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Suggestion: Beds in Guild Halls

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Since the release of Guild Halls, roleplayers have been using creativity to make "beds" in their GH homes. Tables with pillows, snow piles with pillows, rugs on crates with pillows. But never had we had actual beds to place. This, of course, leads to health hazards in Medical Bays (do you *know* how unsanitary snow is?) and insomnia throughout the rest of the guild.

There are several bed models to use in the game already, and several were even added in Path of Fire. Even the Elonian daybeds seen around Vabbi would be nice.


Thanks much!

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What this really comes down to is.... there are hundreds of furniture assets that could be made in to guild hall decorations, so why can't we just be given more decorations... a great big pack of them.... giving us the REAL ability to customize our Guild Hall rather than the illusion of customization where everyone has the same decorations because of a) limited access, and b) overly expensive cost to level scribe. Why is there only ONE carpet that costs 100g each and can't be crafted? Why don't we have the ability to place small/medium/large actual tents (The Elonian "tent" is a windbreak, not a tent). WHY no beds? No fences, limited wall variety, etc. etc. etc. If we got some more decorations and if they slightly raised the local limit on placables, even with the terrible placement system it would make guild hall decorating feel so much more robust and less of a tacked on feature. (Srsly though, giving us the left/right rotate that is on some siege engines on interact would also be a great QoL to decoration.)

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