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Should the ap system be removed from the game ?


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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > It shouldn't be removed but it should be changed/improved!

> > > 1. AP should be hidden from other players. I have been playing since beta but I only have 13k AP simply because I'm not an achievement hunter in MMOs. I don't want people to judge me by my AP.

> > > 2. Rewards should be reworked and increased. Why can't we unlock the whole Hellfire/Radiant armor sets before 10k? The AP requirements for these items are unrealistic and most people will never fully unlock them.

> >

> > AP's don't in any way judge you on skill or experience and therefore your argument is moot

> > Some things in MMO's are made to be just a little more challenging or require more effort or need more time and activity to achiev.. that way not everyone in game gets to run around looking the same, it might motivate some to put that little bit more into the game because they want it and in doing so keep the concurrent logins data looking good. As we all know the, the more time we spend in game the more likely we are to spend real money or perhaps reduce our currency that much more in game so we might spend real money somewhere down the line.

> > A business needs hooks and limited or harder to obtain items are just one of those hooks.


> But getting an **OPTIONAL** "hide" button for achievements wouldn't hurt anyone. Same with mastery. Not everyone cares about these things and not everyone wants to showoff their percious numbers. More options are good.


Showing off.. really??

Oh c'mon AP's mean nothing to anyone else except the person achieving them. They do not affect you or anyone else seeing your score.. they provide no advantage, they provide no information and they have no correlation to a players skill or lack of.

Your simply asking ANET to make work for themselves for the sake of it.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > Leave it as is but stop letting us see each other's . . .

> >

> > Why does that matter exactly?


> I think it would result in fewer ppl complaining about it . . .


People have a problem with achievements... because people can see if they have 90billion points or -60 points?

Um... and I'm the psychotic one. Okay.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > Leave it as is but stop letting us see each other's . . .

> > >

> > > Why does that matter exactly?

> >

> > I think it would result in fewer ppl complaining about it . . .


> People have a problem with achievements... because people can see if they have 90billion points or -60 points?

> Um... and I'm the psychotic one. Okay.

Where did that come from? Did you quote the wrong message by mistake . . ?


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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > Leave it as is but stop letting us see each other's . . .

> > > >

> > > > Why does that matter exactly?

> > >

> > > I think it would result in fewer ppl complaining about it . . .

> >

> > People have a problem with achievements... because people can see if they have 90billion points or -60 points?

> > Um... and I'm the psychotic one. Okay.

> Where did that come from? Did you quote the wrong message by mistake . . ?



Don't think so.

You said leave it as is but stop people from seeing what achievement points you have.

I then asked why does it matter if someone see your achievements or not.

Then you said that if people stop seeing how much achievement points have, then we might have fewer people complaining about it. I would assume it being the achievements being in the game.


All I was saying is that people usually call me the psychotic "opposite of a kitten", yet people complaining about a little number next to their name/friendlist is why they want the achievements gone?


I think that is really silly/weird and like I said, I'm considered the psychotic one.


I really don't get why it should matter if someone has 1 point or 1,000,000 points for achievements next to their name. Some achievements yes just come form doing normal things, but many of those don't give much either.

So why would anyone care if let's say Keith has only 1,234 achievements to his name and Kenchi has 2,345 and then Jackson have 10,987?

I really don't think anyone like let's say on Microsoft is measuring "something that might turn into kitten even though it's 5 letters with 3 Es in it" in GW2.


Skins I can understand while I don't go by skins to show off and go by skins I like/care for.

Infusions I can understand.

Legendaries are pretty much skins. Same for armour and everything else.

But to want achievements gone because someone can SEE your achievement number is... I don't understand. That does not compute with my brain at all.

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The AP system is highly flawed due to the Daily achievement nature. It was way more flawed when you can get more achievement points by doing every single daily achievement until ANET locked it to 10 points per day no matter which daily achievements you complete.

So people with no life who were hunting achievements or have done every daily achievement since game release are easily in 30k+ range while veterans like me who have been playing this game since day 1 but have taken break from time to time and missed on daily can now never get equal achievement points to them.


Achievement points should be just that, achievements for things you have accomplished and everyone should get equal opportunity to get them whenever they want (beside the seasonal events which should return on their specific seasons). I don't mind if the achievement is super hard but daily achievement points is the most flawed system i have seen in an MMO and i have played lots of them. 10 points for chopping ore in xyz area or viewing vista in city? Yeah sure sounds like a genuine achievement.

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> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> The AP system is highly flawed due to the Daily achievement nature. It was way more flawed when you can get more achievement points by doing every single daily achievement until ANET locked it to 10 points per day no matter which daily achievements you complete.

> So people with no life who were hunting achievements or have done every daily achievement since game release are easily in 30k+ range while veterans like me who have been playing this game since day 1 but have taken break from time to time and missed on daily can now never get equal achievement points to them.


> Achievement points should be just that, achievements for things you have accomplished and everyone should get equal opportunity to get them whenever they want (beside the seasonal events which should return on their specific seasons). I don't mind if the achievement is super hard but daily achievement points is the most flawed system i have seen in an MMO and i have played lots of them. 10 points for chopping ore in xyz area or viewing vista in city? Yeah sure sounds like a genuine achievement.


You might of player since day one but like you said ..you chose to take a break or breaks. App's amongst other things are an incentive to keep logging... hence daily AP's. They are a reward for daily loyalty which are attached to a selection of mundane tasks rather than just logging in and out immediately.

The whole point of App's is to temp players to keep playing because as a business they need income sources... guess what the longer player stay logged in, the longer they keep playing ... the more likely they are to generate a source of income no matter how large or small. App's area carrot that is all.

You chose to not login in for a time therefore you should be playing catch up with me let's say. But App's in no way detriment your game your score and mine make no difference to either if us and if I choose to take a break then you will catch up that much more.

The problem is you and others are trying to make out AP's are more than whst they are and that they appear to detriment you in some way that simply isn't true.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:


> The problem is you and others are trying to make out AP's are more than whst they are and that they appear to detriment you in some way that simply isn't true.


This bit is so true.

I've only ever taken breaks to go on holiday or when our Net was down when we moved homes. or if I didn't really fancy playing for a week or two. Never been a long break.


I'm 630 points away from the Daily AP cap. My total AP is 27k. I am not losing out on anything that a 30k+ player has earned from the AP system, because the rewards aren't a huge advantage to gameplay. Sure, some stuff is a nice *bonus*. But none that would make me stop playing because someone got it before me.


That's another point, no one will catch up to a player who does everything in game, all the time. There's too many Historical achievements taking care of that, but I never understood the whole 'catch up' thing to begin with. Catch up with what exactly? An arbitrary number on your account? Rewards that you will earn eventually anyway with consistency? There is no catching up.


Players get too hung up on the number next to their account name it's unbelievable, either too few and they 'can't catch up' or 'Hurr Hurr I'm top 5 on the LB of useless numbers' . Get. Over. It. This is precisely why the only thing that needs to change is the visibilty of your AP to other players and the removal of the Leaderboard.

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> @"Emmalouise.1763" said:

> May I ask your reasons why you feel it should be changed? why do you think its broken? is it because you missed out on some or are behind coz you joined the game late? (which is understandable, i'm not digging)

> I have worked hard for my 27k. I like completing things and ticking off things.


This is exactly what i am saying opposite. You haven't worked hard to get your APs unlike most other players but you have simply done the daily achievement almost every single day since game release doing mundane tasks. I am willing to bet yours and mine achievements doesn't differentiate much (other then dailies and thats where 10k difference will be). There is no super hard achivement to get. All the difference come drom playing regularly.


In Wow there are actual achievements thta are super hard are require extreme grind. Example being " The Insane" title achievement that can actually make u go mad trying to finish it and that shows the players dedication to do super rare achievements unlike daily chopping in gw2.


And there are still players in gw2 who memtion specific AP requirement to get into their group.

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> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> > @"Emmalouise.1763" said:

> > May I ask your reasons why you feel it should be changed? why do you think its broken? is it because you missed out on some or are behind coz you joined the game late? (which is understandable, i'm not digging)

> > I have worked hard for my 27k. I like completing things and ticking off things.


> This is exactly what i am saying opposite. You haven't worked hard to get your APs unlike most other players but you have simply done the daily achievement almost every single day since game release doing mundane tasks. I am willing to bet yours and mine achievements doesn't differentiate much (other then dailies and thats where 10k difference will be). There is no super hard achivement to get. All the difference come drom playing regularly.


> In Wow there are actual achievements thta are super hard are require extreme grind. Example being " The Insane" title achievement that can actually make u go mad trying to finish it and that shows the players dedication to do super rare achievements unlike daily chopping in gw2.


> And there are still players in gw2 who memtion specific AP requirement to get into their group.


There are plenty of challenging AP's in GW2 ... your to hung up on daily points.

They are not meant to be challenging they are simply a wayvto reward a player for logging in..like I said previous ANET want to try to keep you in game as much as possible as they absolutely should.

Takeaway the 12k daily AP's what your left with is total that demonstrates nothing more than an individual's desire to achiev their own choice of things in game....it means nothing to any else.

Yes some AP's are now historical but time has moved on the game has moved on ..if your late to the party the Buffett might not have everything left that's life I guess.

The only thing I would say needs some consideration is AP's from LS that can't be played anymore like Scarlet War LS1 so maybe a scav hunt for accounts flagged after a certain date not specifically to just get the AP's but to provide some appreciation of that storyline.... which I have always wanted to be made playable anyway.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> > > @"Emmalouise.1763" said:

> > > May I ask your reasons why you feel it should be changed? why do you think its broken? is it because you missed out on some or are behind coz you joined the game late? (which is understandable, i'm not digging)

> > > I have worked hard for my 27k. I like completing things and ticking off things.

> >

> > This is exactly what i am saying opposite. You haven't worked hard to get your APs unlike most other players but you have simply done the daily achievement almost every single day since game release doing mundane tasks. I am willing to bet yours and mine achievements doesn't differentiate much (other then dailies and thats where 10k difference will be). There is no super hard achivement to get. All the difference come drom playing regularly.

> >

> > In Wow there are actual achievements thta are super hard are require extreme grind. Example being " The Insane" title achievement that can actually make u go mad trying to finish it and that shows the players dedication to do super rare achievements unlike daily chopping in gw2.

> >

> > And there are still players in gw2 who memtion specific AP requirement to get into their group.


> There are plenty of challenging AP's in GW2 ... your to hung up on daily points.

> They are not meant to be challenging they are simply a wayvto reward a player for logging in..like I said previous ANET want to try to keep you in game as much as possible as they absolutely should.

> Takeaway the 12k daily AP's what your left with is total that demonstrates nothing more than an individual's desire to achiev their own choice of things in game....it means nothing to any else.

> Yes some AP's are now historical but time has moved on the game has moved on ..if your late to the party the Buffett might not have everything left that's life I guess.

> The only thing I would say needs some consideration is AP's from LS that can't be played anymore like Scarlet War LS1 so maybe a scav hunt for accounts flagged after a certain date not specifically to just get the AP's but to provide some appreciation of that storyline.... which I have always wanted to be made playable anyway.


Having historical achievements un-available anymore still makes sense. It means someone was their when that living-story or event happened (i.e. Dragon Bash) and that can show the player that he was there since the beginning. And if you take all historical achievements into account which are no-longer available i think the difference would still be less then 5k (much less actually). So most difference comes down from basically daily achievement. I mean there is daily login rewards for players to give them the motivation to login and play so why another 10 points on top of that which can take as less as 10 minutes to complete? (Win a ranked pvp game).

Still achievement points means nothing to me (at least in gw2) and i quit hunting for achievements long ago when i realized i can never even get close to other guys who have done daily achievement but what bothers me is people still wanting specific achievement points + for their group. I still see 20k+ achievement points needed for t4 fractal lol.

I used to do lvl 50 fractal before the fractal update when the max AR you could get was 45 (or was it 55?) so i have done more fractals possibly then many 20k+ achievers. My only guilt is that i got bored of the game several times and didn't play it for 6 months or more many times. I play lots of games and don't give my full time to a single game especially when it gets boring.


EDIT: Most difficult achievements in GW2 are actually the ones which are gemstore gated, like Black-lion chests weapon collections etc. Those have to do with spending real money and nothing to do with skill/time spent playing gw2.

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It sounds like two different philosophies apply, much like the real world. For some, if they can't be the best they see no point in trying "i quit hunting for achievements long ago when i realized i can never even get close to other guys"; whereas for others it is enough to be the best they can be. I have recently passed 25,500. I do try and keep that count ticking over (I long ago hit the daily/monthly cap) but I don't obsess and I don't care there are other players a further 10,000 down the road.

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To make clear my opinion from before: I like the achievements. They are a good (although incomplete) guide to know what is possible to do in the game.

I don't like the point count, not because the points themselves, but because people seems to become obsessed with obtaining more and more points and began to act mad when there is a cap, content is too hard/easy for the points it gives (in their opinion), or there are "injustices" in regard of getting/not getting enough points.


Why it is important if you or me or that guy have more or less points? IMO it is NOT.


I know it depends on each one: I don't give a kitten about the AP I have accumulated, and would gladly give them to whoever wants them. But I don't think anybody should "need" them. It is a false, harmful need.


Since, IMO, this point count doesn't offer anything positive to the community, I would feel better if it were removed. Leave the achievements, stop counting toxic-prone points.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> To make clear my opinion from before: I like the achievements. They are a good (although incomplete) guide to know what is possible to do in the game.

> I don't like the point count, not because the points themselves, but because people seems to become obsessed with obtaining more and more points and began to act mad when there is a cap, content is too hard/easy for the points it gives (in their opinion), or there are "injustices" in regard of getting/not getting enough points.


> Why it is important if you or me or that guy have more or less points? IMO it is NOT.


> I know it depends on each one: I don't give a kitten about the AP I have accumulated, and would gladly give them to whoever wants them. But I don't think anybody should "need" them. It is a false, harmful need.


> Since, IMO, this point count doesn't offer anything positive to the community, I would feel better if it were removed. Leave the achievements, stop counting toxic-prone points.


Just thought it was funny that you're against AP point count because people become obsessed, yet you have a skiritt for an avatar.

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> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> > @"Emmalouise.1763" said:

> > May I ask your reasons why you feel it should be changed? why do you think its broken? is it because you missed out on some or are behind coz you joined the game late? (which is understandable, i'm not digging)

> > I have worked hard for my 27k. I like completing things and ticking off things.


> This is exactly what i am saying opposite. You haven't worked hard to get your APs unlike most other players but you have simply done the daily achievement almost every single day since game release doing mundane tasks. I am willing to bet yours and mine achievements doesn't differentiate much (other then dailies and thats where 10k difference will be). There is no super hard achivement to get. All the difference come drom playing regularly.


> In Wow there are actual achievements thta are super hard are require extreme grind. Example being " The Insane" title achievement that can actually make u go mad trying to finish it and that shows the players dedication to do super rare achievements unlike daily chopping in gw2.


> And there are still players in gw2 who memtion specific AP requirement to get into their group.


I have only got around 10k of my 15k daily AP.

Some AP I got was hard "at the time of getting it" when migraine first come it, it was not easy. I worked hard for Eternal, Slippery Slubling & Unclean - they might not be on the same level as wow, but in my little world i'm quite proud of them, I am currently working on the W4 titles and I will be proud of them too.

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> @"Emmalouise.1763" said:

> > @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> > > @"Emmalouise.1763" said:

> > > May I ask your reasons why you feel it should be changed? why do you think its broken? is it because you missed out on some or are behind coz you joined the game late? (which is understandable, i'm not digging)

> > > I have worked hard for my 27k. I like completing things and ticking off things.

> >

> > This is exactly what i am saying opposite. You haven't worked hard to get your APs unlike most other players but you have simply done the daily achievement almost every single day since game release doing mundane tasks. I am willing to bet yours and mine achievements doesn't differentiate much (other then dailies and thats where 10k difference will be). There is no super hard achivement to get. All the difference come drom playing regularly.

> >

> > In Wow there are actual achievements thta are super hard are require extreme grind. Example being " The Insane" title achievement that can actually make u go mad trying to finish it and that shows the players dedication to do super rare achievements unlike daily chopping in gw2.

> >

> > And there are still players in gw2 who memtion specific AP requirement to get into their group.


> I have only got around 10k of my 15k daily AP.

> Some AP I got was hard "at the time of getting it" when migraine first come it, it was not easy. I worked hard for Eternal, Slippery Slubling & Unclean - they might not be on the same level as wow, but in my little world i'm quite proud of them, I am currently working on the W4 titles and I will be proud of them too.


Anyone would think you were playing the game your way :)

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> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> The AP system is highly flawed due to the Daily achievement nature. It was way more flawed when you can get more achievement points by doing every single daily achievement until ANET locked it to 10 points per day no matter which daily achievements you complete.

> So people with no life who were hunting achievements or have done every daily achievement since game release are easily in 30k+ range while veterans like me who have been playing this game since day 1 but have taken break from time to time and missed on daily can now never get equal achievement points to them.


> Achievement points should be just that, achievements for things you have accomplished and everyone should get equal opportunity to get them whenever they want (beside the seasonal events which should return on their specific seasons). I don't mind if the achievement is super hard but daily achievement points is the most flawed system i have seen in an MMO and i have played lots of them. 10 points for chopping ore in xyz area or viewing vista in city? Yeah sure sounds like a genuine achievement.


Matey... There's a cap...

You can't get more than 15k achievement points from daily and monthly achievements...

A lot of people don't get any more points from dailies because they reached that.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> To make clear my opinion from before: I like the achievements. They are a good (although incomplete) guide to know what is possible to do in the game.

> I don't like the point count, not because the points themselves, but because people seems to become obsessed with obtaining more and more points and began to act mad when there is a cap, content is too hard/easy for the points it gives (in their opinion), or there are "injustices" in regard of getting/not getting enough points.


> Why it is important if you or me or that guy have more or less points? IMO it is NOT.


> I know it depends on each one: I don't give a kitten about the AP I have accumulated, and would gladly give them to whoever wants them. But I don't think anybody should "need" them. It is a false, harmful need.


> Since, IMO, this point count doesn't offer anything positive to the community, I would feel better if it were removed. Leave the achievements, stop counting toxic-prone points.


yup i agree with this its like anet is conditioning players to do dailies or hunt for more ap, it should be removed.

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