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Why not? New WvW Map like Ascend infinite Realm


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I'd love if they would expand/reimagine the obsidian sanctum area as a more useful WvW map. The jumping puzzle is great but I like the color scheme, and that it's basically an underground city. They could have a central keep... perhaps a labyrinth style approach to it that changes every 30 mins (but if you want you could blow the hell out of the walls with catapults and make a straight line in), and a bunch of side objectives...maybe keep the coliseum for those who want to WvW duel. They could do walled temples that if your team holds you get a MAP WIDE bonus that can be used in different situations depending on the length of time held.. like mirror portals to jump you quickly to other parts of the map (perhaps through a central room that connects all the mirrors). or say each tower you control will align the labyrinth more with your teams main keep... so you can run straight in rather than having to run back and forth to get in. upgrade Tactics could include having rolling boulders (which if activated would hurt anybody standing there) or spike ceilings that can be dropped (again no immunity for being on the same team). Just an idea.

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I remember when the game was new everybody was absolutely sure there was lots of new borderlands coming. Some guilds even cited lack of new maps as why they'd left.


Then HoT launched, and we found out swapping out a borderland required taking the game entirely offline... _there was never even a mechanic in place for map rotations_


Yet, I too like to dream

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I haven't played GW1 so I'm not too up on my dwarven lore in this setting, but I've played a lot of dungeons & dragons and have participated both in sieges and general combat in underground dwarven cities and the tunnels connecting them.

I actually got kind of excited when I saw the trailers for the desert borderland map because I really liked the design of the fire keep area.


A large underground city carved out of a mountain with lots of interconnecting tunnels connecting larger open areas is a concept for a map I'd really enjoy. But then that's the d&d in me.


~ Kovu

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> @"danserafim.7051" said:

> Anet, could u please create new wvw maps to randomize which week?

> Maybe one with air combat thematic, like A.I.R. (Ascent: Infinite Realm)... a type of Edge of the Mist with airships with cannons and all stuffs that already exist. Think bigger!!!!


I'd rather navel/water combat, that way I don't plummet to my death if I fall off the ship.. and, Falling slowly to your death on a glider is not an improvement over falling fast, it just prolongs the inevitable.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> I've played a lot of dungeons & dragons and have participated both in sieges and general combat in underground dwarven cities and the tunnels connecting them.


> A large underground city carved out of a mountain with lots of interconnecting tunnels connecting larger open areas is a concept for a map I'd really enjoy. But then that's the d&d in me.


> ~ Kovu


I know they're only thematically connected, but like you. I'm an old tabletopper in thrall to the devil (rip 80's closed mindedness) like you. And I gotta say Creative Assembly's Total War: Warhammer series triggers massive waves of nostalgia.

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> @"Link.1049" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > After the disaster of Desert borderland....I am pretty scared of how they might design any new maps.


> I actually loved the new borderlands...not the center piece, but the rest was great :) and better now.


Its better now, but good Lord what a mess it was at launch. However the fundamental fatal flaws exist. Navigation is still a pain, and the layout of objectives make the map essentially useless and lack any sense of progression. It is basically left to be a ktrain/eotm map.

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navigation is only a pain if you haven't practiced it...it's like throwing me in tangled depths...5 mins in and i want to destroy all things. I do wish they'd put a capture objective in the center area...but I like it... I particularly like how you can't just hole up in one objective and pound the hell out of the smaller objectives.

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> @"Link.1049" said:

> navigation is only a pain if you haven't practiced it...it's like throwing me in tangled depths...5 mins in and i want to destroy all things. I do wish they'd put a capture objective in the center area...but I like it... I particularly like how you can't just hole up in one objective and pound the hell out of the smaller objectives.


I've spent a lot of time on the map, both solo and with my guild. I didn't like it at launch and I don't like it now. It's just more...tolerable now. Alpine might be a little boring but its just so much better in many ways. I still prefer EB and SMC fights though.

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I love the optimism shown by the OP in that he thinks they have any maps lying around..when it's quite clear Deserted BL was adapted from a spare pve map where gliding would happen.


Eventually they finally let us glide in it, and the map is much better for it. It's still a terrible design (holding something has zero affect on anything else) but at least with gliding it makes it tolerable.


I very much doubt we'll see another wvw map this year- I'd love Anet to prove me wrong, but without a wvw dev team and no balance team for wvw it's very unlikely to happen.



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> @"Haadi.9764" said:

> Every other game now is trying to have their own version of WvW but Anet's doing nothing to spice things up. If this keeps up, our WvW population might start moving games.


> Inb4, 2018 will be the year of massive PvP/WvW/RvR games.


2017 was the Year of the Lootbox. 2018 might be the year of Games' Gambling Regulation... D:

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