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One time a wise man said: > The definition of BALANCE : is the daily nightmare that ANET and PVP players encounter .


# Here what i suggest before the season start :


PS: This is what i think you don't have to agree with me in any way, and i'm open to other ideas as long as you speak with decency .


## Necro(Scourge metabuild):


* The boon corruption need a tweak or a rework cos it's game breaking especially the F2 skill with 2 boons corrupted to condition in a 6 sec couldown in a hug AOE is so OP need a rework

* The condi DMG from skills is fine no need to nerf it anymore.

* Add cooldown on shades before casting another one .


## Mesmer(Mirage)my main:


* To be honest i don't went it to be nerfed, cos i had so much fun the last season and i played 677 ranked game most of them with mirage and some games i swapped to scourge when there is a scourge in the other team or double or sometimes triple scourges.

* To be more precise i'm afraid that they may destroy this build, cos mirage need skills to play it not like scourges, and to condi burst with mesmer in general you need practice a lot of practice and the problem with mirage that mad it OP in 1v1 is not the condi burst but the ability to break stuns more often however i'm fine if they reduced the confusion stacks applied as long as they nerf the other classes, (bunker druid and bunker firebrand).

* Please as a mirage i don't care about the duration of conditions but more about there burstiness (confusion) because mirage is squishy and without your evades you can die in a blink of an eye. so you need to finish the fight fast and changing that fact will make most condi mirages get back to chrono cos the power mirage isn't so good so plz be careful with this PIECE OF ART .


## Guardian(firebrand):


* In gold 1 and bellow it's not a problem cos most of your team mates will run from your heals, however in gold 3 and plat and legendary its a nightmare in team fights especially if your team have no support firebrand its a guaranty win for the firebrand team with them being 100% 90% health all the time especially if the team got a scourge then its impossible to take that point .

* I'm not gonna say nerf the heal cos it's meant to be a support healer if they nerfed the heal this build will go to ghost town. but at least reduce the stability that this build can provide it's the reason of this meta .


## Bunker druid :


* When i see one holding a point i just leave, cos doesn't matter how hard i try i can't kill him and he still can kill me. bunker druid is a different story from firebrand at least firebrand can't 1v1 but this beast can solo +1 a point and may kill the both of them tnks to the high dps from the pets,

* What i suggest is that the pets should stay dead if you killed them and remove the ability to swap to the other pet in fights if the pet is dead, however every thing should be back to normal if out of combat.


## Spellbreaker :


* Is fine a lot of sustain but i guess it's fine.


## Holosmith :


* Is balanced if not the dodge bombs and self insta res.


## Revenant :


* I didn't saw one in days. especially the new elite, what it called !!!

* What i think is that Renegade need a rework not a buff and the animations of the skills are bad .


## Weaver :


* Need to be buffed cos its a hard class to master and it's rarely played .(more skills more rewords )


## Deadeye(rifle) :


* Need more survivability and less DPS cos it almost useless in sPVP in the current state, and totally useless in PVE .


At last, i suggest that The less used builds in every class need more love by buffing less used traits and why not buffing the full specialisation if it's not used much, for example shadow art in thief .









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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> One time a wise man said: > The definition of BALANCE : is the daily nightmare that ANET and PVP players encounter .


> # Here what i suggest before the season start :


> PS: This is what i think you don't have to agree with me in any way, and i'm open to other ideas as long as you speak with decency .


> ## Necro(Scourge metabuild):


> * The boon corruption need a tweak or a rework cos it's game breaking especially the F2 skill with 4 boons corrupted to condition in a 6 sec couldown in a hug AOE is so OP need a rework

> * The condi DMG from skills is fine no need to nerf it anymore.

> * Add cooldown on shades before casting another one .


At most, it is 2 boons corrupted per F2, not 4.

Summoning shades is subjected to the global cooldown, so there is at least a minimal cooldown on summoning shades. Not to mention that it is an ammo mechanic, so if they summon too many too quickly, they'll be out for later.

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> @"Fatalyz.7168" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > One time a wise man said: > The definition of BALANCE : is the daily nightmare that ANET and PVP players encounter .

> >

> > # Here what i suggest before the season start :

> >

> > PS: This is what i think you don't have to agree with me in any way, and i'm open to other ideas as long as you speak with decency .

> >

> > ## Necro(Scourge metabuild):

> >

> > * The boon corruption need a tweak or a rework cos it's game breaking especially the F2 skill with 4 boons corrupted to condition in a 6 sec couldown in a hug AOE is so OP need a rework

> > * The condi DMG from skills is fine no need to nerf it anymore.

> > * Add cooldown on shades before casting another one .


> At most, it is 2 boons corrupted per F2, not 4.

> Summoning shades is subjected to the global cooldown, so there is at least a minimal cooldown on summoning shades. Not to mention that it is an ammo mechanic, so if they summon too many too quickly, they'll be out for later.


Yeah i realised that yesterday and i was lazy to edit that.

About shades i my self can hardly run-out of them especially in sPVP cos most of your fights are on points ,and what i said is just a suggestion and it's not necessary to nerf the actual shades but the boon corruption yes they need to be tweaked .

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See this it where I get kinda angry. If every wants balance then balance ALL elites not just pof. Pof elites should be balanced and hot elites should be balanced. Not just select pof elites. That’s what makes everything so off. That’s what makes people not want certain type of classes in their team. Balance all elites. If there’s a balance do all please.


But deadeye will have less survivabilty because a less dodge and always will be. But take down dps? People are already kicking thieves out of raids because our dps isn’t as high anymore. Don’t lower it please.

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> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> >

> > ## Spellbreaker :

> >

> > * Is fine a lot of sustain but i guess it's fine.

> >



> ...It's not fine when there is no scourge around

well i can say that about firebrand unkillable without a scourge to corrupt his boons especially stability but the spell breaker is all about sustain if you take that from him it will be useless .


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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> See this it where I get kinda angry. If every wants balance then balance ALL elites not just pof. Pof elites should be balanced and hot elites should be balanced. Not just select pof elites. That’s what makes everything so off. That’s what makes people not want certain type of classes in their team. Balance all elites. If there’s a balance do all please.


> But deadeye will have less survivabilty because a less dodge and always will be. But take down dps? People are already kicking thieves out of raids because our dps isn’t as high anymore. Don’t lower it please.


Take down DPS for more survivability that's what i'm saying and in PVE i play deadeye thief all the way .and i'm not asking to trade DPS for more survivability in PVE but only in PVP.

And yes i agree about balancing HOT too but classes from hot aren't played as much as HOT lately and if i went to talk about every class and build i need a lot of time and recherche .


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Since this thread is in discussion, I am assuming pve refers to open world too, not just raids.


Deadeye kills open world mobs faster than any other class in the game with no down time. Rifle is technically second as pistol uses less initiative for similar bursts, but neither has any down time and rifle has better range. The more you kill, the faster you kill. No stealth, no kneeling, just raw killing power.


Most mobs die in under 2 seconds, and maybe get one attack off, but you outheal that with passives. If you are struggling killing mobs quickly with deadeye, I suggest reworking your build. Are they squishy, yes. But, thief has tons of tools to avoid death/escape.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > See this it where I get kinda angry. If every wants balance then balance ALL elites not just pof. Pof elites should be balanced and hot elites should be balanced. Not just select pof elites. That’s what makes everything so off. That’s what makes people not want certain type of classes in their team. Balance all elites. If there’s a balance do all please.

> >

> > But deadeye will have less survivabilty because a less dodge and always will be. But take down dps? People are already kicking thieves out of raids because our dps isn’t as high anymore. Don’t lower it please.


> Take down DPS for more survivability that's what i'm saying and in PVE i play deadeye thief all the way .and i'm not asking to trade DPS for more survivability in PVE but only in PVP.

> And yes i agree about balancing HOT too but classes from hot aren't played as much as HOT lately and if i went to talk about every class and build i need a lot of time and recherche .



If they take it down for adding another dodge meter or make regeneration faster I will be happy about deadeye and might even like it more than daredevil.


Agreed that pof elites are most likely played then hot. Even though that is possible I just wish arenanet still balanced those while balancing pof. Or make pof stats close to hot or other way around. So it doesn’t really matter if which elite you use.

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