It is on radar for takedown.

> >

> > Testing on what?You guys have no test servers to test out your balance patches.


> I think ANet uses external QA and testers (this is the norm), for balance purposes they might have statistics sheets they can check and modify accordingly then monitor on live.

> this cuts down costs, the only downside would be a minority of people complaining on the forums because they are not in control of the process when there is no reason you should be.


Tell that to the Revenant community and they will pop a vein while trying to convince you otherwise.

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