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Name: Isabella Louve

Profession: Ranger

Race: Human

Gender: Female


Isabella read lots of books with her twinbrother Ilias when she was young. She was always interested in the world outside of Divinitys Reach and wanted to explore the

world she knew from the books one day with her brother. Sadly he got lost leaving Isabella behind without anyone she could really talk to. Both lost their family when they

were young. One day, many years after her brother got lost, Isabella made up her mind and decided to explore the world without her brother. She knew that he would want that. While travelling Isabella found two new friends, her loyal wolves Eyota and Schneeflocke (It means snowflake in german), and one day she entered the Durmand Priory. Knowledge was something she loved since she was a child so it was the perfect place for her with a lot of new books to read and history to explore. Isabella is sarcastic and likes it to mess around with people. That is just a mask so nobody can get close to her, because she doesn't want to feel the pain of loosing someone important ever again.


![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/f677e4e991932643b045c473bbaa4b46/tumblr_p2blpgdJDE1utcmomo1_1280.png "")


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> @"Reincarnatie.7254" said:> Name: Viaenne> Race: Sylvari> Cycle: Dusk, Autumn> Gender: Female> Profession: Elementalist (Tempest)> Disciplines: Artificer, Tailor> Order: Whispers (Lightbringer)> Occupation: Scholar, Spy (in the Priory, shhhh)> > Her skin blushes vibrantly against the chilly breeze, like the crimson branches of dogwoods in autumn flush. As the harvest moon burns orange in the violet dusk, the vespertine breeze carries notes of sassafras—of anise, of citrus, of sweet autumn berries, and cinnamon—from the curls of knotted plum-purple branches unfurling forth from her crown. In darkness, she emits a fiery red glow that glimmers like the twinkling starlight of twilight fireflies. Her eyes are like shimmering turquoise ponds under sunset skies, she looks upon a vision of flame and frost—of a land scorched by fire and frozen by ice.>


> > “The dragons are to Tyria as the wildfire is to the forest: destruction. Yet, the wildfire’s destruction burns away the greed accumulated by the weeds, paving paths for others to have a chance in the light and nourishing the earth with ash--such has Mother taught us. The licking flames of the fires of war do not scare me, for I am born of fire, earth, water, and wind.”>


> > "The dream whispered to me: 'Where life goes, so too, should you.' Moss stalled my feet, and Blackberry clawed my legs. I hated to go, but was afraid to stay. > Ignorance made us vulnerable to predators, to pain. Our Dream expands with us, and growth lies out and away.”>


> > "Watching the cycles of the world around us, night always turns to day, and dawn to dusk--it is much the same with living and non-living things. From cytogenesis to cytosenescence, what is born must eventually die and what grows must fade: what waxes must wane—it’s but a matter of time—yet, we do not know how old our kind may reach before our internal systems begin to fail. We are unlike annuals or biennials as we do not put any energy into reproduction—are we as long-lived as our perennial progenitor? Are we immortal as the trees in the forest, or is our existence more fleeting, like those of the creatures that frolic amongst the branches and the boughs?”>


> > "I cannot stand idly by as the darkness creeps in, for the embers bite at my heels and urge me to action.">


> > "I am sylvari; a child of the Pale Tree.">


> > "I am a scholar, born of the cycle of dusk and autumn; harvester of light and bringer of the bounty of knowledge.">


> > "Keep your allies close, but your enemies closer. Knowledge illuminates the path ahead so that we may see what shadows lurk in the margins.">


> > "For the shadows bring death, and death is the cruelest teacher of all.">


> > "So open your minds,">


> > "Take in the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of the world around you,">


> > "Go where the winds and tides take you. Hear the whispers of adventure in the leaves and the promises of surprise in the reeds.">


> > "Shield your ears from the cacophony of nightmares and the symphony of shadows.">


> > "Let the radiance of the fires you light banish the shadowy tendrils of nightmare and evil to the depths of the Mists.">


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Name: Jeide LuenSpecies: HumanStatus: NobleProfession: Thief (Daredevil)Order: WhispersOccupation: "Recovery Agent"> A canthan of relation to the Luen banking family, she was raised not only to be a shrewd businesswoman but also to be a proper lady in the halls and gardens of the upper city of Divinity's Reach. She tired of Krytan politics and yearned for her early childhood in Lion's Arch--a city far more vibrant than the cold stone walkways that lined the streets of the capital. On the eve of her adulthood, she dyed her hair blue and shed the trappings of nobility and left them like an abandoned skin in the home of her adoptive parents. With her newfound wings, she fluttered across the country-side from town to town and eventually found herself in a Lionguard Haven. How did she survive without her royal stipend? First, stealing; then, dabbling in some "merchant-business"; and, finally, leasing her services of "property recovery" to the highest bidder.


> "Skills include: infiltration, subterfuge, sagacious acquisition, sabotage, and,"


> "Seduction."


> "A giant boar ate your engagement ring..? Seriously? I'm charging double if you don't tell me how _that_ happened."


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> Name: Aedraeyna> Race: Sylvari> Gender: Female> Cycle: Dawn, Spring> Profession: Guardian (Dragonhunter)> Order: Vigil (Tactician)> Tenet: "All things have a right to grow."> Favourite stanza of a sylvari poem: > "My body luxuriates in the sun's rays, and when it rains, my skin tingles with greed. I am that which begins and ends with the Dream, a spring child of the wombless seed.”>


> Bristling, bright eyes fluttered in the Dream as the sun crested over the horizon. Golden eyes glowering, the darkness inside the pod shrunk away with the growing light the fetal form emitted. Her slowly eyes opened like sunrise on the horizon and peered around her, taking in the way the light and shadow flowed both against and with one another. ‘It feels strange—lying here, my head feels heavy, weighed down by countless questions. Am I awake? Am I still dreaming?’ The muffled symphony of the Grove was faint and yet calming, all the same. Certain sounds began to intensify her curiosity, stirring her from her curled form and igniting a billowing excitement inside her abdomen. Murmurs. They grew in intensity before a sensation came over her. Suddenly, the urge to place her hands on the walls of the pod manifested, feeling the firm smooth walls of the encasement. A crackling was heard, and the murmuring suddenly stopped. The bright-eyed sylvari wondered at the stillness—the cacophony of the world beyond her pod had become silent and the world inside her pod had become dark. ‘Is this death?’, she pondered to herself, shifting her legs towards herself, she sat up just as a burst of humid air and light flooded her senses, the roar of the jungle sounds near almost deafened her. The light was all she could see, bright blinding and orange—much like her own eyes—stared back at her before her memories of the Dream reignited, her limp form falling backwards with a thump, fallen leaves crinkling under her weight. Gasps were heard and the murmurs began once again. Light continued to flutter in her vision, and she wondered if she had gone back into the Dream.>


> With flesh as soft as peach-skin fuzz and as bright as the golden rays of the dawning sun, what appears delicate, hides a resolve tougher than stone. In the pit of her being, rests the surging strength of a cold vernal river fed by the ice-melt of glaciers perched high atop the tallest mountains. Her sweat runs thin like sweet nectar dribbling from cherry-blossoms, and her blood thick like the saccharine honey in the abodes of bees. Her mind is always abuzz; busied with thoughts of salvation and hope, of the bounty of spring and the charity of hearts. The leaves atop her crown smell of heady hyacinth, and unfurl, revealing large petals trailing with the gentle fragrance of sweet orange blossom.


> “I stand for the righteous, with virtues by my side, I will defend the Pale Mother and all my siblings. We are sylvari and we are all dear to one another, regardless of our differences. All things have a right to grow, and by my life, I will defend that right to the end of mine.”>


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> Name: Lydaeia> Race: Sylvari> Gender: Female> Cycle: Day, Summer> Profession: Ranger (Druid/Soulbeast)> Order: Priory (Explorer)> Tenet: "Act with wisdom, but act."> Favourite stanza of a sylvari poem: "I am the ebb and flow of sap in the trees. My ears fill with the patter of paws on bark, of the songs of cicadas and bees.”>


> "The four winds are pushing at my back; they fill my sails with whispers of new sounds, smells, sights, and tastes. I sway in the eager winds, the vanguards of the thunderstorm—do I stay, or do I go? For this home is where I slept, where I dreamt, where I awakened and where I learned. But I am a student of summer, a child of midday. In the Dream of Dreams I slept, and refuse I did the call to awake for adventure was in the dreams of others—from them I saw great mountains of squared stone and a giant tree made of blackened metal. From them I saw a vast landscape of sand and an ocean that stretched on for eternity. From my brothers and their eyes I saw faces of greed and graciousness, from my sisters I saw faces of desire and derision. From their dreams I dreamt of trade and travel, books and bows, and learned of language--along with a bountiful crop of odds and ends. Slept, I did, drawing in with voracious avarice to the last drop of what the Mother Tree could feed to me through her veins. With an unquenchable thirst for adventure and an insatiable appetite for the world of Tyria, I drank the intoxicating ambrosial sap of knowledge. I slept until the crest of midday, roused by the garish light in eyes blinded by brightness, but wide with wonder--through her Pale veins, was I born into this world.">


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Name: La Que Ama (The One Who Loves in spanish)

Race: Sylvari

Profession: Chronomancer

Cycle: dusk


She doesn't have a name. Lots of brothers and sisters have told her all sylvaris know their name when they are born, but she doesn't. And that's not a problem, at all. It is indeed a blessing. Her identity is quite undefined, and she loves letting people express what they think and feel about her. She loves every name she's given, since all of them are the result of the impressions, ideas and thoughts of someone. That's thrilling! Being free from the chain of a name, being able to be many things at once. She's infinitely curious and a lover of many things -freedom, nature, wind, life, water, love itself.


Her curiosity has driven her to travel far away from home at a very young age, and she is still very young. She loves her homeland, but she also wants to discover and connect with all Tyria. That has allowed her to meet a large variety of people, from brothers and sisters born of her beloved Pale Tree to ferocious charrs and even a lovely and smart asura who has taught her most of the things she knows as a mesmer. Her life consists of traveling here and there, discovering and meeting people, and defeating every enemy who dares to try to damage innocent people. This is her main goal, and she does it by being a supporter of her people. She, along with her friends and guildmates, will fight until Tyria is safe again. Wearing an armor that a wise minstrel taught her to craft, and using the beautiful legendary focus she proudly owns, she protects her squad from all harm. She faces her enemies without fear, since being young and kind doesn't mean she isn't determined and brave, and takes all their hits while giving powerful defenses and reducing significantly the damage dealt to her comrades.


Her main purpose in life is to live a life full of love, honesty and happiness, and to make the world a better place, and if that means she has to suffer in order to help and protect those innocent she will do it proudly.


She's a musician, although she could improve a lot -raids don't give her a lot of spare time. She's more an observer than a talker, being often so quiet that she won't talk unless asked to. That's because she loves to pay attention to her sorroundings: she wants to see, feel and hear the colors, the sounds, the light and the darkness, the textures of the objects, the expressions and gestures of everyone close to her.


Although she's pretty mature, it's easy to know how young she is. It's in her high-pitched voice, how impressible and easy to influence she is, and... well, she's a little bit clumsy, but she tries to make fun of herself and not take that with negativity.


![](https://i.imgur.com/Q5N44ut.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/Gov18Nr.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/758UP5q.jpg "")


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I wanna shove somethin' in!**Name:** Tulbokz Hopecraft (officially, at least)**Profession:** An Engineer's take on Ranger. And Mesmer. And Guardian. And Elementalist. All of 'em.**Information:** Tulbokz, part of the Hope warband dedicated primarily to ensuring the success of the Charr-Human peace treaty, is an envious sort. Highly competitive, he always tried to beat other cubs at their own games while in the Fahrar, be it strength, marksmanship, guile, or any other skill that his fellow cubs would brag about throughout the day. To begin with, he wasn't often successful at showing up the other cubs... But he learned, with time, that _ingenuity_ could help him come out on top. Some wrist-mounted clamps could give him an edge when wrestling. A brace for his arm could steady his aim. And hide-and-seek was a breeze when the "seekers" were investigating the clanging sound emanating from a timed mechanical decoy on the other side of the yard.Tulbokz naturally gravitated towards the Iron Legion as he grew up, but he would frequently find himself in the company of Charr from the other Legions. Blood Legion brutes, Ash Legion snakes... He even watched Flame Legion Charr from time to time. And at all times, at the forefront of his mind, was the thought "how can I do that, but _better?"_His designs improved. He especially relished opportunities to recreate the abilities of Charr that were more magically-inclined than himself. Elementalists... Easy enough. Gunpowder was plenty capable of many of the things they could do when manipulating flame. And for electricity, some heavy-duty capacitors did the trick. Their ability to manipulate the very earth was a tad tricky, but he eventually devised a way to make bombs that would drill into the ground before detonating. Controlling the wind was largely down to explosives without shrapnel; not necessarily optimal, but the fun was in showing that he could do everything they could do, without their natural talent for magic. And water? Well, the Iron Legion already had a variety of recipes for regenerative elixirs, courtesy of alchemists before him. Some of that in a squirt gun and he was good to go. Though he had already adopted the name "Hopecraft" among his warband, he amusedly began to call himself "Hopeweave" when utilizing the gadgets he had created to emulate Elementalists.As time went on, Tulbokz found himself in good favor with the Order of Whispers. He delighted in their secret knowledge, and upon joining them officially, delighted in it more still. He managed to convince his superiors to let him go undercover as a Durmand Priory recruit, gaining access to a second wealth of information. His constant giddiness was sometimes unnerving to his colleagues, in both organizations. He developed a reputation for being highly scatterbrained and perhaps just a tad crazy, an image that was not helped by his frequent flipping of surnames. He embraced this perception of him, sometimes even playing it up just to keep others guessing.For a long while, Tulbokz antsily studied the abilities of Mesmers, growing frustrated as he tried to figure out a way to replicate their magic. Finally, on an assignment from the Order of Whispers, he got his answer. A fellow operative, Agent Zott, and his close friend Elli, had managed to create a hologram with actual mass, capable of interacting with the physical world. After the mission was completed, Tulbokz dug up all he could on Elli and Zott's creation, working their technology into a relatively simple artificial intelligence that could operate on its own without his guidance. It wasn't as capable as Elli's hologram, but again; it was about the fun of matching and surpassing others.He couldn't figure out teleportation until some time afterwards, following the Pact assault on Mordremoth. He had contemplated copying the technology of Asura Waypoints for quite some time, but the Waypoints operated on a network of ley energy, which was hardly dependable for the purposes of precision teleportation. In the depths of Maguuma, however, he found the final piece to the puzzle; the Chak. By "harvesting" and repurposing Chak organs, he was able to produce a ley energy gun of sorts. The organ would gradually gather ambient ley energy, which the gun could then fire in a straight line, where it would stay for but a moment before dispersing. But this time was plenty enough to accomplish a short Waypoint-esque jump to the desired position. Tulbokz was pleased with himself; he adopted another name, Hopewrench, much to the chagrin of his colleagues in the Order of Whispers and Durmand Priory. His warbandmates, for the most part, were content to just shake their heads and roll their eyes with a grin.Yet more time passed, and Tulbokz grew jealous of the friendships many of his Pact allies had formed with the creatures of the jungle, not to mention the thousands of Charr back home with trained Devourers. It was at this point that many began to think Tulbokz had lost his mind... Those who didn't already think so, at least. Tulbokz started his endeavor to emulate these loyal pets by converting his tools into combat machines. An automated tablesaw... A motorized anvil. His oxyactelyene welder. He robotized them all, and to top it off, dressed them up to look like many of the animals he had seen in the company of his allies. People were beginning to worry. Even his warband was uncertain if this was more feigned eccentricity, or genuine madness. But, despite the oddness in his methodology, the creations did work. A bit clumsier than the real thing, perhaps, but just as deadly, if not moreso in some cases.Gods help us all for whatever he decides to simulate next.




Bonus: Babby Tulbokz getting into fights with other cubs!


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Repost from the same character but with better picture

Name: Cyáro

Profession: Revenant - Renegade Specialization

About: Cyáro was a researcher in Rata Novus, before the Chak invaded the city. He was doing his own research mostly based on techniques and mechanics related to the Mists. He was a mesmer and used his illusions mostly to get more work done efficiently with cloning himself temporary. When the time came that the city needed to be evacuated, he locked himself into a mist infused cryosleep chamber. Years later when a squad of the pact came along, they found his chamber, and tried to shut it off. The researcher that managed to do this, was one of my other characters called Celaithe (Aithe for short). Cyáro had been stuck in time for so long, it took him a while to get back into society, not only that, he wasn't a mesmer anymore. Being in the mists in a cryosleep he became a Revenant. Celaithe helped him get a feel for the world, and let him know the state of society, how they were fighting a dragon, how Rata Novus has fallen to the Chak, and how the Exalted were still on a quest of slaying the newly awakened dragon Mordremoth.




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> @"Toolbox.9375" said:

> I'm listening through the songs from previous threads, and they're very impressive. :) I don't suppose you happened to save the descriptions posted in the threads before the old forums went down? Would love to read the full backstories of each of the characters. :P


Unfortunately not. I didn't expect the old board to get taken down.

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**Name:** Kesslan Hopevine

**Profession:** Chronomancer


**Story:** A Forgotten Face


Kesslan Hopevine. If the name strikes you as odd for a charr, you'd be right.


Around thirty years ago, a Durmand Priory expedition was pushing into forbidden territory, vying to make deals with the Grawl in western Fireheart Rise so they could reach the ruins deeper in the heart of the Flame Legion's territory. Partially successful, they managed to strike a deal but never reached the object of their expedition. What they came across instead were the burnt remains of a charr warband who had similar intentions, even if for more warlike purposes.


Not one thing was left alive, or at least at first they thought. It was almost by accident that a human woman discovered a charr cub nearly suffocating in a pile of leathers he'd been hidden in, barely a few weeks old. At the time, of course, the treaty hadn't even been thought of: humans were the bitter enemies of charr in general, and certainly on no better terms with the Flame Legion. As they were investigating the site, a battalion of Flame Legion discovered them. Many humans would just as soon have left the cub to the mercy of the legion and the elements, but instead of leaving the cub to die or worse, the woman snatched him up as they fled and literally carried the cub to safety.


Fearing that word of the cub would get back to Divinity's Reach and that he'd be extradited or worse, the woman made the rest of her expedition swear never to speak of his discovery. Once they had reached the tiny Priory installation in Snowden Drifts they were based out of, she settled there and raised him. Her name was Diana Sweetvine.


She named him Kesslan, and the little group of priory researchers became his family and teachers, using the small library of information at their disposal. Diana assumed he would need to be familiar with the culture of the charr, someday, and taught him what little she knew about charr social structure and beliefs alongside her own faith in the six gods, Dwayna in particular. The norn and asura at the tiny installation were, of course, more than happy to interject their own ideologies involving the Spirits of the Wild and the Eternal Alchemy.


The asuran mesmer Rixx was responsible for Kesslan's magical training and introduced him to the art of Chronomancy. The cub immediately latched on with avid enthusiasm, even showing a proficiency in early illusion craft. Gaerta Highpeak was almost like a second mother to Kesslan, and appointed herself in charge of his combat training. She and Rixx would frequently fall into argument over whose training took precedence, Rixx complaining that Gaerta was turning him into a mindless slob, and Gaerta accusing Rixx of hampering the charr's natural strength. Kesslan himself whether naturally or owing to Diana's upbringing, had a generally gentle disposition that earned him the moniker "Kesslan the Kind" from the locals. He loved to smile, and loved making others smile, frequently using his illusions to that end. There he grew up, a small but well-kept secret.


It wasn't until the peace talks began that Diana finally stepped forward and introduced Kesslan to 'the world' (and the rest of her family), even going so far as to make the bold move of officially adopting him, which itself proved to be something of a bombshell. For better or worse, Kesslan became the poster-boy for support of the peace talks, putting him in several awkward positions. Back at Divinity's reach, Diana's family adjusted to having a full-grown Charr for a family member, and he adjusted to being removed from those he'd grown up around all his life. His mother had raised him an unfailing gentleman and familiar with human custom, but that didn't make it any less of a culture shock for him or them. His grandmother and cousins took it best: his cousins due to the novely of being 'related' to a charr, and his grandmother because he could easily move furniture around. She also frequently tortured him with tea parties where he was the unwilling center of adoring conversation.


His trials didn't end there. Due to his unique position, Kesslan was appointed as a 'liaison' to the charr and retroactively assigned to the Hope warband, a warband whose stated mission was to support the human treaty peace talks and improve race relations. As per custom, he changed his name accordingly, but kept "vine" in his name to honor his mother. His first trip to the Black Citadel was even more jarring than the move to Divinity's Reach. On the one hand, he was nothing like the other charr in mindset or disposition. He was diplomatic, soft spoken, and mannered. They were tough, rough, and their military dedication was foreign to him. He was even more disturbed when he found out what happened to gladiums, should they be abandoned or left behind. The charr diplomat giving him the proud tour of the Citadel seemed almost shocked that he wanted to visit the Gallows, and didn't seem to notice how quiet Kesslan became after they left.


As a necessity, he attended even more combat training and courses specifically on charr custom, and through practice (and some run-ins with charr who didn't find his background agreeable) became a capable fighter. Much to his relief, Gaerta visited him frequently, the one face in the Citadel he felt actually welcomed him. Needless to say, he returned to the Durmand Priory at the earliest opportunity and dove into his work, far preferring his continued studies in Chronomancy and other areas of magic. He visited the Black Citadel as infrequently as possible; even Divinity's Reach saw him more often. He wasn't against the charr, but it was always difficult to be comfortable around them and - he figured - uncomfortable for them to be around him.


Life wasn't quite finished throwing him curve balls, however. He and a grumpy asuran colleague and fellow mesmer, Kwicc, had become especially interested in magical beings such as the Exalted and the Mursaat. Their projects and research led them far and deep into Maguuma, and eventually to the recently accessible Ember Bay. Kesslan was not unfamiliar with combat (much to Gaerta's pride), but he wasn't quite prepared for the Jade Fortress.


At first, things had been going well. They were making progress deciphering the Mursaat runes, prying their way tooth and claw through the ancient secrets. So well, in fact, that Kesslan let his guard down a bit too long. For the most part, the jade constructs guarding the fortress had let them be so long as they stayed well to the east of the ruins. Any forays into the ruins themselves were of course taken with great care, but one evening, a construct caught Kesslan unware as he was excavating a spot along the shore. The first heavy swipe sheared off Kesslan's face and eyes, and the second threw him in front of a tower which seared his limbs and burned a hole through his chest. He was barely a husk when it shut off.


The fact he didn't die on the spot was a miracle in itself, a miracle that came in the form of Kwicc. True to his name, the asura had darted in just fast enough to catch him in a time dilation spell to delay his otherwise inevitable death. In what Kwicc begrudgingly but proudly describes as a "monumental exertion," the next several days were spent fashioning a make-shift life support system using discarded Mursaat armor and golemic magitech. Then, using theories that he and Kesslan had developed in their research of magical beings, he fused the armor to Kesslan's body using ley discharges from a font on the island. Kwicc of course claims it was the perfect opportunity for an experiment, but admits he would have been 'disappointed' had it failed. Fortunately for Kesslan, it didn't.


The armor's eyes and nose became Kesslan's, and its body his heart, spine and extremities. Where his flesh was gone or useless, the armor and magical constructs inside it took over. Even his voice is no longer his own, but a magical, echoed simulation driven by the armor. As it stands he'll never be able to fully remove the armor, but perhaps the hardest thing for him is knowing that underneath the harsh helm is nothing. What lies beneath the metal armor is the stuff of nightmares. He can no longer smile at someone, or frown, or laugh, not without the help of an illusion. He fears the day he forgets what he once looked like, and becomes unable to create an illusion of himself without the armor.


He still visits his mother as often as he can and continues his research with the priory, but life is irreversibly different. Eating is difficult and often done in private, drinking is a little easier, but still avoided around others, and generally he sticks to places he is little-known. The Fractals serve this purpose well, a place where he's never remembered, and never questioned. Rather than pure studies, he's taken to more combative roles than he once did, perhaps out of desire to never be caught unprepared again. When he looks in the mirror, he sees the cold head of the Mursaat armor staring back, but each time he does, he vows to Dwyana and himself that he'll be as merciful as his appearance is cruel. It was hard enough forging a solid identity in his life. At least that way, if he were ever to forget his own face, the one he has would still be remembered for kindness.

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Character Name: Scarlette Sinagra

Race: Human

Class: Mesmer


![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/1facc8a5c657b8f4a6cca5477a670b79/tumblr_p2xgx2oDON1ueiawao2_1280.jpg "")


![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/f0172268966cda3fbc6f50e0ff11f162/tumblr_p2xinaSifa1ueiawao1_1280.jpg "")



She started a simple painter, an only child of a wealthy, noble family with a long history of collecting many rare and exotic artifacts, many of them either being then donated to the Durmand Priory or set on display, showpieces to flex their status. Rarely did they put much thought into the value or significance of the things they found unless pressed.


And yet...


Some secrets are best left buried, and forgotten. The deep waters reflect the starry abyss above, both spaces containing multitudinous horrors and marvelous knowledge, for those willing to pay the price. For Scarlette, it was a path she never would have sought on her own volition, but still, even now, the power of the Forgotten God waxes terrible, and a chance discovery of a long-lost relic in her family's possession; a strange, almost writhing scepter, dredged up from the remains of a sunken Orrian ship, and was robbed of both sanity and her voice. Yet in that single, brain-blasting moment, she saw visions of a temple, long sunk beneath the waves; she saw a wasteland, blasted by a great cataclysm; of a five-eyed hound, born of the same magic and stardust; she saw these things and more, and a whisper in her mind that bid her to seek, to search, and to paint all that she saw, and make those secrets immortal. Driven by the maddening, intoxicating whispers, she has since wandered, as if in a dream, guided by the stars, her paintings depicting secret things deep, deep beneath the waves, far beyond the light's reach, her illusions offering others a brief, shattering moment of the secrets that took her mind...


![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/c83f6b44fdd9e16444dbab88608b49f3/tumblr_p2xgx2oDON1ueiawao1_1280.jpg "")


![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/4150de2655cf009909fa409407a30de0/tumblr_p2xgx2oDON1ueiawao3_1280.jpg "")



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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"DusK.3849" said:

> ["Seeking Magic" - Vaeleyna Eventide, human elementalist](

""Seeking Magic" - Vaeleyna Eventide, human elementalist")

> ["Map, Compass, and Satchel" - Captain Kace, human hunter](

""Map, Compass, and Satchel" - Captain Kace, human hunter")

Interesting idea, G R E A T music. I'm waiting for the next track.

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> @"DusK.3849" said:

> > @"Toolbox.9375" said:

> > I'm listening through the songs from previous threads, and they're very impressive. :) I don't suppose you happened to save the descriptions posted in the threads before the old forums went down? Would love to read the full backstories of each of the characters. :P


> Unfortunately not. I didn't expect the old board to get taken down.


I even went hunting for any archive of the thread that was on guildwars2guru.com(that's where I sent in my bio and pics :) ) before it shut down, and i got nothin'.

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Hey DusK. I have a question for you. I have made some tunes that are similar to some "Superheroes". Would you like to do something for one of them? I'll attach a pic of each one, and if you're interested in one, I can write up the full entry and get better pics, as I did for Thorfinnr way back in the day. :)


Tony Stark - Iron Man - Engineer (Thought you could go a little hard rock on him, something a little different, mixing the AC/DC sound from the movies with the GW2 sound that you do so well...but its whatever you're inspired to do, right? :) )

![](https://i.imgur.com/zb4XRrs.jpg "")



Oliver Queen - Green Arrow

Don't have any pics uploaded for him, but I can get some tonight and attach one here. (Forgot I hadn't uploaded any images for him to imgur yet. :( )


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  • 2 months later...

Heya, firstly I've discovered your work recently, and you are absolutely amazing; you are talented, good job really, and so I'm wondering, are you still composing musics for gw2 characters? Sorry for bumping the topic :) I would surely be interested but I dunno if this thread is dead or not ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this idea!


So, perhaps this is not your typical request, but I would like to request a theme for two characters together. Basically me and my best friend created twin sister characters ingame, so a theme that embodies both would actually work.


**Character names:** Mia Amistad & Tia Amistad

**Profession(s):** Ranger & Engineer


Mia and Tia Amistad are both humans who grew up in the city in poverty. Their mother has passed away and their father is ill, unable to take care of the two sisters. To this end, Mia and Tia are often found on the streets searching for food, scraps and other items to use. With the help of their loyal companion Lollipop (bear pet) they are able to survive and take care of their father. If they find any shoes that are broken, their father attempts to fix them as he used to be a shoemaker, which they can then sell on the market. Witht he scraps they find, Tia (Engineer) tries to make toys to barter with. And so Mia and Tia survive and fight every day, until they go to Shaemoor and help defend the stronghold.


We haven't fleshed out the rest just yet, but they will be joining the order of Whispers for a more stealthy approach, as the streets taught them to hide well in the shadows.


![](https://i.imgur.com/UBDkHfn.png "")


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heya! Ok nice to heard then! I would like to have a theme for my main ^^ :D :+1:

**Character name:** Ezrielia

**Profession:** Elementalist-> Weaver

**Story/details:** Her father worked at the Thaumanova Reactor until the accident, hopefully he had the time to give her to an another inquest Agent who used the emergency portal and saved her from death whereas her father is dead. She never met her mother since she disappeared a long time ago. The agent enroll her in the dynamic college, after acquiring the basis, she decided to join the Inquest. She rapidly climbed the hierarchy and earned the right to have her own lab, she also developed many relations between other members. But as Inquest require it, she faced to many skill tests and had to make others suffer and plunged them into despair without any kind of regrets... by opposition she is generally very kind and cheerful with her own assistants and scientists. Her superiors beware of her, she can seem to be very nice, but she is more than cruel with her test subjects, but as she says, "that is just an habit to take" and don't heard the cries anymore. Sometimes where she isn't in a good mood, she can decides to free her cobalt or doing harmless experiments.


Theme: I know that you already made a theme related to inquest which was awesome by the way, but her theme would be more rock than that.

Mixing mystery and action. I'm sure you will do an awesome work as always :)






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![](https://i.imgur.com/c71GoVv.jpg "")


Name: Xykiris

Profession: Reaper (Necromancer)

About: Xykiris is a Reaper blessed by Grenth. Once a Warrior of the Vigil, Xykiris dabbled in Necromancy after losing many of his comrades in battle. He used this power to enhance himself in combat as well as raise unnatural horrors to sick on his enemies. He slowly became more blood thirsty and was eventually thrown out of the Vigil. For years, he searched for strong opponents to quench his thirst for combat. That is, until he found out about the awakening of the Elder Dragons. Now he works along side the Orders, and people of Tyria, to take on the threat of the Elder Dragons, excited to test his strength against what he sees as, possibly the strongest being's in Tyria.


![](https://i.imgur.com/yvMhtSy.jpg "")


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