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Shark finisher

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I bought this game on release. I played for a bit but ended up quiting only to come back in the second year after the games release and I've played the game nonstop until recently. After years of playing 4-6 hours a day against top players to get better the frustration finally got to me. However it wasn't the fact that I always fell a win short of reaching my goal for the season almost every season that made me so angry. It was the poor balance and the incredible amount of abuse towards the player base that finally drove me away. I still lurk around on the Gw2 website and in old discords to find any reason to come back but so far it hasn't been any. In fact I saw today that anet has now added in a pof variant of the old shark rank finisher. This would've been amazing as it has been requested for pof finishers to be added. However anet STILL managed to fuck things up when they followed the communities request. They put it in the gemstore! Why are players now forced to pay for something that came included both in the base game and the first expansion. Without proper balancing and a complete stop in forcing players to pay for an in game reward I believe I won't be alone with dropping the game completely.

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It’s a cosmetic. You don’t need it to play.

Sand shark =|= shark finisher. I know they’re similar in name, but the animations are different.

I do remember some requests for PoF finishers, like they did with HoT, they were simple re-skins however (only the dragon finisher was totally different). Sand shark finisher is in the same ball group as the llama finisher (llamas are ingame rewards) and choya finisher (PoF mob) imo.

If Anet wanted to add PoF finishers as standard, they’d be simple reskins like the HoT ones.

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1) cosmetic

2) still can be earned in-game


if anything, I would argue that it is too costly



people need to remember that Anet keep their word that you can transfer gold to gem (and back) as well as this is not and never will be Pay-to-Win game

feel free to leave, but keep in mind that it is still one of the purest and best MMOs and games developer are getting greedy af in every game genre

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1. There have been finishers on the gemstore for a long time.

2. The Sand Shark Finisher (the item added to the gemstore yesterday) is not the same as the Shark Rank finisher. They don't have the same animation or the same shark model.

3. Even if it did have the same animation, you still wouldn't ever be forced to buy this finisher or any other finisher.

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