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Looking for WvW NA active server


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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Xruptor.3965" said:

> > > @"Novahh.7426" said:

> > > Check out FA then, good fights, and the community likes to have dance parties in ebg

> >

> > LOL... dance parties?




LOLOLOLOL now I've seen it... now I can't UNSEE it!


lol FA seems like a fun bunch.

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So no trolling answers please, what honestly would be a decent server to transfer to for WvW that has activity at almost any point ? Also has a decent win rate.


I play early on the few days off I have but mostly i'm stuck playing late night because of work and such. I'm currently on Kain and its been quite awful first we were stuck vs maguuma then we went to t1 last week got farmed by blackgate and now we are back being farmed by maguuma because of our constant population imbalance. I'm starting to think I wasted 60$ coming back to play because I don't know how people can find losing constantly fun.


At this point just joining zerging people from maguuma would be an upgrade from being farmed for weeks. But would prefer not to do that because of the servers reputation.

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> @"idah.2897" said:

> So no trolling answers please, what honestly would be a decent server to transfer to for WvW that has activity at almost any point ? Also has a decent win rate.


> I play early on the few days off I have but mostly i'm stuck playing late night because of work and such. I'm currently on Kain and its been quite awful first we were stuck vs maguuma then we went to t1 last week got farmed by blackgate and now we are back being farmed by maguuma because of our constant population imbalance. I'm starting to think I wasted 60$ coming back to play because I don't know how people can find losing constantly fun.


> At this point just joining zerging people from maguuma would be an upgrade from being farmed for weeks. But would prefer not to do that because of the servers reputation.


Honestly after lots of consideration I ended up joining SoS due to the time zones and activity in early hours for me. I want to point out you really need to pick a server that has peak during the times you play. Joining a server because they are "winning" or have the "most kill/death" count isn't going to help you, if you login and no one is around. Depending on your timezone if you are NA EST or PST. Sea of Sorrows, Fort Aspenwood, Crystal Desert, and a few others are just for you. Be warned there are some that have gaps in the middle. Meaning they are active in the mornings but not afternoons and heavily active at night.


I'm enjoying myself on SoS. Sure we don't have the super duper kill/death ratio of BG or Mag but having stuff to constantly do when I login is fun. There always seems to be a commander or activity when I login and that's exactly what I wanted.

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