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My personal opinions about the game


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@Haadi.9764: Easy to answer, Haadi. As I mentioned, playing WvW Tournaments were a goal, an objective, so new players knew there was a reason for joining and giving a chance to the game mode. After tournaments stopped being supported, WvW is played in a constant routine without a new goal, but the fun to fight in massive combats. Many players get bored after some time -we're talking this happening since three years ago, when last tournament happened-, and many left the game mode -or even the game!-. Without a real incentive that motivates the players to join, to refresh their interest, they literally stop playing it. This is something the community keeps requesting, and the reworked reward tracks tried to fix, but this isn't enough obviously. It's needed a bigger, more interesting goal, 'cos a big number of WvW players don't mind to collect mats or skins or whatever. We need **something more**.


@ThunderPanda.1872 and @Sovereign.1093: Thanks again. And yes, I had intention to post it in Reddit too, but for some reason, I couldn't log yesterday. I'll do it asap, more 'cos more players can read it -since official forums have been losing interest for the most of community.

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