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My Wish for this Year as a QoL update: Let me use ABC files to play my Intruments.


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as far as i know, we are allowed to use macros for playing music, this way we can play alot better then by changing oktaves manually. so i made a few macros to play some longer and some shorter pieces on several intruments and have encountered several issues like weird CD on notes when they are used too often inbetween other notes or simply some notes not playing if i want to play a chord using notes from different octaves. not it already is hard to find tabs that you can transpose into C Major without any half steps and then you often get those weird CDs etc.


so i wish to be able when holding an instrument to play an ABC file with it instead of using makros for it. this way i wont have issues with CD, ping etc and they could add half steps aswell. currently if they would add all half steps, it would not really fit into the skill bar and would be unplayable manually. playing ABC files with instruments could give a little diffrent icon in skill bar or even diffrent play animation so you still see if people play manually.


for anyone that doesnt know what an ABC file is:


so pretty easy 'code' and you can find tons of ABC files already so you wouldnt have to write your own if you do not understand enough about music but still want to play nice pieces.

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> @"smsarasin.3468" said:

> This is what I use for playing instruments in GW2... [AutoHotkey](http://gw2mb.com/manual.php "AutoHotkey")


well that is still a macro and therefor is affected by ping, some CDs for 'spamming' etc.


> @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

> Put the LOTRO music system in this game and it would solve all problems


yes in lotro you can use ABC files to play music :D


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Absolute support for this ..


Music insturments totally make sadly yet no usage of their real potential of making the miost fun to use for everybody.. skills peopoel as liek also totalyl unskilled peopel with no sense for rhythm and melodies, but which still want to have fun with instruments in the game as like skilled people, but just need more help with the instruments, for which its useful to have an ABC system and such stuff, which just autoplays for peopel their songs they want to hear with their instruments.


They can make simpyl the animations different between a person who plays by him/her self, with different music note animations, compared to a person who uses an autoplay mechanism to play the instrument basically on playback without having to play manually self and press any buttons with differently animated and colored music notes swirlign around then.


Something that I basically suggested years ago from begin on on the original forum, when I was basially one of the very first persons to suggest the implenmentation of music instruments - but sadly they never have improved anything on the mechanics of these items, because I think that they saw sadly in them only cashcow items for the gemstore, beign not worth it to be improved in mechanics, because that woudl - you guess it - cost effort and ressources/money, which anet never has been willing to put into the improval of this gameplay element sadly - which becomes quite obvious from the moment on, where Naet completely stopped addign new instruments into the game with this horrible bass guitar, which even doesn#t sound th slightest bit liek a real bass guitar and was a total fail due to this fact, that they stopped it with instruments, because from that moment on they didn#t work so well anymore as the cashcow items for the gemstore - and anet having found quickly with gliders and outfits a replacement, which sold itself much better, thasn most likely music instruments ever did :( Sad, but most likely the truth, despite me would loving to see for the games future to see some new instruments being added, like violins, rattles, triangles, tambourines and panflutes/ocarinas which sound simply different, than the normal flute that we have so far only..


These videos of peopel playing songs of othr games, animes, movies and so on ingame in games like LoTRo was the original inspiration for me, why I suggested like 4 to 5 years ago music instruments as one of the first peopel in the official forums posting about them as a feature - but it was naturally clear that ANet woudl term them just into gemstore items, instead of actualyl makign of of them an implemented feature of the game and something that you can earn somehow ingame or eventualy even craft ingame and make look different that way also too, so that not every guitar ect. looks the same..


To end my postign, I want to make everybody hear, what a real bass guitar sounds like !!


This is a real Bass Guitar


This is what we got instead ..sadly


So monotonous sounding ,like a broken car motor , no real variations in its sound, unlike above, where you hear a real bass guitar with sound variation



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