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Ticket Has Gone A Week With Zero Communication From Customer Support

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Posting for a guild member who has a 2 month ban for using third party software. Seems cut and dry, but this person has claimed to have not used any third party software so they're not sure why the ban happened.

They have filed a support ticket (#6757230) to look into this because they are terrified of being hit with another ban when they come back because they have no idea why it happened in the first place. This was a week ago and despite following the methods pinned by Gaile they have not received any notice in the past week on it.

Normally, I wouldn't make an entirely new thread for this, but since the old "Let us know if a ticket hasn't been updated in 3 days" thread is gone with the new forums, I'm posting for their sake since bans don't let you post here either.

Any suggestions what to do for them? Or if anyone from Anet reads this can you please try to poke the proper people to at least tell them something like "you're still in the queue" or "we're currently looking at this now" just something to let them know that the ticket hasn't been lost somewhere since it has now been an abnormally long time for a ticket to go unresponded (had a different guildie file and receive a response for another ticket in this time).

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> @"TechAssist.4635" said:

> If the ticket hasn't closed, they will have to just wait i suppose. If the ticket is so cut and dry they probably should wait the suspension period as they probably did do the offense.


That's why I said "seems" since it would normally be that simple, but this time it isn't. Here's why, I have been grilling them as hard as possible for a week with the full playbook from the fakers I've seen on reddit in recent history (such as potential account sharing) and they have been spamming our discord for a week asking why the ticket is taking so long. Additionally saying how nervous they are about what happens if they get called guilty and get nothing more since as I said above they don't know why they got hit and are also now scared that they'll get a second ban for something they don't know they are doing in said hypothetical scenario.

If this person actually did do it and is trying to fake it, then they are far better at it than anybody I've seen on reddit and it's why I'm willing to stick my neck out when I don't normally do this kind of thing. I challenge you to consider the very real possibility at this time that they got hit with a false positive.

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> @"sprhavkdogi.9408" said:

> > @"TechAssist.4635" said:

> > If the ticket hasn't closed, they will have to just wait i suppose. If the ticket is so cut and dry they probably should wait the suspension period as they probably did do the offense.


> That's why I said "seems" since it would normally be that simple, but this time it isn't. Here's why, I have been grilling them as hard as possible for a week with the full playbook from the fakers I've seen on reddit in recent history (such as potential account sharing) and they have been spamming our discord for a week asking why the ticket is taking so long. Additionally saying how nervous they are about what happens if they get called guilty and get nothing more since as I said above they don't know why they got hit and are also now scared that they'll get a second ban for something they don't know they are doing in said hypothetical scenario.

> If this person actually did do it and is trying to fake it, then they are far better at it than anybody I've seen on reddit and it's why I'm willing to stick my neck out when I don't normally do this kind of thing. I challenge you to consider the very real possibility at this time that they got hit with a false positive.


I got hit with a false positive in Black Ops 1 on steam, honestly never truly believed people when they said "it must have been an issue in the system" until it happened to me (I know kind of kitten of me) So I definitely believe that this "could" have happened, it's not likely, but it is definitely a possibility. I would tell him to do a virus scan on his pc with one or two different anti virus (they all kind of blow, trust me I used to work as a security administrator) but for most of you typical "you won the lottery" viruses one or another will get it. Turns out that is likely what did it for me, a nasty little 0 day virus that I personally developed and was testing for a company; I know it is a vastly different anti cheat system, but it's worth a shot. Next make sure he checks out overlays and other on-screen stuff. Again, very very unlikely, but better safe than sorry. As for the ban? Wait it out, honestly it is some times not even worth it to fight them, it's not a speeding ticket where you can get it lifted with one walk into the courts. It's a virtual thing where people are less willing to hear your sob story.

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> @"nortask.8351" said:

> > @"sprhavkdogi.9408" said:

> > > @"TechAssist.4635" said:

> > > If the ticket hasn't closed, they will have to just wait i suppose. If the ticket is so cut and dry they probably should wait the suspension period as they probably did do the offense.

> >

> > That's why I said "seems" since it would normally be that simple, but this time it isn't. Here's why, I have been grilling them as hard as possible for a week with the full playbook from the fakers I've seen on reddit in recent history (such as potential account sharing) and they have been spamming our discord for a week asking why the ticket is taking so long. Additionally saying how nervous they are about what happens if they get called guilty and get nothing more since as I said above they don't know why they got hit and are also now scared that they'll get a second ban for something they don't know they are doing in said hypothetical scenario.

> > If this person actually did do it and is trying to fake it, then they are far better at it than anybody I've seen on reddit and it's why I'm willing to stick my neck out when I don't normally do this kind of thing. I challenge you to consider the very real possibility at this time that they got hit with a false positive.


> I got hit with a false positive in Black Ops 1 on steam, honestly never truly believed people when they said "it must have been an issue in the system" until it happened to me (I know kind of kitten of me) So I definitely believe that this "could" have happened, it's not likely, but it is definitely a possibility. I would tell him to do a virus scan on his pc with one or two different anti virus (they all kind of blow, trust me I used to work as a security administrator) but for most of you typical "you won the lottery" viruses one or another will get it. Turns out that is likely what did it for me, a nasty little 0 day virus that I personally developed and was testing for a company; I know it is a vastly different anti cheat system, but it's worth a shot. Next make sure he checks out overlays and other on-screen stuff. Again, very very unlikely, but better safe than sorry. As for the ban? Wait it out, honestly it is some times not even worth it to fight them, it's not a speeding ticket where you can get it lifted with one walk into the courts. It's a virtual thing where people are less willing to hear your sob story.


I think those who have replied are missing the point of the post- it seems like OP is not trying to fight against the ban at all. Instead he's addressing the lack of communication between support and the suspended customer. OP mentioned that their friend wants a response because they're afraid of getting banned again after the 2 month suspension since they have no idea what caused the ban in the first place and they've gotten radio silence for an entire week. It sounds like they're willing to own up to the ban if they truly were using an illegal third party software, but they quite literally have no idea what is going on. Getting a little miffed at this situation is completely reasonable. I'm in agreement that there should be some sort of notice that at least tells you what stage your ticket is going through in the process, especially in more severe cases like this one.


Also "sob story" seemed a little unnecessary. It sounds kind of condescending when OP is genuinely trying to ask for a solutions/suggestions. That aside you did give some pretty good advice :+1:


I hope your friend gets a reply from support soon sprhav

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> @"nortask.8351" said:

> I got hit with a false positive in Black Ops 1 on steam, honestly never truly believed people when they said "it must have been an issue in the system" until it happened to me (I know kind of kitten of me) So I definitely believe that this "could" have happened, it's not likely, but it is definitely a possibility. I would tell him to do a virus scan on his pc with one or two different anti virus (they all kind of blow, trust me I used to work as a security administrator) but for most of you typical "you won the lottery" viruses one or another will get it. Turns out that is likely what did it for me, a nasty little 0 day virus that I personally developed and was testing for a company; I know it is a vastly different anti cheat system, but it's worth a shot. Next make sure he checks out overlays and other on-screen stuff. Again, very very unlikely, but better safe than sorry. As for the ban? Wait it out, honestly it is some times not even worth it to fight them, it's not a speeding ticket where you can get it lifted with one walk into the courts. It's a virtual thing where people are less willing to hear your sob story.


Thanks for the response, I've followed up with them on your suggestions. Unfortunately, they've done both of those already. In terms of overlays, to quote them directly " I have at most, Google open, discord, bnet and that's it. Which none but discord would probably be something to look at." If anyone knows if something like that could be problematic let me know, but I don't think they're anything either since I have the discord overlay as well in addition to both TacO and arcdps. I don't think the others they mentioned are even overlays in the first place. The thread is mostly to try to figure out potential causes for the ban because they want to prevent it from happening a second time since they like playing the game.

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> @"Wayfarer.1795" said:

> > @"nortask.8351" said:

> > > @"sprhavkdogi.9408" said:

> > > > @"TechAssist.4635" said:

> > > > If the ticket hasn't closed, they will have to just wait i suppose. If the ticket is so cut and dry they probably should wait the suspension period as they probably did do the offense.

> > >

> > > That's why I said "seems" since it would normally be that simple, but this time it isn't. Here's why, I have been grilling them as hard as possible for a week with the full playbook from the fakers I've seen on reddit in recent history (such as potential account sharing) and they have been spamming our discord for a week asking why the ticket is taking so long. Additionally saying how nervous they are about what happens if they get called guilty and get nothing more since as I said above they don't know why they got hit and are also now scared that they'll get a second ban for something they don't know they are doing in said hypothetical scenario.

> > > If this person actually did do it and is trying to fake it, then they are far better at it than anybody I've seen on reddit and it's why I'm willing to stick my neck out when I don't normally do this kind of thing. I challenge you to consider the very real possibility at this time that they got hit with a false positive.

> >

> > I got hit with a false positive in Black Ops 1 on steam, honestly never truly believed people when they said "it must have been an issue in the system" until it happened to me (I know kind of kitten of me) So I definitely believe that this "could" have happened, it's not likely, but it is definitely a possibility. I would tell him to do a virus scan on his pc with one or two different anti virus (they all kind of blow, trust me I used to work as a security administrator) but for most of you typical "you won the lottery" viruses one or another will get it. Turns out that is likely what did it for me, a nasty little 0 day virus that I personally developed and was testing for a company; I know it is a vastly different anti cheat system, but it's worth a shot. Next make sure he checks out overlays and other on-screen stuff. Again, very very unlikely, but better safe than sorry. As for the ban? Wait it out, honestly it is some times not even worth it to fight them, it's not a speeding ticket where you can get it lifted with one walk into the courts. It's a virtual thing where people are less willing to hear your sob story.


> I think those who have replied are missing the point of the post- it seems like OP is not trying to fight against the ban at all. Instead he's addressing the lack of communication between support and the suspended customer. OP mentioned that their friend wants a response because they're afraid of getting banned again after the 2 month suspension since they have no idea what caused the ban in the first place and they've gotten radio silence for an entire week. It sounds like they're willing to own up to the ban if they truly were using an illegal third party software, but they quite literally have no idea what is going on. Getting a little miffed at this situation is completely reasonable. I'm in agreement that there should be some sort of notice that at least tells you what stage your ticket is going through in the process, especially in more severe cases like this one.


> Also "sob story" seemed a little unnecessary. It sounds a little condescending when OP is genuinely trying to ask for a solutions/suggestions. That aside you did give some pretty good advice :+1:


> I hope your friend gets a reply from support soon sprhav


Oh yea I definitely didn't mean sob story as if it was a made up story, but that is what it looks like behind a screen at anet. I meant no disrespect by it. I didn't comment about support because I don't work for anet so I can't speak for them. I was just trying to give a useful suggestion that I found when I was faced with a similar issue.

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> @"sprhavkdogi.9408" said:

> > @"nortask.8351" said:

> > I got hit with a false positive in Black Ops 1 on steam, honestly never truly believed people when they said "it must have been an issue in the system" until it happened to me (I know kind of kitten of me) So I definitely believe that this "could" have happened, it's not likely, but it is definitely a possibility. I would tell him to do a virus scan on his pc with one or two different anti virus (they all kind of blow, trust me I used to work as a security administrator) but for most of you typical "you won the lottery" viruses one or another will get it. Turns out that is likely what did it for me, a nasty little 0 day virus that I personally developed and was testing for a company; I know it is a vastly different anti cheat system, but it's worth a shot. Next make sure he checks out overlays and other on-screen stuff. Again, very very unlikely, but better safe than sorry. As for the ban? Wait it out, honestly it is some times not even worth it to fight them, it's not a speeding ticket where you can get it lifted with one walk into the courts. It's a virtual thing where people are less willing to hear your sob story.


> Thanks for the response, I've followed up with them on your suggestions. Unfortunately, they've done both of those already. In terms of overlays, to quote them directly " I have at most, Google open, discord, bnet and that's it. Which none but discord would probably be something to look at." If anyone knows if something like that could be problematic let me know, but I don't think they're anything either since I have the discord overlay as well in addition to both TacO and arcdps. I don't think the others they mentioned are even overlays in the first place. The thread is mostly to try to figure out potential causes for the ban because they want to prevent it from happening a second time since they like playing the game.


Yea overlays should never be an issue, I was just grasping with that one. Honestly I don't know enough about anet's detection system to give you a better response, I really wish I did man. It's a kitten situation to be stuck in, I know. Only support can help him now, which most the time support companies won't disclose security info or detection info like that, because in the case of your friend was using or writing third-party exploits for the game (which I know he wasn't), they would literally be giving him tips on how to write better exploits.

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If your friend did not receive the near-immediate automated response, he can check spam/junk folders and/or try again with a different email address. If your friend _did_ receive the automated email address, your friend/guildie can update his ticket and inquire about progress. Other than that, there isn't much to do here on the forums. Some players have received responses on Reddit, I believe; though, sometimes, said responses are found humiliating to the inquirer.


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If your friend did not receive the near-immediate automated response, he can check spam/junk folders and/or try again with a different email address. If your friend _did_ receive the automated email address, your friend/guildie can update his ticket and inquire about progress. Other than that, there isn't much to do here on the forums. Some players have received responses on Reddit, I believe; though, sometimes, said responses are found humiliating to the inquirer.


> Good luck.


yeah updating the ticket and asking for an update is what I was referring to when I said "following the methods pinned by Gaile". Was specifically referring to https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/343/account-support-helping-us-help-you#latest

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