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RX Vega Strange performance

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I am using RX VEGA 56 and intel 7600k with MSI Tomahawk mb, 16 GB Ram Crucial Ballistix LT and i have a strange problem.

I am getting around 45 FPS on medium settings while my pc operates as an overkill on every other game. Temps are ok as well as everything else on the system.

With the client running i have 40% cpu usage and 27% gpu usage. 0% disk usage (hyper x fury) and 40% ram usage. (psu: RM750X)

Also the fps remain the same on every graphic settings and i also have stuttering while turning the camera.

I have tried everything even a fresh format and still the same . Readjusted the gpu and tried different pcie slot. Its on the correct pxie3 x16

Help me please :'( cant play!

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Please know I'm basically taking a stab in the dark here. Or at least that's what it feels like for me.

What resolution do you play at and with what settings in game? Please also include your Field of View if it's not on the default. Also, is your cpu + gpu and DDR(4)* ram running at full stock frequencies; especially while under full load?

*assumption that you have DDR4

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> @"Ashzar.7418" said:

> With the client running i have **40% cpu usage** and 27% gpu usage.


What you're seing is CPU usage overall, but this game spikes one thread to the max, so it's the performance of that single core that thread runs on that's limiting your fps (in general).

With your system however should be able to reach much higher fps than 45 in many areas. Try some different locations to compare, and post back. You may also want to check if you have enabled Radeon Chill.

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I have enabled Turbo on GPU and oc'ed my cpu to 4.5 ghz which is cooled by nzxt keaken x62

My ram runs on stock 2400 speed with intel xmp off as i see no reason and performance gains from my tests increasing the frequency

still on the game i have the same fps and i see no performance changes while changing my settings. Not even 1 fps difference.

I had do problems on gw2 with a rx 460 or rx 580.

Also my fps hit 75 when i put them settings on max performance and turn to 45 again when i switch it back from subsample to native.

I have a 1080p Monitor AOC g2460V Freesync 75 hz

Also no difference while vsync is on or off. Tried also on Windowed fullscreen and simple fullscreen.

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> @"Ashzar.7418" said:

> With the client running i have 40% cpu usage and 27% gpu usage. 0% disk usage (hyper x fury) and 40% ram usage. (psu: RM750X)

> Also the fps remain the same on every graphic settings and i also have stuttering while turning the camera.

GW2 is CPU bottlenecked.


40% CPU usage says nothing. You should take a look at the usage of your single cores and not overall usage. One core at 100% on a Quad Core CPU is just 25% overall usage, but still a CPU bottleneck. Besides that it is not possible to measure the exact CPU usage via tools or taskmanager.


If you

- do not limit your fps via VSync or an fps-limiter and

- your GPU is not at 99/100% usage and

- your Ram and VRam is not overflowing


-> you have a CPU bottleneck.


The stuttering is a result of loading stuff into your memory in realtime and should disappear after you turned around one or two times until you enter another area. This is a streaming issue of the game engine and everyone has this problem.


Game settings that affect CPU performance are:

- Shadows (just turn them off - you still have shadow textures and Ambient Occlusion and both don't affect CPU performance)

- Reflections (heavy performance impact, but only if there are reflections in your current area - in most areas you won't notice any difference)

- draw distance in general (more objects = more draw calls = less CPU performance)

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> GW2 is CPU bottlenecked.


While true, it still doesn't explain how the OP can have worse performance on a system that should outperform mine for example (Xeon 5650 6 core + AMD R570 graphics card).


Also, in the **Low FPS Issues** thread - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17717/low-fps-issues-merged/p1 - Gaile request that players post this info:


_3. What is your general geographical location?

4. On what game world are you playing?_


Now what could geographical location and game world possibly have to do with FPS issues, unless the game is more affected by server load than what we know?


OP - what performance do you get on the character select screen?

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Low FPS in MMOs actually often comes down to Server Tick-Rate rather then weak Hardware on the client side. The Server can only processes so many things at a time, and send the result back to the client, that's called "Tick-Rate" or sometimes "Server-FPS". This is not to be confused with "Ping" which is used to measure the latency between Client and Server; it's the time a data package needs to travel to its destination, while the "Tick-Rate" is the amount of status updates the Server sends per second. Now, because the Server has to push status updates to so may players at once, it can only send out a limited amount of "ticks" per player. So even if you PC is powerful enough to render 60FPS it might not get that many updates per second from the server, it can now only do two things. First; guess what happens next and hope that it is correct. The problem with this is that if the Client did NOT "guess" correctly it is displaying wrong information on you screen. If the difference between the client data and the server data gets to big, the client has to correct it's information, this leads to, so called, "rubber bending", a rapid resetting of you or other characters positions. As an alternative the Client can take option two which is to simply just update you screen when it has received an update from the Server, to ensure the information is correct, before it gets displayed, therefore "throttling" your clients FPS. In practice most games will use a combination of this two technics as some things can be predicted quite well, while others don't.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:


> - Reflections (heavy performance impact, but only if there are reflections in your current area - in most areas you won't notice any difference)



There are reflections in 99% of maps/areas due to how anet does water in Gw2.


There's a giant ocean under almost every map(besides places like Mistlock, as far as I know), reflecting even if you cant see it anywhere on the screen.


Reflections is one of the most unoptimized settings in game.

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> @"OGDeadHead.8326" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > GW2 is CPU bottlenecked.


> While true, it still doesn't explain how the OP can have worse performance on a system that should outperform mine for example (Xeon 5650 6 core + AMD R570 graphics card).

I can't see where his performance is worse than yours in identical scenarios. He just describes his general experience... which is pretty subjective to say the least.


Btw. your Xeon has an older architecture (lower IPC) and lower clock speeds but 6 cores/12 threads.

His i5 has just 4 cores/4 threads.


> @"MrFayth.3546" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:


> > - Reflections (heavy performance impact, but only if there are reflections in your current area - in most areas you won't notice any difference)


> There are reflections in 99% of maps/areas due to how anet does water in Gw2.


> There's a giant ocean under almost every map(besides places like Mistlock, as far as I know), reflecting even if you cant see it anywhere on the screen.


> Reflections is one of the most unoptimized settings in game.

When I benchmarked this setting I did it on HoT maps like Verdant Brink and could not notice any impact. On the other hand there is for example a huge impact on Eternal Battlegrounds at the green spawn (swamp=water) when you go down the stairs.


So you are right with your last sentence. You can barely see the reflections but performance can still drop by 30% or more.


I did not test it on PoF maps yet.


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