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Obscene areas eliminates the "experience of to fight"


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Obscene areas

The attack with areas eliminates the "experience of to fight". Some guys launching areas and all die without being able to take the advantage of GW2's ability to "evade". It is usually impossible to evade the areas of "several Necro's".


Unfortunately, there are no more zergs clashes in which players can contribute to the battle.


Nerf or completely eliminate the areas ... or create a new instance: NvN (necro versus nercro).

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> @"Mylerian.9176" said:

> I really have no clue what OP is saying. I imagine English is not their strong suit I guess.


The best I can understand the OP is as such:


"Obscene areas"

-This is likely in reference to the low cooldown high effectiveness Area of Effect spells thrown out by classes like scourge.


"The attack with areas eliminates the "experience of to fight". "

-Similar to the point below, the OP doesn't like ranged Area of Effect battles, claiming they diminish the fights in some capacity.


"Some guys launching areas and all die without being able to take the advantage of GW2's ability to "evade". It is usually impossible to evade the areas of "several Necro's"."

-More of the same, but in this case the OP is claiming that due to the abundance of Area of Effect spells present in a Zerg environment, that the use of the dodge key is greatly diminished due to the abundance of attacks.


"Unfortunately, there are no more zergs clashes in which players can contribute to the battle."

-In a meta where you don't push and melee your enemies, and instead just throw damaging Area of Effect skills at them hoping they will die before you do, can have a sense of reduced or non-existent player impact on fights.




Or at least that's what it reads as to me.

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sadly the wall of wells sand shades purging flames cor meteor and gravity wells is almost impenetrable unless one is very good at gap closing which requires more coordination.


unless you do the same.


few tricks have 20% chance of working. gap closing by gs 3 of guards to pull, melee bomb or soal in damage. gap closer by warrior by sword 2, soak in damage cast wod. portal bombs by necros x mesmers to secretly suprise the nemy. veil, hide etc.


its fun to try but takew a lot to execute.

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