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[BUG] Client Crash

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Another day, another mount up, and another crash.


A google search of the error message shows it's been ongoing since about October.




I get both of those messages in my crash logs.

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I have been having these crashes since two months ago, and it seems sporadic but prior to the client freezing or completely closing out to desktop, I always have insane lag and rubber banding issues. They've become more frequent lately. Happens in pvp, wvw, pve, on a mount, off a mount. There doesn't seem to be any specific game play mode that factors into it for me. But it can happen within 15-20 minutes or within an hour. Multiple times a day, every day.

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I get a similar crash when I get near large groups of players near the Great Hall in the Domain of Istan map. I put a support ticket up for it and nothing that was suggested by the support staff (who were quite helpful overall) seems to have worked permanently. I did have one solution that seemed to work temporarily, which was to make GW2 launch in a window and manually changing it to a borderless window at startup.


I haven't gotten crashes on any other map or area, just the Domain of Istan when doing Palawadan or the Great Hall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having crashes as well. Never had issues before, gw2 always ran smothly on every occasion.

Since january my game keeps crashing.


What I gathered so far:

- It seems to be connected with mounts

- Being in the air, flying, jumping or gliding seems to affect that


*that is only what happened when I tried to reproduce the crash. After reading the thread it seems to be random when the game crashes for individuals.


I crashed 2 times during a tequatle boss fight. Both times while using the launch pad in the second phase of teq. First time I switched to my glider while using the launch pad. Second time I didn't (because I wanted to see if that's causing it).

Third time I was running around silverwastes, crashing while I was jumping up high with my mount.

Fourth time I was teleporting with my Jackal.


That's why I figured it could be related to the character being in the air, at least for me. My game did not crash in any other way. Only while I was mounted or in the air.

I hope this helps! It seems to be a pretty bad bug and the QA are probably losing their minds about it... the crashes seem to be completely random. I was trying to replicate it and that's what I got.

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This has been a on going problem for the last two weeks, it randomly crashes ... there is no set time or place. I have noticed that the screen will "freeze" and then resume. Sometimes this leads to a crash or loss of server, but again no rhyme or reason sometimes not. I have recently upgraded my Internet provider, not sure if this has anything to do with it. I have also sent in every crash report that it has given me. It seems to be getting worse, it started off with once in an hour, to 4 to 5 plus in less than half an hour. Sometimes it just goes to the log in screen and gives me the error that I have lost connection to the server and other times its right down to shut down and sending in a report screen.

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I thought that it might have been our new internet provider, but this is not the case, we've had it checked. My husband decided to log in and see and crashed six times while doing the Maw. The first five took him to the toon screen, where as the last one to the black screen of relog in. Most of my crashes have come WvW, especially if there is a big battle going on. It doewn't always take us to the same place ... we get the toon screen, the black screen of log in and the full crash with the error report to email in. Please is there something on our end that we can do so we can play.

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