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Power Ranking Thread: Player Created [MERGED]

Gaile Gray.6029

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Here are the power rankings for June 2019. Of course, carefully curated and reviewed by a panel of experts. Every clip was analyzed, every keybind accounted for. Here are the results we've worked so hard to bring you:


Team Scores

USA: 100 minus whoever they carried this month

Every team that disbanded after MaT: 99

Every team that quit until 3 days before July MaT: 93

Olruns Team: 91

Olruns 5 Firebrand team: RIP

Lycars team: 88

Vaanss bubble: Over 9000

Eu Bois: 89 - Skyhammer throw = 84

GENT: 12, They suck and don't have coordinated mustaches anymore, only made the list because I'm on the team so I'm biased

80 and below not noteworthy




Helio's alts: 546

Helio: 99

Toker: 97

Anya: ?? (Got arrested)

Lora: No Internet

Mark: 89

Mango: Banned but still didn't quit

Bry: 86 if he's not throwing all his skills at a pillar

Anyone that can press 4 and 5 on their keyboard: 85

80 and below not noteworthy




Zeromis: 98

Evodius: 97 for ego, 92 otherwise

Shorts Chrono: God is dead

Zyn bunker chrono: 91

Zyn condi mirage: 62

Everyone that can double grav well burst: 90

Mesmer got nerfed and everyone disappeared, all that's left are buggy clones.

Honorable Mention: The Monkey Lord




Toker: 99

Sindrener: 120 - ping if he ever played on NA

Zenyus - 96 (True rating unknown, but Brasilian powers dictate a rating opposite of 69)

Primal - 95

Best WvW Thief - 3.89

Vallun and below not noteworthy




Anyone in the game that rerolls scrapper 99.8

Maledkitus: Error

Narusmith: 91

Unholy: 89

Flictions: 89

Lycar: 89

Lance Westward: 86

Cellula: 85

Trunks: 84

80 and below not noteworthy




Naru: 98

Hasgard: 96

Olrun: 95

Bow: 94

Jenkins: 92

Guy: 91

Luckslayer: 90

Stormbringer: 82

Keyba 79.00000001

F for dragon hunter mains

79.00000001 and below not noteworthy



Necromancer (add the score of FBs above to reach accurate rating)

Romano: 3

Rckls: 3

Tabitha Kester: 2

Seamonster: 2

Ckod: 2

Trunks: 1.2

1 and below not noteworthy




Longbow 2: 100

Juicy: 97

Kiri: 97

Chrissy: 92

Trevor Boyers Druid: 94 minus 2 years of druid nerfs

Anyone that can play sic em in ranked - 82

Owl: 85

Smokescale: 84

Siamoth: 81

80 and below is a druid's pet




Rix 1 Shot Meme Dream: 999

Vaanss Bubble: 113

Helio: 98

Tediz: 96 (Add 50 to this score if he has a pizza)

Vaanss Hammer: 95

Interpreter: 94

Caprey: 93

Butterpeanut: 92

Rix: 91 (-34 while memeing, +42 for giving helio his build)

Keyba: I'm a guardian main now

90 and below quit the game



Elementalist (Still bad, subtract 20 from each player for accurate score)

Grimjacki: 95

Koto: 94

Magic Boi: 92

90 and below quit the game 2 years ago



Miscellaneous Awards:

Best Voice: Unholy

Best PvP Guild: AL

Best Newcomer: Crickets

Best Dressed: Lora

Best Couple: Anya and Peppergirl

Best Public Speaker: Lance OMEGALUL Westward when he says the N word

Best Doctor: Caprey

Best Streamer: Jebro (Mango when he tries to raid)



Please direct any comments, questions, or concerns to map chat or an inappropriate character name of your choice



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