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[Video] Power Mirage PvP Roaming Montage - Switch TV


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Hi back with a new vid! :)


Ranked PvP Season 8/9 Power Mirage roaming.


Just a hotchpotch of more or less short clips i mostly wouldnt use in a normal montage for several different reasons (for example fights from matches maybe got wintraded or just trolled, or fights not finished, only a short scene interesting from a fight or just not insanely impressive little scenes like when the own team finally use your portal for rotation).


I need memory space but still wouldnt just delete the leftover footage, so i started a new series called Switch TV (the name is dedicated to an old german comedy tv show, parodying a lot of other tv-series, esp the more or less senseless/ overacting or stupid onces). The footage overall still worth watching i think esp with the great music i added. i hope few of you can enjoy otherwise just skip/switch the nonsense ;)


Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yeD1aZJwlU

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@"Kahrgan.7401" its not about the buildings its about maximising what i can see happening around me, see stuff coming as soon as possible, you know knowledge is might and a wide camera angle maximise knowledge. the optimal camera angle is the one maximise the viewing angle as much as possible but only as much as you still can see the animations from the enemies you actually fighting. thats exactly what i did. on the other hand i dont need a full screen view on my characters butt at all ;) sry when a for me optimised camera angle makes it unwatchable for you but i sure will not change that. with a build cannot facetank and is not saved by any passives i need as much informations about what happens around me as possible. sry for dat :(

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I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you.


P.S. I’m gonna take that build for a spin in WvW tonight, see how I feel about it, now that I’m back in T1.


Edit: After playing this for the last 4-5 hours I have to say... it is nothing short of fantastic in WvW. I love it, thanks for the ideas.

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