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Want a theme composed for your character? Apply within! Heroes of Tyria is back!


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Hi there! I'll start this off with a short introduction. I'm Dustin, though I'm probably a bit better known by alias DusK, or that guy that did the metal tracks you hear in SAB and blaring out of everyone's Duskk Super Boom Boxes (sorry if you're annoyed by those btw, but I'm enjoying them. _A lot._)


Some of my other fan music has, historically, been more community driven. In 2014, I started doing short, loopable character themes for my characters to practice some composition concepts. And after a couple of those, I opened it up to the community to submit their own characters so I could pick out a few and do themes for them too. Between then and mid-2016, I did about two albums' worth of music for this project, which I've affectionately dubbed "Heroes of Tyria".


I recently took a bit of a long break, but now I'm back, and raring to do another set of character themes!


"How do I get my character their own theme," you ask? The way it works is pretty simple. Post your character here and it'll be in the running. **Include your character's name, profession, at least one picture (something you'd want to be front and center for the YouTube upload, so big and detailed please!), and tell me about them.** That last bit is easily the most important part; a lot of my composition will reference your character's description and story, so more detailed and interesting characters will have a better chance at getting a theme. _Inspire me!_


Ideally, I'd like to do between 8-12 themes over the course of this year.


If you're still curious, check the next post in this thread for the previous themes I've done. And if you want a shot at one, post your character here!

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All tracks in chronological order of release.


**Wave 1 (These are my early forays into orchestral music)**

["Semele's Research" - Semele Anholts, human elementalist ](

""Semele's Research" - Semele Anholts, human elementalist ")

["A Dark Heart is Still a Heart, Right?" - Lyzzix, asura necromancer](

""A Dark Heart is Still a Heart, Right?" - Lyzzix, asura necromancer")

["In His Heart of Frost" - Rhew Anfarwol, sylvari necromancer](

""In His Heart of Frost" - Rhew Anfarwol, sylvari necromancer")

["Many Songs Will Be Sung" - Thorfinnr Sleggja, norn warrior](

""Many Songs Will Be Sung" - Thorfinnr Sleggja, norn warrior")

["One Day to Be Forgiven" - Alesia Langmar, human guardian](

""One Day to Be Forgiven" - Alesia Langmar, human guardian")

["The Waters Around Her" - Kyera Fearghus, human elementalist](

""The Waters Around Her" - Kyera Fearghus, human elementalist")

["Balthazar Guide My Arm, Dwayna Guide My Heart" - Dathius Eventide, human guardian](

""Balthazar Guide My Arm, Dwayna Guide My Heart" - Dathius Eventide, human guardian")


**Wave 2 (These are higher quality pieces, much closer to my current work)**

["An Alchemical Ego" - Tarsin Blastdraft, charr engineer](

""An Alchemical Ego" - Tarsin Blastdraft, charr engineer")

["Her Inquest Colors" - Erizzi, asura engineer](

""Her Inquest Colors" - Erizzi, asura engineer")

["Cheesy Jokes and Bloodlust" - Rezzah, asura necromancer](

""Cheesy Jokes and Bloodlust" - Rezzah, asura necromancer")

["Seeking Magic" - Vaeleyna Eventide, human elementalist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itQNpkeozt0 ""Seeking Magic" - Vaeleyna Eventide, human elementalist")

["How Close She Came" - Rosja, sylvari warrior](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_McVaLLQkM ""How Close She Came" - Rosja, sylvari warrior")

["On Silent Hawk Wings" - Cyane Imara, norn hunter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCAFrAMgiWM ""On Silent Hawk Wings" - Cyane Imara, norn hunter")

["Map, Compass, and Satchel" - Captain Kace, human hunter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKtkuCRRCh4 ""Map, Compass, and Satchel" - Captain Kace, human hunter")


**Wave 3 (These are the pieces I've composed since posting this thread)**

["With Reignited Heart" - Gaheron Frostfire, charr warrior](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqz4Qg7_dVo ""With Reignited Heart" - Gaheron Frostfire, charr warrior")

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This sounds awesome. Would be curious to see what you'd come up with for mine. So I'll give it a shot I suppose.


Name: Innouva,

Race: Charr

Profession: Ranger/Soulbeast.

Member of the Ash Legion and Order of Whispers. Charming, playful, and a bit sarcastic/snarky. Yet stealthy and fierce when dealing with threats. Mostly a lone wanderer aside from her many pets. Though will (sometimes reluctantly) join with others for a good cause.



Including both a screenshot and a "sketch(?)" that a friend did for me as reference. Sorry for the image sizes and thank you for the chance.

![](https://imgur.com/GFboMM1.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/T2g4PE4.jpg "")



P.S. Been loving your music and remixes for some time. Keep up the awesome work btw!



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Name: Cyáro

Profession: Revenant - Renegade Specialization

About: Cyáro was a researcher in Rata Novus, before the Chak invaded the city. He was doing his own research mostly based on techniques and mechanics related to the Mists. He was a mesmer and used his illusions mostly to get more work done efficiently with cloning himself temporary. When the time came that the city needed to be evacuated, he locked himself into a mist infused cryosleep chamber. Years later when a squad of the pact came along, they found his chamber, and tried to shut it off. The researcher that managed to do this, was one of my other characters called Celaithe (Aithe for short). Cyáro had been stuck in time for so long, it took him a while to get back into society, not only that, he wasn't a mesmer anymore. Being in the mists in a cryosleep he became a Revenant. Celaithe helped him get a feel for the world, and let him know the state of society, how they were fighting a dragon, how Rata Novus has fallen to the Chak, and how the Exalted were still on a quest of slaying the newly awakened dragon Mordremoth.


![](https://i.imgur.com/CWQxV50.png "")


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Hello there! your music is very nice and I think my character will give you inspiration!


Name: Elek Taclor

Race: Norn

Profession: Engineer

Description: As opposed to the traditionnalist norns, Elek always found that hunting with some firepower was more interesting than just a simple bow and arrows. The concept of energy and light always fascinated him. He's the kind of guy who jokes around but when it comes to business (like take down a dragon or leading the way), he's cool headed and try his best to protect everything he loves.


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This is Emeris, my sylvari ranger. He is themed as the destruction that brings with it new life (kudzu was instrumental in that), similar to how wildfires leave room for new growth. He is the sort who goes with the method that seems the easiest at the time-usually destruction- to solve his problems. He formed a guild to surround himself with cooler heads to try and curb that behavior, however. A staunch believer in "Act with wisdom, but act". He's always found with his bear companion. Bessy always makes Emeris feel bigger and braver even when getting himself into the many challenging circumstances ArenaNet have thrown at him.

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A quick reminder: I need nice, big, detailed images of your characters for the YouTube upload. Posting/linking to a small image or -- even worse -- not attaching or linking to an image at all will significantly decrease the chance that I'll choose your character.


This image can be anything that shows your character; I'll accept screenshots and visual art alike. Additionally, if you're creative with this, I'll be more likely to choose your character. Give me something cool, like your character striking a pose, or locked in combat. Multiple images accepted as well.


Refer to Innouva.1590's post. They did it right. :+1:

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My hat in the ring;


Morten Silvermane

Charr Necromancer, Scourge

Dignified, Sired by Flame Shaman, choosing to wield down and dirty necromancy as an Ash Legion operative, who joined Order of Whispers. After Zhaitan, he adopted pen name "Wandering Centurion" while seeing the world, before events leading up to Mordy took him to Maguuma. During Eir's funeral wake, he met female norn necromancer, continuing his necromantic journey of bleeding and poisoning his foes with her all the way to Elona, defeating Balthazar.


Hope these pics are good. Right now he rocks the lunatic look for intimidation with the mask, but is really much more dignified person, than it let's seem. I hope these give you enough choice. :)


![](https://i.imgur.com/C4qkjrE.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/Rdm8ird.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/MUc033q.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/gDBji8W.jpg "")


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Name: Xeraph Silverdragon

Race: Human

Profession: Elementalist, Weaver


Born in Kryta, raised by his rich grandparents after his mother and father were killed by bandits. Xeraph helped with the fight for Shaemoor when it was attacked by centaurs. He dedicates his time working within the ministry to better the people of Divinity's Reach, Kryta, and the ministry's reputation after the fall of Minister Caudecus and the return of the White Mantle. Embracing his Krytan line and his Ascalonian heritage he works for the benefit of both worlds bridging the gaps between two weakened human cultures.

![](https://i.imgur.com/yPt9eC7.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/Y8SDwyF.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/ctXrEsi.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/NmNduGx.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/W1jxuVC.jpg "")










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Character name: Quarrer

Race: Asura

Profession: Thief

A wanderer. Like any Asura, he has a thirst for knowledge. However quickly after leaving Rata Sum he realised how misplaced Asuran attitude was to the other races. Everything else was just so much bigger, and Quarrer realised he could be easy prey. He gained respect to others and gained their respect in term. While having ambitious aims (such as crafting the Nevermore and one day riding on the back of Aurene) he still has his points that need working on. Quarrer isn't great at being social, joining guilds but leaving them soon after. He finds it easy to phase in and out, a skill he's learnt from his time as a thief, and from the Order of Whispers. However, he has made a few friends along the way, while mostly from Destiny's Edge, and Dragon's Watch, he has found a few others he finds easier to interact with. And while pretending to be cool, calm, and collected, he is quite aloof, as seen with his pets. He would like to treat life as an adventure, but he's seen too much, experienced too much, lost too much, to know better than that.



(Google drive incase imgur through phone made images lower quality):








I've put a small video of two mount animations that I like which I thought could look quite cool in the video, but obviously your choice (and if you do and can't get the mp4 through the link, I'll happily email it to you or something): [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1D1h50qj4vDeWeaqXTo10nn8BKRVY540t](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1D1h50qj4vDeWeaqXTo10nn8BKRVY540t "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1D1h50qj4vDeWeaqXTo10nn8BKRVY540t")

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Kal Spiro

Ranger - Used Signets, Longbow and Sword/Dagger, travels with an Eagle and a Wolf and it's pup

Also a Deadeye sniper that specializes in mobility


Kal was born in Cantha, a Luskan, but brought to Tyria as a child where his parents died leaving him an orphan on the streets of Divinity's Reach. He joined a gang and became renowned in such circles because he could communicate with animals, or close enough. He was betrayed by his best friend who was jealous of him and was forced to kill him or be killed under the statue of Grenth. He fled the city his life and his past. He became a wandering hermit vagabond, traveling the width and breath of Tyria in search of a place to belong, never finding anything but the animals for kinship. He's a lost soul seeking redemption for a wrong he couldn't prevent.


![](https://i.imgur.com/B1J7Aab.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/7fHCMiP.jpg"")![](https://i.imgur.com/bEcZExS.jpg "")



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Character Name: Orin Oneclaw



Race: Charr

Profession: Scourge


Orin is a dedicated leader who takes her responsibilities seriously. Shaped by her military upbringing and choice of scholarly profession, she serves as the muscle to her companions' minds. Although she is practical by nature, she occasionally loves to cut loose and dive into battle, and she relishes outsmarting her foes with necromantic tricks.


On the night of her graduation from the fahrar, Orin's entire warband was killed by an unexpected swarm of undead minions. The only survivor, young necromancer Orin was accused of using forbidden magic and sentenced to exile. Stripped of her warband's name- Sharpclaw- and nursing her own casualty from the ambush- the loss of her left paw- Orin set out on her own, taking on a new name and a new identity. She was now Orin Oneclaw, a scholar at the Durmand Priory under the tutelage of one Magister Sieran. Unbeknownst to her or the charr authorities that sentenced her, however, the minions that killed her warband were more than just a necromantic mishap; they were the first wave of Zhaitan's invasion of Ascalon, determined to devour the magical relics of the fallen kingdom. In the Priory, Orin's magic would have been welcomed, but the tragic loss of her warband led her to keep it a secret. This lasted only until the arrival of her mentor's old aquaintance, Firstborn Trahearne, who had come to the Priory seeking assistance in researching the possible weaknesses of the Elder Dragon Zhaitan. With his help, she learned to embrace her repressed necromantic abilities, and set off alongside Sieran and Trahearne. In the years that followed, she suppressed an uprising of undead in the Black Citadel, redeemed her name among the charr legion, exposed the plot of a treasonous friend that she had long believed to be dead, and eventually built the Pact with Trahearne to commemorate the loss of their dear friend at Claw Island.

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Guess I'll post one of my character's that I've been mulling over some personal story with on my own on.


Rea Shatterlock, human Mirage

Having spent her childhood as a street rat on the streets of Divinity's Reach, Rea was always very optimistic in her life views, kept looking for ways to improve other people's lives and helping the less fortunate, but being thrust into the life of a commander and a fate much bigger than she could have thought of, she slowly started to change, becoming distant and focusing on her own wishes and well-being before others, she has turned into what you would call an anti-hero, not caring about others, taking what she wants/needs, and serving her own goals, which she shows off in the image she has recently taken for herself, with darker tones of the violet colors of the mesmers she used to wear, carrying darker axes with a touch of madness, and focusing on sinister swords and whips. There may still be a part of the good old mesmer, that used to help everyone in there, but at the moment, she seems bent on serving her own interests.



![](https://i.imgur.com/480P2BV.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/roSsXLi.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/nvTt50P.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/4elF9pF.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/DJm2U2u.jpg "")


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Character Name: Luessa

Profession: Elementalist/Weaver

Race: Human

![](https://i.imgur.com/uhEp2gA.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/ZQ8kd2N.jpg "")



Originally a noble from Divinity's Reach, Luessa's life was complicated from an early age by Dwayna's Blessing, allowing her to perceive and even interact with magic. While the gift for magic is hardly even worthy of consideration in modern Tyria, the complication came from Luessa's noble birth and the conflicting ideas about her future that she and her mother shared. While Luessa loved her mother, she was not prepared for a quiet marriage and life of nobility. Enamoured by statecraft and the idea of serving her country, Luessa first worked with the Shining Blades, and later the Order of Whispers, using her magic to support the efforts of both organisations in the defense first of Kryta, and then all of Tyria.


As Zhaitan rose and his minions poured across the world, Luessa blossomed into a powerful Elementalist and charismatic leader, bringing the Orders together to fight the Undead Dragon and strike him from Tyria's skies. Her leadership in the pact as it's Commander lead to victory after victory in trying times and riding that wave of success, Luessa wrote to her mother to inform her that her concerns were unfounded, that her daughter was a hero.


Then came Maguuma. Mordremoth's forces decimated the Pact and shook it to its core with the revelation that the Sylvari were but minions of the Jungle Dragon. Despite painful setbacks and in the face of grave odds, Luessa once again lead the Pact and the nascent Dragon's Watch to victory, striking down the Elder Dragon in his own mind. Despite this victory, the cost was high. Despite calling her guildmates and even fallen comrades to her to fight the final battle against Mordremoth, Luessa was very nearly defeated and was struck down towards the end of the conflict, permanently losing her vision and much of her connection to her elements of choice in the process. The road to recovery was long and the Elementalist was extremely bitter about her loss for a long time, eschewing friends.


But her destiny was not yet finished. As Balthazar betrayed humanity and moved towards Elona in search of Kralkatorrik, Luessa's services were once against requested by Dragon's Watch and despite feeling she would be useless, she listened to her friends and joined the expedition into the Crystal Desert. It was there that she was guided to the path of the Weaver and began to not only see magic in a different light, but also to see things differently. Through the interaction of magic with the people and places around her, Luessa was once more granted the ability to see, after a fashion. Freed from her dark prison, she sets into the desert with purpose, ready to find and defeat the very God of War himself.

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Blue Asteria


Revenant - Herald


Asteria meaning "star" both sheds light and attempts to be source.


Has played role in the fight against the Elder Dragons and even a very God. She has many respects to and would go as far as defending any sacredness of grounds in which spirits cling, and even defended the Spirits of the Wild herself. Her personal passions reflect more in her tastes for battle. She is not in the seeking of war as much as she wishes to find the proper match-up of skill for a true proper challenge. 1v1 is how she enjoys a fight the most. Hero or villain matters not of her opponent. She will fight in the most difficult lands and weather alike. She mocks the ideas of prophecy and destiny by being a neutral reaper at the end of it.


Strength is not her only. Skill and upkeep are her other talents. Her blindfold isn't just to help her concentrate, but so the opponent both cannot see her true eyes, and know she isn't a typical foe.


![](https://i.imgur.com/3p55C71.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/7ihxAVP.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/274gJ0B.jpg "")


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Why not? This looks fun!


Snargle Gutslurper




Life just hasn't been kind to poor Snargle. Born as the gangly cub of the renowned Argus Foolkiller, all he ever wanted was to be a great soldier, worthy of his sire's legacy. Make the Iron Legion, nay, all the Legions proud by his accomplishments. Not even the deaths of most of his warband could dissuade him for long, for he rebuilt and clawed his way back from the brink and continued to fight on, such was his determination.


But his desire to do right got him straight into the war against the Elder Dragons. Commander of the Pact he is now, but the years upon years of tragedy and loss and bitterly fought victories have slowly yet surely taken a toll on him. His bright view of the world before him gnawed away by grief and self-doubt. And that was BEFORE he learned that slaying the Dragons, the one thing he considered himself to do right, has actually been hurling Tyria towards annihilation the entire time.


Today Snargle continues to lead the fight for the world's salvation, and still his days grow ever darker. Innocents continue to die left and right, the friends still by his side he finds crumbling and ever distant under his leadership, and no matter the choices he makes, the suffering continues to spread, as if the world itself refuses to be saved.


Tormented by the weight placed upon his shoulders and his own personal demons, all he wants is to rest.....but still, he presses forward.


Because if he doesn't fight, who else will?


![](https://k60.kn3.net/5427AEF08.jpg "")


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Name: Arin Redclaw


Warrior (Berserker)

Background & about: Arin is a loyal, ferocious, reckless, straightforward and highly emotional warrior who had a rough childhood. When he was still a child, he had a vision of Bear, who offered him its guardianship. Arin's family was killed in an icebrood attack when he was just a newborn. The Icebrood were gathering their forces for days until they finally attacked. Aware that they would be attacked, Arin's parents had their charr friends take Arin and raise him somewhere safer, away from the cruel north Shiverpeaks. Arin has then taken on the last name "Redclaw", and learned how to combat from the charr couple.

When he was 16, he set out to explore the world and learn what happened to his people. He quickly joined the norn who survived the attack, and helped them out. Although he was first frowned at for his background, he quickly gained a good reputation among the norn. As more dangers appeared to threaten Tyria, Arin could not sit idly by. He didn't want anyone else to have a rough upbringing, and he would tackle any danger he would see, although his personality would sometimes bring some harm as well. Defeat is not an unknown concept to him, yet he doesn't stop even when it comes.

After proving himself to the norn, he found that Zhaitan is becoming a huge threat to Tyria, and of course, he acted. Determined, he joined the Vigil, and Warmaster Forgal Kernsson quickly taught him that glory is nowhere near as important as duty. The unfortunate event that hit his mentor he respected so much triggered a better balance between the certain level of calm and clear mind that Forgal helped him achieve and the ferocious, reckless yet strong side. He was levelheaded about getting to Zhaitan... but then he crushed it brutally.

Ultimately, Arin Redclaw is a warrior who, through some terrible events, has a strong personality and a strong motive to be a hero of Tyria (though he doesn't acknowledge that title for himself at all).

"_Until you bend your knee to your enemy by your own will, you are never truly defeated_." - in the battle against Mordremoth.

![](https://i.imgur.com/oUZzekm.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/X36mDml.jpg "")


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Let's give it a try!


Character name: Gaheron Frostfire

Race: Charr

Profession: Warrior


![](https://i.imgur.com/0WOefNz.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/X2IEDgJ.jpg "")


Once a proud and friendly member of a Blood Legion Warband, he saw the end of those days when his warband was annihilated in battle against the Flame Legion with him being the only survivor. The battle was won and none would state or doubt the losses were his fault, but the shame of not being able to save anyone or do more than what he did, being now a Gladium and even his own name - shared with the Flame Legion Imperator Gaheron Baelfire - chased him for years. Unable to bear that name he changed it, trying to forget the past.

Still fighting for the Charr first and then for what endangered Tyria, he closed his heart to others, afraid to suffer more in the eventuality of losing someone he loved once again. But even with his cold attitude many were still drawn to him, for his heart was the first to be set ablaze in battle.

Willing or not, people were following him and they became the spark that lit his heart and his smile. He could never be able to forget his past, but he didn't need to.

He took his name back, now Gaheron Frostfire - member of the Frost warband formed together with a female Charr he met - and with reignited heart he'll fight alongside his new friends all the battles to come leading them to victory, for he does not plan to lose again.


![](https://i.imgur.com/6T3VznE.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/idmrbO8.jpg "")





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> @"Phoenyck.4068" said:

> Character name: Quarrer

> Race: Asura

> Profession: Thief

> A wanderer. Like any Asura, he has a thirst for knowledge. However quickly after leaving Rata Sum he realised how misplaced Asuran attitude was to the other races. Everything else was just so much bigger, and Quarrer realised he could be easy prey. He gained respect to others and gained their respect in turn. While having ambitious aims (such as crafting the Nevermore and one day riding on the back of Aurene) he still has his points that need working on. Quarrer isn't great at being social, joining guilds but leaving them soon after. He finds it easy to phase in and out, a skill he's learnt from his time as a thief, and from the Order of Whispers. However, he has made a few friends along the way, while mostly from Destiny's Edge, and Dragon's Watch, he has found a few others he finds easier to interact with. And while pretending to be cool, calm, and collected, he is quite aloof, as seen with his pets. He would like to treat life as an adventure, but he's seen too much, experienced too much, lost too much, to know better than that.


> https://imgur.com/a/O0qJW

> (Google drive incase imgur through phone made images lower quality):

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Uc65IE8NhTzlnKwxt2r1kIne4ASz_pKs

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SrllNbHBr1Ab8C42RxqFmjTdEmWiB2xP

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zi9fbQ5X_YDZRjqcnP-KkLdBwFADbE8s

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZPoJN_HNElH68NB_LeQeYVRd2uuvHCrT

> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DG3HQKh31TLorAzHlN9SGojhfUbh7jo-



> I've put a small video of two mount animations that I like which I thought could look quite cool in the video, but obviously your choice (and if you do and can't get the mp4 through the link, I'll happily email it to you or something): [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1D1h50qj4vDeWeaqXTo10nn8BKRVY540t](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1D1h50qj4vDeWeaqXTo10nn8BKRVY540t "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1D1h50qj4vDeWeaqXTo10nn8BKRVY540t")


My phone didn't upload the images to imgur, fixed now and with some more, older ones

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> @"Phoenyck.4068" said:

> > @"Phoenyck.4068" said:

> > Character name: Quarrer

> > Race: Asura

> > Profession: Thief

> > A wanderer. Like any Asura, he has a thirst for knowledge. However quickly after leaving Rata Sum he realised how misplaced Asuran attitude was to the other races. Everything else was just so much bigger, and Quarrer realised he could be easy prey. He gained respect to others and gained their respect in turn. While having ambitious aims (such as crafting the Nevermore and one day riding on the back of Aurene) he still has his points that need working on. Quarrer isn't great at being social, joining guilds but leaving them soon after. He finds it easy to phase in and out, a skill he's learnt from his time as a thief, and from the Order of Whispers. However, he has made a few friends along the way, while mostly from Destiny's Edge, and Dragon's Watch, he has found a few others he finds easier to interact with. And while pretending to be cool, calm, and collected, he is quite aloof, as seen with his pets. He would like to treat life as an adventure, but he's seen too much, experienced too much, lost too much, to know better than that.

> >

> > https://imgur.com/a/O0qJW

> > (Google drive incase imgur through phone made images lower quality):

> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Uc65IE8NhTzlnKwxt2r1kIne4ASz_pKs

> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SrllNbHBr1Ab8C42RxqFmjTdEmWiB2xP

> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zi9fbQ5X_YDZRjqcnP-KkLdBwFADbE8s

> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZPoJN_HNElH68NB_LeQeYVRd2uuvHCrT

> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DG3HQKh31TLorAzHlN9SGojhfUbh7jo-

> >

> >

> > I've put a small video of two mount animations that I like which I thought could look quite cool in the video, but obviously your choice (and if you do and can't get the mp4 through the link, I'll happily email it to you or something): [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1D1h50qj4vDeWeaqXTo10nn8BKRVY540t](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1D1h50qj4vDeWeaqXTo10nn8BKRVY540t "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1D1h50qj4vDeWeaqXTo10nn8BKRVY540t")


> My phone didn't upload the images to imgur, fixed now and with some more, older ones



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Name: Keao

Species: Charr

Gender: Female

Class: Engineer

Legion: Iron

Warband: Onyx

Rank: Soldier



![](https://i.imgur.com/PQ4DaNr.jpg "")



Keao is a quiet, respected and a bit of a rebellious Charr often not seeing eye to eye with the Tribune grabbing the attention of one in particular that has it in for her. She tends to take it upon herself to get the job done but in her own way as she sees fit which usually involves a flamethrower. For some her actions and methods haven't gone down to well but for others she has gained much respect and is looked highly upon amongst those in her warband.

![](https://i.imgur.com/trt6Ibr.jpg "")



Although her rebellious nature can sometimes land her in trouble having her Legionnaire having to have a word, her loyalty is without question.


No matter the situation good or bad she is one that will have your back. Bad guys to grill and Charrs to heal she provides support both fire (literally) power and aid keeping her warband strong and most importantly...Alive.


When there is downtime she can often be found around Lions Arch in a quieter location on one of the many beaches with her Warband making a ruckus,roaring battle cries proudly to show her might and the might of the Onyx Warband. They share war stories,general banter and mockery from the day strengthening the warbands bond.



Although she enjoys the time with her warband she can more than most be found alone as the sun sets. Taking in the silence of the night sitting among the gentle ambience the waves flowing, fireflies buzzing around the colorful soft glow of makeshift glow jars Keao had put together with the moon high above with a soft white glow twinkling like stars on the ocean waves.


She enjoys the quiet atmosphere that is far from the industrial and clanking of machinery that never rests back at the The Black Citadel.

![](https://i.imgur.com/SEkdHcs.jpg "")


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Name: Ashennz

Race: Sylvari

Profession: Ele/Weaver

This charcoal looking Sylvari is a Cycle of Dawn who wealds fire with fearless fervour and a kind, warm heart. A lover, fighter and a prophetic minstrel this sylvari was bore into this world with a heavy task; one which would test her strength of will & heart. Two Dragons, a fallen lover & a defected god later, Ash holds strong with Aurene & her guild mates at her back; pushing her onward and lighting a roaring fire deep inside. They give her the courage to do what must be done and stand against all odds.


Image album: https://imgur.com/a/GMydq



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Name: Mr. Forz

Profession: Engineer


>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/RQn62z4.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/XNGXn3i.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/IE1NZCv.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/e9mIGSV.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/jxgoHml.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/WG8JtIX.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/HBduK6M.jpg "")









Some charrs remain true to their legion, others leave to greener pastures, a few of them hear the call for a completly different vocation.


Originally a gladium after the massacre of his Iron Legion warband during the Flame and Frost events, without much compassion for the way of life of the regular charr, Forz and his knack for technology found a home among the pirates turned traders in Lion's Arch. He forsook his last name and simply dubbed himself Mister. During the Flame and Frost events, he's had a glimpse of the breadth of Scarlet Briar's ability, the so called Eternal Alchemy, maybe acquired some understanding of it, it's corruption, the reason unlikely alliances were formed, and why it was imperative to break them.


He helped the Lionguard defend the city he held dear as a shock trooper against the Aetherblades and the Molten Alliance, using a [makeshift hammer built with the remains of a ship's anchor he ripped off the ground and a pristine version of his current set of Magitech armor](https://i.imgur.com/tNl5DrO.jpg "https://i.imgur.com/tNl5DrO.jpg") to wreak havoc on the armies and even, at the pinnacle of his rage, take out a Molten Berserker in single combat.


In the aftermath, he couldn't stare at the smoking crater that once was Lion's Arch, he's lost parts of himself, (literally and figuratively) but kept on pursuing the remaining armies of Scarlet to the ends of Tyria. This is where he cornered a group of Aetherblade defectors salvaging their crashed airship. He'd normally put them to the sword but that wouldn't bring back what was destroyed and most importantly the first mate and his crew were tired of it all. Instead, Forz proposed and concluded a deal: The defectors live and the airship flies again, in exchange, he gets to take the lead and be the captain of that airship.


It took some time for the newly promoted Captain Forz and his crew to get used to eachother, but the remnants on the ship were no longer considered criminals, and the group as a whole is now an elite outside help for various day-to-day tasks as well as more dangerous matters. The captain remained bitter about Lion's Arch despite its rebirth and stopped putting much trust into Ellen Kiel on the long run.

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**Name:** Jacquelin

**Race:** Sylvari

**Profession:** Weaver

A runaway creation who originally served the whims of a researcher obsessed with the Mists.


([more artwork and full sized screens](https://imgur.com/a/ZppaI ""))

Jac wasn't born, but was rather created from the corpse of a Sylvari and primeval magic from the Mists. They were created to act as a replacement for their creator's dead lover, but over time they developed their own consciousness and identity, coming to see themself as a new person named Jac. When their creator tried to force them to play their role of doll, they slew their creator and fled to Lion's Arch, where they settled down and picked up the show business of pit fighting. Designed to be resilient and withstand the chaotic and damaging nature of the Mists, they proved to be an effective and terrifying opponent, equal parts calculated and vicious.





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Hiya, this sounds like a wonderful idea! I'll throw in one of my more 'interesting' GW2 OCs, a bodyguard/enforcer who works on the shadier side of Lion's Arch.


**Name:** Johanna Zerafim (nickname "Hot Fresh")

**Race:** Norn

**Profession:** Elementalist

**Bio:** This is somebody who isn't too fond of his past. "Hot Fresh" was born Johanna Zerafim deep in the Shiverpeaks, where the Sons of Svanir were strong. To gain Jormag's favor and support his family, he joined their cult. He became a real terror of the north, using terribly strong elemental magic and violence to spread the Sons' influence throughout the land. However, once his travels brought him far to Lion's Arch, Jormag's hold on his mind weakened and he was able to throw off the dragon's influence, reject the Sons of Svanir, and settle into the seedy underworld of the city. So it was that the "Blazing torrent of the north" became simply "Hot Fresh," top enforcer for one of the most successful crime bosses in Lion's Arch. A showman at heart, he can flirt, intimidate, and deceive at will - though most people who know him well know him affectionately as sort of a :eggplant emoji:.

**Photos:** (right click > open in new tab for fullsize)



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