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Rumors Anet Working on a New Conquest Map

Vieux P.1238

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Honestly, i wish they would work on any none conquest map. But t is what it is. In that case, well i hope they are taking at least a few points into consideration while designing it.

Since i truly believe that match making will never properly work.

**1- Let players do a few mistakes & still have a winning chance.** For example often more then never, a players spreading out to thin at start to 1v1 far. & often leaves mid & home to be wipe out by sheer numbers of the opposite team. -Camping a point is another example that does not help out either. Again, it leaves a team fighting in lower numbers vs many. Those are a few reasons why players are so frustrated & toxic in chat. Cuz it only takes 1 or 2 players to kitten the match up cuz they either don't know there role or thinks they can take on the hole other team on there own & does not team work. As it is, Conquest maps does not leave much for mistakes & is next to impossible to catch-up from it. It does happens but less often then it doesn't. So please Anet, design a map that lets you actually do a few mistakes with out punishing the team for it.

**2-Immortals holding points. You got to find a solution to this. **It becomes frustrating to try to remove that one player from a cap that just wont take much damage or that never dies. It becomes an exploit to the point of rage quitting in mid match. Especially if you 4 v 2 & they never die. I know, balance issues. But that's been 5 years already. I'm just saying, the solution is in the kiss.. Keep It Simple Stupid.

**3- speedsters. **Design the map so that any class can go to the goal with out making it to much advantageous for the speedsters.


I'm sure there's other issues or points that players want to voice out. Be free to do it.

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Well at least anet is starting to stir in bed a bit and waking up to the idea that TDM is the way to go. Sadly they are not fully invested yet


*Asura Arena 2v2 < Yes

* Unnamed 2v2 < Yes

* New Conquest Map < Why waste time on another worthless circle dance map? zzz ZZZ zzz 4 People mid 1 person runs around


Also if we now have 4 TDM maps after the new 2v2 maps ( 3x 2v2 1x 5v5) We need a TDM Que. Unranked is fine so we can enjoy the maps while "ranked" circle dancing dies off finally.

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More gamemodes? Are ya'll trying to kill this game off?


More gamemodes never does anything. There is a reason every major esport title only does 1 gamemode. Even in noncompetitive games that have lots of gamemodes, you end up with 1 mode being played while the other modes are ghost towns. Battlefield is a good example, everyone plays conquest in that game, while the other modes you have to hunt for a hour to find a server that's half empty.


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> More gamemodes? Are ya'll trying to kill this game off?


> More gamemodes never does anything. There is a reason every major esport title only does 1 gamemode. Even in noncompetitive games that have lots of gamemodes, you end up with 1 mode being played while the other modes are ghost towns. Battlefield is a good example, everyone plays conquest in that game, while the other modes you have to hunt for a hour to find a server that's half empty.



Psss pleaze

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