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JQ was open


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The word is it was manually closed even though Anet wouldn't manually open it. That's just the hearsay though, so take it at a grain of salt. Expect this thread to be killed as a "match up" thread I'm sure. Honestly I would transfer at this point, but I refuse to award Anet with more cash for ruining WvW constantly.

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> @"LordEnki.9283" said:

> The word is it was manually closed even though Anet wouldn't manually open it. That's just the hearsay though,


If that's true, it's humiliatingly lulcompetent of them


> @"LordEnki.9283" said:

>Honestly I would transfer at this point, but I refuse to award Anet with more cash for ruining WvW constantly.


Amen brother, hope the preferred customers like them gemstore items. I resent the heck out of my traitlines being chosen for me by power creep marketing.


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> @"LordEnki.9283" said:

> The word is it was manually closed even though Anet wouldn't manually open it. That's just the hearsay though, so take it at a grain of salt. Expect this thread to be killed as a "match up" thread I'm sure. Honestly I would transfer at this point, but I refuse to award Anet with more cash for ruining WvW constantly.


yeah T.T

Anet hates JQ....

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It was open for roughly 20 hours. They quickly manually locked it.


Only took two months of basically last place activity, the entirety of EU and OCX to leave, and SEA to take a week break. Lol.


But while some guilds got completely screwed (who expects a manual lock in under 24 hours?) many guilds had their people transfer over quickly, so it isn’t that bad for the people still on JQ.

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> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> It was open for roughly 20 hours. They quickly manually locked it.


Can you link the official post in which Anet stated they "manually" locked it. Otherwise it seems like random forum worriors trying to look cool by claiming some inside information, only to post a roomer I started for fun yesterday as if it were fact today. And that is kind of sad.

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It became open, and then closed 20 hours later. Historically, every single sever goes under re-evals on Monday.


Either it was manually locked, or it shut itself off before the weekly re-evaluation happened.


They pretty much exclusively change server status on Mondays, so the fact that it closed Tuesday afternoon means they had (or the system automatically despite it never happening) changed something.

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